USING TSO AT CCN
  IBM's Time Sharing Option ("TSO") is now available at CCN for use via

the Network with Telnet Protocol. TSO is not yet considered "production" by CCN, since there are a number of restrictions and glitches to be removed or documented. However, TSO is now quite stable and is up on a regularly scheduled basis; the system will allow an experienced programmer to work productively at CCN. To use TSO, you will need a valid CCN charge (billing) number, and a user-id. To obtain a charge number (if you do not already have one), or to obtain a TSO user-id, contact Barbara Noble at (213) 825-7438 or (213) 825-7452. At present we are not charging for TSO use (although any batch jobs submitted from TSO will be charged to your account). Barbara can assign on overhead charge number for experimental use of TSO if you do not have a paid account.

Modes of TSO Use

  (1)  Conversational Remote Job Entry
       Using TSO you can prepare an OS job stream using the TSO EDIT command,
       SUBMIT the job to batch execution, monitor its STATUS, and ship the
       OUTPUT back to EDIT for examination.  This allows those of you with
       TIP'S to process jobs at CCN without using NETRJS via a friendly
       TENEX machine.  Any batch job can be submitted this way.
  (2)  Foreground Execution
       Many OS/360 programs can be run, with varying degrees of inconvenience,
       directly from the terminal.  There are TSO commands providing the
       facilities of EXEC and DD cards; the output stream can be directed to
       the user's terminal.  There are some important limitations to fore-
       ground operation, however:
            (1)  The foreground region size is limited; at present, it is
                 128K, though this will be expanded.
                                                              [Page 1]
            (2)  All datasets referenced must be on resident disk packs;
                 no disks or tapes can be mounted.
            (3)  Since you are time-sliced and swapped, it can be very
  There are two important cases of foreground execution:
       (A)  The TEST command provides DDT-like debugging capability
            for foreground programs.
       (B)  The user's own program can interact with his terminal.

NOTE: It is not yet possible for a program, either in batch or foreground,

     to open direct Network connections.

Hours of Operation

   Monday through Friday, 6 A.M. - Noon PDT (or 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. EDT).
   These hours will be extended before September 1, 1972.

Telnet Protocol

   describes the use of a Telnet NVT to access TSO.  There are some signi-
   ficant differences from using a real 2741 locally.  RFC #377 describes
   the current server Telnet, complete with an annoying bug.  A later
   version will include the following capabilities not presently available:
        (a)  "FULL DUPLEX", i.e., CCN echoing.
        (b)  Lower case input.
        (c)  The special character translation included in NETRJS
             users with Model 33 Teletypes. (see RFC #338).
        (d)  Optional specification of single CR or single LF as end-of-line
        (e)  Hopefully, the input attention bug described in RFC #377 will
             be fixed.
                                                              [Page 2]

Disk Space

   TSO will automatically place datasets created in the foreground (e.g., by
   EDIT or ALLOC) on the proper resident disk pack.  All TSO datasets are
   cataloged, and can be referenced by name alone (no volume or unit specifi-
   cation is necessary).  For most purposes, you can pretend we have one big
   disk.                                                             --- ---

Dataset Names

   The standard IBM version of TSO uses the TSO user-id as the highest
   index of each dataset name.  At CCN, the _two_ highest levels are the
   charge number and the user-id of the person who created the dataset.
   TSO has been modified accordingly.

Dataset Access Control

   In general, under TSO a user can access for reading, writing, or
   execution any dataset named with the charge number with which he is
   logged on.  In addition, he can rename or scratch any dataset with the
   logon charge number.  There is no provision for public or read-only
   datasets a present.

Logging On

   Most Network users will need only the simple form of LOGON:
                 logon     <user-id>
   EXAMPLE:                         NOTES:
   -------                          -----
        user:  logon uid            (Use your user-id)
        TSO:   LOGON UID            (TSO repeats line for reasons of its own)
        TSO:  ENTER PASSWORD        (TSO asks for password)
        user:  xyz
        TSO:  UID LOGON IN PROGRESS AT 11:37:43 ON AUGUST 9, 1984
                                                              [Page 3]
        TSO:  LOGON PROCEEDING      (It may take a while.  This message will
                                    come every 30 seconds.)
        TSO:  READY
   User-id's are created in TSO with a blank password.  To add or change your
   password, use the CHANGE command.  If you have TSO access under more than
   one charge number, LOGON will prompt you for the charge number to be used
   for the session.

Where to Get Help

  1.  To obtain a list of TSO commands enter:  "help commands"
  2.  To get detailed information on syntax and function of a particular
      command, enter: "help <command name> <qualifiers>"
      Type "help help" for details.
  3.  The SEND command may be useful for on-line help from PCN (Pete Nielsen)
      or WDD (Bill Drain), when they are signed on.  You can find out if PCN
      or WDD is on by sending them a trial message.
             User:  send 'hello' user(wdd)
             TSO:   USER WDD NOT LOGGED ON
             TSO:   READY
             user:  send 'hello' user(pcn)
             TSO:   READY
             user:  send 'edit is acting funny' user(pcn)
             TSO:   READY
      Here "PCN" was logged on and got your message.  You can, therefore,
      converse with him through SEND.  The text in one SEND is limited to
      115 characters.
  4.  You can also leave a message for wdd to receive when he logs on by
      typing:  send '<message>' user(wdd) logon.
                                                              [Page 4]
  5.  To send a message to the CCN operator, enter simply:  send '<message>'
  6.  You can call the CCN Telephone Consultant at (213) 825-7452, Monday
      through Friday during the hours 10-12 A.M. PDT and 1-4 P.M. (except
      3-4 P.M. on Thursday).  If the consultant does not know the answer,
      he/she will investigate and call you back.
  7.  You can call the general contact for Network user problems, Barbara
      Noble, at (213) 825-7438.  Barbara is also one of the Telephone
  8.  If all else fails, call Bill Drain, the CCN Systems Programmer in
      charge of TSO installation.  His telephone is (213) 825-7474 (if no
      answer, call my secretary at (213) 825-7518 and leave a message for
  9.  You can also send a message to someone at CCN by submitting the
      following pseudo-job through RJS at TSO:
                 //<charge number>  JOB 'BIN=9906',MSGLASS=C
                 //*  <message>
     [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
     [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
     [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                      1/97 ]
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