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                      Junk Culture Dictionary of Argot

Compiled by Carcinogenic 'Nam Curse (aka: Agent Orange) and Tinman, from such books as "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess, "1984" by George Orwell, "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, "Neuromancer" by William Gibson, and various words created by Tinman and Agent Orange. Additional words by the users of Junk Culture BBS.

      Remember because our language is still growing if you have any words of

slang please e-mail Tinman of Junk Culture BBS and they will be included in the next updated version of the Argot Dictionary.

  • Edition [v1.4]*
 appy polly loggy = apology
 auger in (to auger in) = stumble in
 baboochka = old woman
 baddiwad = bad
 banda = band
 beamer = man-made satellite
 belteshaazar = excellent, really great!
 bezoomny = mad/crazy
 biblio = library
 bitva = battle
 blue suit = peace officer (policeman)
 bog = god
 bohica = Anal Sex
 bolnoy = sick
 bolshy = big, great
 breat, bratty = brother
 bratchny = bastard
 britva = razor
 brooko = belly
 brosay = to throw
 bugatty = rich
 bulge = penis
 bunk = muffy word meaning good
 cal = feces
 cancer = cigarette
 cantora = office
 carman = pocket
 chai = tea
 charles, charlie = chaplain
 chasha = cup
 cheena = woman
 cheest = to wash
 chelloveck = person, man, fellow
 chepooka = nonsense
 choodessny = wonderful
 chumble = to mumble
 clop = to knock
 cluve = beak
 collocoll = bell
 cowboy = professional computer hacker/cracker
 crack = to break up or "bust"
 crark = to yowl?
 crast = to steal or rob; robbery
 creech = to shout or scream
 cunthooks = fingers
 curse (the curse) = any computer related virus
 cutter = money
 dama = lady
 ded = old man
 deng = money
 devotchka = girl
 dobby = good
 dook = trace, ghost
 domy = house
 dorogoy = dear, valuable
 doubleplusgood = the best
 doublethink = If You Want To Know, then read "1984" -George Orwell
 draglay = the practice of robbing vehicles
 dratsing = fighting
 drencrom = drug
 droog, droogies = friend
 dung = to defecate
 dva = two
 eegra = game
 eemya = name
 eggiweg = egg
 fawnie = self seeking
 feelies = movies in which viewers can also feel the sensations occuring
 fence = runner of stolen goods
 ferret = spy
 filly = to play or fool with
 firegold = drink
 fist = to punch someone or something
 fist = second def.: the individual style of a hacker
 flip = wild
 flit = homosexual
 fly's eyes = spy satellite
 forella = fish
 gazetta = newspaper
 gimp = a lame or deformed person
 give her/him the time = to have sexual intercourse
 glazz = eye
 gloopy = stupid
 golly = unit of money
 goloss = voice
 goober = lip
 gooly = to walk
 gorlo = throat
 govoreet = to speak or talk
 grahzny = dirty
 grazzy = soiled
 gromky = loud
 groody = breast
 gruppa = group
 guff = guffaw
 gulliver = head
 guttiwuts = guts
 hair of the dog = drink of alcohol
 heft = to be erect (sexually)
 heing = copulating
 hen-korm = chickenfeed
 horn = to cry out
 horrorshow = good, well
 hykur = very strong human male
 in-out in-out = copulation
 interessovat = to interest
 itty = to go
 jammiwam = jam
 jeezny = life
 jym-bob = a derogatory remark
 kartoffel = potato
 keeshkas = guts
 kleb = bread
 klooge = a makeshift device
 klootch = key
 knopka = button
 kopat = to "dig"
 koshka = cat
 kot = tomcat
 krovvy = blood
 kupet = to buy
 lapa = paw
 leaping houses = whore houses
 leo = peace officer (policeman)
 lewdies = people
 lighter = crone
 litso = face
 lomtick = piece, bit
 loveted = caught
 lubbilubbing = making love
 luscious glory = hair
 malchick = boy
 malenky = little, tiny
 maslo = butter
 merzky = filthy
 messel = thought, fancy
 mesto = place
 millicent = policeman
 minoota = minute
 molodoy = young
 moloko = milk
 moodge = man
 morder = snout
 mounch = snack
 mozg = brain
 nachinat = to begin
 nadmenny = arrogant
 nadsat = teenager
 naffy time = breakfast time
 nagoy = naked
 nazz = fool
 neezhnies = underpants
 nochy = night
 noga = foot, leg
 nozh = knife
 N-Rom = Neurological Read-Only Memory
 nuking = smelling
 oddy knocky = lonesome
 odin = one
 okno = window
 on-the-fly = queue dialing multiple BBSs
 oobivat = to kill
 ookadeet = to leave
 ooko = ear
 oomny = brainy
 oozhassny = terrible
 oozy = chain
 osoosh = to wipe
 otchkies = eyeglasses
 pan-handle = erection
 pawl (to pawl) = to check on something
 pax! = shut up!
 pee and em = father and mother, (respectively)
 peet = to drink
 peeve = to drink
 pink tea = a very formal social affair
 pischcha = food
 platch = to cry
 platties = clothes
 pleb = person with a low intelligence
 pletcho = shoulder
 plenny = prisoner
 plesk = splash
 plosh = to splash
 plott = body
 plusgood = really good
 plusungood = really bad
 podooshka = pillow
 pol = sex
 polezny = useful
 polyclef = skeleton key
 pony = to understand
 poogly = frightened
 pooshka = "cannon"
 prestoopnik = criminal
 privodeet = to lead somewhere
 pretty polly = money
 prod = to produce
 prolefeed = propaganda
 psywar = use of propaganda to gain support for one's own side
 ptitsa = "chick"
 pump = copulation
 pyahnitsa = drunk
 rabbit = work, job
 pradosty = joy
 rassoodock = mind
 raz = time
 razdraz = upset
 rook, rooker = hand, arm
 rot = mouth
 rozz = policeman
 sabog = shoe
 sack = alcohol
 sakar = sugar
 sammy = generous
 sarky = sarcastic
 scoteena = "cow"
 sexcrime = pleasureful sex
 sexpiece = penis
 shaika = gang
 sharp = female
 sharries = buttocks
 sheing = copulating
 shest = barrier
 shikker = drunk
 shilarny = concern
 shive = slice
 shiyah = neck
 shlem = helmet
 shlaga = club
 shlapa = hat
 shoom = noise
 shoot = fool
 sinny = cinema
 skolliwoll = school
 skorry = quick, quickly
 skriking = scratching
 skvat = to grab
 sladky = sweet
 slib = prostitute
 sloochat = to happen
 slosh, slosshy = to hear, to listen
 slovo = word
 smeck = laugh
 smot = to look
 sneety = dream
 snoutie = tobacco?
 snuff it = to die
 sobirat = to pick up
 sod = to fornicate, fornicator
 soomka = "bag"
 soviet = advice, order
 spat = to sleep
 spatchka = sleep
 splodge, splosh = splash
 spoogy = terrified
 sprawl = a megalopolis
 spunk = brave
 staja = State Jail
 starry = ancient
 stiver = small standard of value/almost worthless
 strack = horror
 synthemesc = drug (synthetic mescaline)
 take a toss = to copulate
 tally = waist
 tashtook = handkerchief
 tass = cup
 thou = you
 timmie = coward
 tolchock = to hit, push, or beat
 toofles = slippers
 tox = poisonous
 tree = three
 trip = a post
 ultraviolence = ultraviolence
 ungood = bad
 urinarium = restroom (bathroom)
 vag = tramp/bum/homeless person
 vareet = to "cook up", plan
 vaysay = washroom
 veck = person, man, fellow (see chelloveck)
 vellocet = drug
 veshch = thing
 viddy = to see or look
 voloss = hair
 von = smell
 vor = vaginal oriface
 vred = to harm or damage
 wuzzy = mean/cruel/not nice
 yahma = hole
 yahoodies = Jewish people (not meant to be derogatory)
 yabzick = tongue
 yarbles = testicles
 yeckate = to drive
 warble = sing
 zammechat = remarkable
 zasnoot = sleep
 zheena = wife
 zizzy = sleep
 zoobies = teeth
 zvonock = bellpull
 zvook = sound
      The following exerpt has been taken directly from the book "1984" by

George Owell. It describes parts of speech that can be directly used with words in the preceding dictionary.

   "...The grammar of Newspeak had two outstanding peculiarities. The first

of these was an almost complete interchangeability between different parts of speech. Any word in the language (in principle this applied even to very abstract words such as "if" or "when") could be used either as verb, noun, adjective, or adverb. Between the verb and the noun form, when they were of the same root, there was never any variation, this rule of itself involving the destruction of many archaic forms. The word thought, for example, did not exist in Newspeak. Its place was taken by think, which did duty for both noun and verb. No etymological principle was involved here; in some cases it was the original noun that was chosen for retention, in other cases the verb. Even where a noun and verb of kindred meaning were not etymologically connected, one or other of them was frequently suppressed. There was, for example, no such word as cut, its meaning being sufficiently covered by the noun-verb "knife." Adjectives were formed by adding the suffix "-ful" to the noun-verb, and adverbs by adding "-wise." Thus, for example, "speedful" meant "rapid" and speedwise meant "quickly." Certain of our present-day adjectives, such as good, strong, big, black, soft, were retained, but their total number was very small. There was little need for them, since almost any adjectival meaning could be arrived at by adding "-ful" to a noun-verb. None of the now-existing adverbs was retained, except for a very few already ending in "-wise;" the -"wise" termination was invariable. The word "well," for example, was replaced by "goodwise."

      In addition, any word--this again applied in principle to every word

in the language–could be negatived by adding the the affix "un-", or could be strengthened by the affix "plus-", or for still greater emphasis "doubleplus-." Thus, for example, uncold meant warm, while pluscold and doublepluscold meant, respectively, very cold and superlatively cold. It was also possible, as in present-day English, to modify the meaning of almost any word by prepositional affixes such as "ante-," "post-," "up-," "down-," etc. By such methods it was found possible to bring about an enormous diminution of vocabulary. Given, for instance, the word "good" there was no need for such a word as "bad," since the required meaning was equally well–indeed, better–expressed by "ungood." All that was necessary, in any case where two words formed a natural pair of opposites was to decide which of them to suppress. "Dark" for example, could be replaced by "unlight," or "light" by "undark," according to preference.

      The second distinguishing mark of Newspeak grammar was its regularity.

Subject to a few exceptions which are mentioned below, all inflections followed the same rules. Thus, in all verbs the preterite and the past participle were the same and ended in "-ed." The preterite of steal was throughout the language, all such forms as "swam," "gave," "brought," "spoke," "taken," etc., being abolished. All plurals were made by adding "-s" or "-es" as the case might be. The plurals of "man," "ox," "life" were "mans," "oxes, "lifes." Comparison of adjectives was invariably made by adding "-er," "-est," (good, gooder, goodest), irregular forms and the "more," "most" formation being suppressed.

      The only classes of words that were still allowed to inflect

irregularly were the pronouns, the relatives, the demonstrative adjectives, and the auxiliary verbs. All of these followed their ancient usage, except that "whom" had been scrapped as unnecessary, and the "shall," "should" tenses had been dropped, all their uses being covered by "will" and "would." There were also certain irregularities in word formation arising out of the need for rapid and easy speech. A word which was difficult to utter, or was liable to be incorrectly heard, was held to be ipso facto a bad word; occasionally therefore, for the sake of euphony, extra letters were inserted into a word or an archaic formation was retained. But this need made itself felt chiefly in connection with the B vocabulary. Why so great an importance was attached to ease of pronunciation will be made clear later in this essay.

      This was an excerpt of the book "1984" by George Orwell it is in the

appendix of the book, entitled "The Principles of Newspeak." This is part of the explanation of the "A" vocabulary of Newspeak.

      ^^                                                           ^^
      ^^                 Junk Culture Hallucination                ^^
      ^^                       xe0nsun ration                      ^^
      ^^                                                           ^^
      ^^ Junk Culture: (415)930-6786: 300-2400 bauds: 24hrs/night  ^^
      ^^                                                           ^^
      ^^Sysops: Tinman & Carcinogenic 'Nam Curse(aka: Agent Orange)^^
      ^^                                                           ^^
      ^^                         --Staff--                         ^^
      ^^       The Black Avenger, Anonymous Lumberjack, Nuker,     ^^
      ^^            Anonymous Rebel, Kathleen, Matt Frick          ^^
      ^^                                                           ^^
      ^^              "I can't explain myself, I'm                 ^^
      ^^              afraid, sir, because I'm not                 ^^
      ^^              myself, you see."                            ^^
      ^^                                  -Lewis Carroll           ^^
      ^^                                                           ^^
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