Network Working Group D. Cridland Request for Comments: 5524 Isode Limited Category: Standards Track May 2009

          Extended URLFETCH for Binary and Converted Parts

Status of This Memo

 This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
 Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
 improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
 Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
 and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

 Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
 document authors.  All rights reserved.
 This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
 Provisions Relating to IETF Documents in effect on the date of
 publication of this document (
 Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
 and restrictions with respect to this document.


 The URLFETCH command defined as part of URLAUTH provides a mechanism
 for third parties to gain access to data held within messages in a
 user's private store; however, this data is sent verbatim, which is
 not suitable for a number of applications.  This memo specifies a
 method for obtaining data in forms suitable for non-mail

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Table of Contents

 1. Introduction ....................................................2
 2. Conventions Used in This Document ...............................2
 3. Extended URLFETCH ...............................................2
    3.1. Command Parameters .........................................3
    3.2. Response Metadata ..........................................3
 4. Example Exchanges ...............................................4
 5. Formal Syntax ...................................................6
 6. IANA Considerations .............................................7
 7. Security Considerations .........................................7
 8. Acknowledgements ................................................7
 9. References ......................................................8
    9.1. Normative References .......................................8
    9.2. Informative References .....................................8

1. Introduction

 Although [URLAUTH] provides a URLFETCH command that can be used to
 dereference a URL and return the body-part data, it does so by
 returning the encoded form, without sufficient metadata to decode.
 This is suitable for use in mail applications such as [BURL], where
 the encoded form is suitable, but not where access to the actual
 content is required, such as in [STREAMING].
 This memo specifies a mechanism that returns additional metadata
 about the part, such as its [MEDIATYPE] type, as well as removes any
 content transfer encoding that was used on the body part.

2. Conventions Used in This Document

 The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
 document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [KEYWORDS].
 Protocol examples are line-wrapped for clarity.  Protocol strings are
 prefixed with C: and S: for client and server respectively, and
 elided data is represented by [...].  Implementors should note these
 notations are for editorial clarity only.

3. Extended URLFETCH

 This extension is available in any IMAP server implementation that
 includes URLAUTH=BINARY within its capability string.
 Such servers accept additional, per-URL parameters to the URLFETCH
 command and will provide, upon request, specific data for each URL

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3.1. Command Parameters

 The URLFETCH command is extended by the provision of optional
 parameters.  The extended URLFETCH command is distinct by enclosing
 each URL and associated parameters in a parenthesized list.  Cases
 where there is an absence of any parameters or where the URL is sent
 unenclosed cause the command to behave precisely as specified in
 Similarly, if the URL is invalid, the command will behave precisely
 as specified in [URLAUTH] and return a simple NIL.
 Available parameters are:
    BODYPARTSTRUCTURE is defined in [CONVERT] and provides metadata
    useful for processing applications, such as the type of data.
    Provide the data without any Content-Transfer-Encoding.
    In particular, this means that the data MAY contain NUL octets and
    not be formed from textual lines.  Data containing NUL octets MUST
    be transferred using the literal8 syntax defined in [BINARY].
    Provide the data as-is.
    This will provide the same data as the unextended [URLAUTH] as a
    metadata item.
 Metadata items MUST NOT appear more than once per URL requested, and
 clients MUST NOT request both BINARY and BODY.

3.2. Response Metadata

 In order to carry any requested metadata and provide additional
 information to the consumer, the URLFETCH response is similarly
 Following the URL itself, servers will include a series of
 parenthesized metadata elements.  Defined metadata elements are as

Cridland Standards Track [Page 3] RFC 5524 URLFETCH Binary May 2009

    The BODYPARTSTRUCTURE provides information about the data
    contained in the response, as it has been returned.  It will
    reflect any conversions or decoding that have taken place.  In
    particular, this will show an identity encoding if BINARY is also
    The BINARY item provides the content, without any content transfer
    encoding applied.  If this is not possible (for example, the
    content transfer encoding is unknown to the server), then this MAY
    contain NIL.  Servers MUST understand all identity content
    transfer encodings defined in [MIME], as well as the
    transformation encodings "Base64" [BASE64] and "Quoted-Printable"
    The BODY item provides the content as found in the message, with
    any content transfer encoding still applied.  Requesting only the
    BODY will provide equivalent functionality to the unextended
    [URLAUTH], however, using the extended syntax described herein.
 Note that unlike [CONVERT], BODYPARTSTRUCTURE is not appended with
 the part specifier, as this is implicit in the URL.

4. Example Exchanges

 A client requests the data with no content transfer encoding.
    C: A001 URLFETCH  ("imap://;uid=20/;
       91354a473744909de610943775f92038" BINARY)
    S: * URLFETCH "imap://;uid=20/;
       91354a473744909de610943775f92038" (BINARY {28}
    S: Si vis pacem, para bellum.
    S: )
    S: A001 OK URLFETCH completed
 Note that the data here does not contain a NUL octet; therefore, a
 literal -- not literal8 -- syntax has been used.
 A client again requests data with no content transfer encoding, but
 this time requests the body structure.

Cridland Standards Track [Page 4] RFC 5524 URLFETCH Binary May 2009

    C: A001 URLFETCH  ("imap://;uid=20/;
       ae354a473744909de610943775f92038" BINARY BODYPARTSTRUCTURE)
    S: * URLFETCH "imap://;uid=20/;
       ae354a473744909de610943775f92038" (BODYPARTSTRUCTURE
       ("IMAGE" "PNG" () NIL NIL "BINARY" 123)) (BINARY ~{123}
    S: [123 octets of data, some of which is NUL])
    S: A001 OK URLFETCH completed
 A client requests only the body structure.
    C: A001 URLFETCH  ("imap://;uid=20/;
       ae354a473744909de610943775f92038" BODYPARTSTRUCTURE)
    S: * URLFETCH "imap://;uid=20/;
       ae354a473744909de610943775f92038" (BODYPARTSTRUCTURE
       ("IMAGE" "PNG" () NIL NIL "BASE64" 164))
    S: A001 OK URLFETCH completed
 A client requests the body structure and the original content.
    C: A001 URLFETCH  ("imap://;uid=20/;
       ae354a473744909de610943775f92038" BODYPARTSTRUCTURE BODY)
    S: * URLFETCH "imap://;uid=20/;
       ae354a473744909de610943775f92038" (BODYPARTSTRUCTURE
       ("IMAGE" "PNG" () NIL NIL "BASE64" 164)) (BODY {164}
    S: [164 octets of base64 encoded data])
    S: A001 OK URLFETCH completed
 Some parts cannot be decoded, so the server will provide the
 BODYPARTSTRUCTURE of the part as is and provide NIL for the binary
    C: A001 URLFETCH ("imap://;uid=20/;
       87ecbd02095b815e699503fc20d869c8" BODYPARTSTRUCTURE BINARY)
    S: * URLFETCH "imap://;uid=20/;
       87ecbd02095b815e699503fc20d869c8" (BODYPARTSTRUCTURE
       ("IMAGE" "PNG" () NIL NIL "X-BLURDYBLOOP" 123))
       (BINARY NIL)
    S: A001 OK URLFETCH completed

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 If a part simply doesn't exist, however, or the URI is invalid for
 some other reason, then NIL is returned instead of metadata:
    C: A001 URLFETCH ("imap://;uid=20/;
       88066d37e2e5410e1a6486350a8836ee" BODYPARTSTRUCTURE BODY)
    S: * URLFETCH "imap://;uid=20/;
       88066d37e2e5410e1a6486350a8836ee" NIL
    S: A001 OK URLFETCH completed

5. Formal Syntax

 This formal syntax uses ABNF as specified in [ABNF], and includes
 productions defined in [URLAUTH], [BINARY], and [IMAP].
 capability       =/ "URLAUTH=BINARY"
    ; Command parameters; see Section 3.1
 urlfetch         =  "URLFETCH" 1*(SP url-fetch-arg)
 url-fetch-arg    =  url-fetch-simple / url-fetch-ext
 url-fetch-simple =  url-full
    ; Unextended URLFETCH.
 url-fetch-ext    =  "(" url-full *(SP url-fetch-param) ")"
    ; If no url-fetch-param present, as unextended.
 url-fetch-param  =  "BODY" / "BINARY" / "BODYPARTSTRUCTURE" / atom
    ; Response; see Section 3.2
 urlfetch-data    =  "*" SP "URLFETCH"
                     1*(SP (urldata-simple / urldata-ext /
 urldata-error    =  SP url-full SP nil
 urldata-simple   =  SP url-full SP nstring
    ; If client issues url-fetch-simple, server MUST respond with
    ; urldata-simple.
 urldata-ext      =  SP url-full url-metadata
 url-metadata     =  1*(SP "(" url-metadata-el ")")

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 url-metadata-el  =  url-meta-bodystruct / url-meta-body /
 url-meta-bodystruct   =  "BODYPARTSTRUCTURE" SP body
 url-meta-binary       =  "BINARY" SP ( nstring / literal8 )
    ; If content contains a NUL octet, literal8 MUST be used.
    ; Otherwise, content SHOULD use nstring.
    ; On decoding error, NIL should be used.
 url-meta-body         =  "BODY" SP nstring

6. IANA Considerations

 IMAP4 capabilities are registered by publishing a Standards Track or
 IESG-approved Experimental RFC.
 This document defines the URLFETCH=BINARY IMAP capability.  IANA has
 added it to the registry accordingly.

7. Security Considerations

 Implementors are directed to the security considerations within
 The ability of the holder of a URL to be able to fetch metadata about
 the content pointed to by the URL as well as the content itself
 allows a potential attacker to discover more about the content than
 was previously possible, including its original filename and user-
 supplied description.
 The additional value of this information to an attacker is marginal,
 and applies only to those URLs for which the attacker does not have
 direct access, such as those produced by [URLAUTH].  Implementors are
 therefore directed to the security considerations present in

8. Acknowledgements

 Comments were received on this idea and/or document from Neil Cook,
 Philip Guenther, Alexey Melnikov, Ken Murchison, and others.  Whether
 in agreement or dissent, the comments have refined and otherwise
 influenced this document.

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9. References

9.1. Normative References

 [ABNF]       Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, January 2008.
 [BASE64]     Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
              Encodings", RFC 4648, October 2006.
 [BINARY]     Nerenberg, L., "IMAP4 Binary Content Extension",
              RFC 3516, April 2003.
 [CONVERT]    Melnikov, A. and P. Coates, "Internet Message Access
              Protocol - CONVERT Extension", RFC 5259, July 2008.
              4rev1", RFC 3501, March 2003.
 [KEYWORDS]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
 [MIME]       Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
              Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message
              Bodies", RFC 2045, November 1996.
 [URLAUTH]    Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) -
              URLAUTH Extension", RFC 4467, May 2006.

9.2. Informative References

 [BURL]       Newman, C., "Message Submission BURL Extension",
              RFC 4468, May 2006.
 [MEDIATYPE]  Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
              Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", RFC 2046,
              November 1996.
 [STREAMING]  Cook, N., "Streaming Internet Messaging Attachments",
              Work in Progress, March 2009.

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Author's Address

 Dave Cridland
 Isode Limited
 5 Castle Business Village
 36, Station Road
 Hampton, Middlesex  TW12 2BX

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