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Network Working Group D. McDonald Request for Comments: 1751 NRL Category: Informational December 1994

            A Convention for Human-Readable 128-bit Keys

Status of this Memo

 This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
 does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
 the memo is unlimited.


 The Internet community has begun to address matters of security.
 Recent standards, including version 2 of SNMP [GM93], have explicit
 requirements for an authentication mechanism.  These require use of a
 keyed message-digest algorithm, MD5 [Riv92], with a key size of 128-
 bits.  A 128-bit key, while sufficiently strong, is hard for most
 people to read, remember, and type in.  This memo proposes a
 convention for use with Internet applications & protocols using 128-
 bit cryptographic keys.

A Solution Already Exists

 The S/Key(tm) one-time password system [Hal94] uses MD4 (and now MD5,
 as well) to compute one-time passwords.  It takes the 128-bit result
 of MD4 and collapses it to a 64-bit result.  Despite the size
 reduction, 64-bit one-time passwords are still difficult for ordinary
 people to remember and enter.  The authors of S/Key devised a system
 to make the 64-bit one-time password easy for people to enter.
 Their idea was to transform the password into a string of small
 English words.  English words are significantly easier for people to
 both remember and type.  The authors of S/Key started with a
 dictionary of 2048 English words, ranging in length from one to four
 characters.  The space covered by a 64-bit key (2^64) could be
 covered by six words from this dictionary (2^66) with room remaining
 for parity.  For example, an S/Key one-time password of hex value:
                          EB33 F77E E73D 4053
 would become the following six English words:
                     TIDE ITCH SLOW REIN RULE MOT

McDonald [Page 1] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

 Because of the need for interoperability, it is undesirable to have
 different dictionaries for different languages.  Also, the current
 dictionary only uses characters from the invariant portion of ISO-
 646.  Finally, there is an installed base of users and applications
 with this dictionary.

The Proposal

 The code (see Appendix A) which S/Key uses to convert 64-bit numbers
 to six English words contains two primitives which perform
 conversions either way.  The primitive btoe(char *engout,char *c)
 takes a 64-bit quantity referenced by c and places English words in
 the string referenced by engout.  The primitive etob(char *out,char
 *e) performs the opposite with an input string of English words
 referenced by e, and by placing the 64-bit result into the buffer
 referenced by out.
 The aforementioned primitives can be applied to both halves of a
 128-bit key, or both halves of a string of twelve English words.  Two
 new primitives (see Appendix B), key2eng(char *engout,char *key) and
 eng2key(char *keyout,char *eng) serve as wrappers which call the
 S/Key primitives twice, once for each half of the 128-bit key or
 string of twelve words.
 For example, the 128-bit key of:
                CCAC 2AED 5910 56BE 4F90 FD44 1C53 4766
 would become
 Likewise, a user should be able to type in
 as a key, and the machine should make the translation to:
                EFF8 1F9B FBC6 5350 920C DD74 16DE 8009
 If this proposal is to work, it is critical that the dictionary of
 English words does not change with different implementations.  A
 freely redistributable reference implementation is given in
 Appendices A and B.

McDonald [Page 2] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

Security Considerations

 This document recommends a method of representing 128-bit keys using
 strings of English words.  Since the strings of English words are
 easy to remember, people may potentially construct easy-to-guess
 strings of English words.  With easy-to-guess strings comes the
 possibility of a sentential equivalent of a dictionary attack.  In
 order to maximize the strength of any authentication mechanism that
 uses 128-bit keys, the keys must be sufficiently obscure.  In
 particular, people should avoid the temptation to devise sentences.


 S/Key is a registered trademark of Bell Communications Research.
 Thanks to Randall Atkinson for the bulk of the security
 considerations section, and for general advice.  Thanks to Phil Karn
 and Neil Haller for producing the S/Key one-time password system,
 which inspired this document.


 [GM93]  Galvin, J. and K. McCloghrie, "Security Protocols for version
 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1446,
 Trusted Information Systems, Hughes LAN Systems, April 1993.
 [Hal94]  Haller, N., "The S/Key(tm) One-Time Password System",
 Proceedings of the Symposium on Network & Distributed Systems
 Security, Internet Society, San Diego, February 1994.
 [Riv92]  Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321,
 MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and RSA Data Security, Inc.,
 April 1992.

Author's Address

 Daniel L. McDonald
 United States Naval Research Laboratory
 Code 5544
 4555 Overlook Ave. SW
 Washington, DC 20375
 Phone:  (202) 404-7122

McDonald [Page 3] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

Appendix A - Source for S/Key 8-bytes to/from Words Routines (put.c)

/* This code originally appeared in the source for S/Key(TM), * available in the directory * * * It has been modified only to remove explicit S/Key(TM) references. */

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h>

#ifdef STDC #define ARGS(x) x #else #define ARGS(x) () #endif

static unsigned long extract ARGS1); static void standard ARGS2); static void insert ARGS3); static int wsrch ARGS4);

/* Dictionary for integer-word translations */ char Wp[2048][4] = { "A", "ABE", "ACE", "ACT", "AD", "ADA", "ADD", "AGO", "AID", "AIM", "AIR", "ALL", "ALP", "AM", "AMY", "AN", "ANA", "AND", "ANN", "ANT", "ANY", "APE", "APS", "APT", "ARC", "ARE", "ARK", "ARM", "ART", "AS", "ASH", "ASK", "AT", "ATE", "AUG", "AUK", "AVE", "AWE", "AWK", "AWL", "AWN", "AX", "AYE", "BAD", "BAG", "BAH", "BAM", "BAN", "BAR", "BAT", "BAY", "BE", "BED", "BEE", "BEG", "BEN", "BET", "BEY", "BIB", "BID", "BIG", "BIN", "BIT", "BOB", "BOG", "BON", "BOO", "BOP", "BOW", "BOY", "BUB", "BUD", "BUG", "BUM", "BUN", "BUS", "BUT", "BUY", "BY", "BYE", "CAB", "CAL", "CAM", "CAN", "CAP", "CAR", "CAT", "CAW", "COD", "COG", "COL", "CON", "COO", "COP", "COT", "COW", "COY", "CRY", "CUB", "CUE", "CUP", "CUR", "CUT", "DAB", "DAD", "DAM", "DAN", "DAR", "DAY", "DEE", "DEL", "DEN", "DES", "DEW", "DID", "DIE", "DIG", "DIN", "DIP", "DO", "DOE", "DOG", "DON", "DOT", "DOW", "DRY", "DUB", "DUD", "DUE", "DUG", "DUN", "EAR", "EAT", "ED", "EEL", "EGG", "EGO", "ELI", "ELK", "ELM", "ELY", "EM", "END", "EST", "ETC", "EVA", "EVE", "EWE", "EYE", "FAD", "FAN", "FAR", "FAT", "FAY", "FED", "FEE", "FEW", "FIB", "FIG", "FIN", "FIR", "FIT", "FLO", "FLY", "FOE", "FOG", "FOR", "FRY", "FUM", "FUN", "FUR", "GAB", "GAD", "GAG", "GAL", "GAM", "GAP", "GAS", "GAY", "GEE", "GEL", "GEM", "GET", "GIG", "GIL", "GIN", "GO", "GOT", "GUM", "GUN", "GUS", "GUT", "GUY", "GYM", "GYP", "HA", "HAD", "HAL", "HAM", "HAN", "HAP", "HAS", "HAT", "HAW", "HAY", "HE", "HEM", "HEN", "HER", "HEW", "HEY", "HI", "HID", "HIM", "HIP", "HIS", "HIT",

McDonald [Page 4] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

"HO", "HOB", "HOC", "HOE", "HOG", "HOP", "HOT", "HOW", "HUB", "HUE", "HUG", "HUH", "HUM", "HUT", "I", "ICY", "IDA", "IF", "IKE", "ILL", "INK", "INN", "IO", "ION", "IQ", "IRA", "IRE", "IRK", "IS", "IT", "ITS", "IVY", "JAB", "JAG", "JAM", "JAN", "JAR", "JAW", "JAY", "JET", "JIG", "JIM", "JO", "JOB", "JOE", "JOG", "JOT", "JOY", "JUG", "JUT", "KAY", "KEG", "KEN", "KEY", "KID", "KIM", "KIN", "KIT", "LA", "LAB", "LAC", "LAD", "LAG", "LAM", "LAP", "LAW", "LAY", "LEA", "LED", "LEE", "LEG", "LEN", "LEO", "LET", "LEW", "LID", "LIE", "LIN", "LIP", "LIT", "LO", "LOB", "LOG", "LOP", "LOS", "LOT", "LOU", "LOW", "LOY", "LUG", "LYE", "MA", "MAC", "MAD", "MAE", "MAN", "MAO", "MAP", "MAT", "MAW", "MAY", "ME", "MEG", "MEL", "MEN", "MET", "MEW", "MID", "MIN", "MIT", "MOB", "MOD", "MOE", "MOO", "MOP", "MOS", "MOT", "MOW", "MUD", "MUG", "MUM", "MY", "NAB", "NAG", "NAN", "NAP", "NAT", "NAY", "NE", "NED", "NEE", "NET", "NEW", "NIB", "NIL", "NIP", "NIT", "NO", "NOB", "NOD", "NON", "NOR", "NOT", "NOV", "NOW", "NU", "NUN", "NUT", "O", "OAF", "OAK", "OAR", "OAT", "ODD", "ODE", "OF", "OFF", "OFT", "OH", "OIL", "OK", "OLD", "ON", "ONE", "OR", "ORB", "ORE", "ORR", "OS", "OTT", "OUR", "OUT", "OVA", "OW", "OWE", "OWL", "OWN", "OX", "PA", "PAD", "PAL", "PAM", "PAN", "PAP", "PAR", "PAT", "PAW", "PAY", "PEA", "PEG", "PEN", "PEP", "PER", "PET", "PEW", "PHI", "PI", "PIE", "PIN", "PIT", "PLY", "PO", "POD", "POE", "POP", "POT", "POW", "PRO", "PRY", "PUB", "PUG", "PUN", "PUP", "PUT", "QUO", "RAG", "RAM", "RAN", "RAP", "RAT", "RAW", "RAY", "REB", "RED", "REP", "RET", "RIB", "RID", "RIG", "RIM", "RIO", "RIP", "ROB", "ROD", "ROE", "RON", "ROT", "ROW", "ROY", "RUB", "RUE", "RUG", "RUM", "RUN", "RYE", "SAC", "SAD", "SAG", "SAL", "SAM", "SAN", "SAP", "SAT", "SAW", "SAY", "SEA", "SEC", "SEE", "SEN", "SET", "SEW", "SHE", "SHY", "SIN", "SIP", "SIR", "SIS", "SIT", "SKI", "SKY", "SLY", "SO", "SOB", "SOD", "SON", "SOP", "SOW", "SOY", "SPA", "SPY", "SUB", "SUD", "SUE", "SUM", "SUN", "SUP", "TAB", "TAD", "TAG", "TAN", "TAP", "TAR", "TEA", "TED", "TEE", "TEN", "THE", "THY", "TIC", "TIE", "TIM", "TIN", "TIP", "TO", "TOE", "TOG", "TOM", "TON", "TOO", "TOP", "TOW", "TOY", "TRY", "TUB", "TUG", "TUM", "TUN", "TWO", "UN", "UP", "US", "USE", "VAN", "VAT", "VET", "VIE", "WAD", "WAG", "WAR", "WAS", "WAY", "WE", "WEB", "WED", "WEE", "WET", "WHO", "WHY", "WIN", "WIT", "WOK", "WON", "WOO", "WOW", "WRY", "WU", "YAM", "YAP", "YAW", "YE", "YEA", "YES", "YET", "YOU", "ABED", "ABEL", "ABET", "ABLE", "ABUT", "ACHE", "ACID", "ACME", "ACRE", "ACTA", "ACTS", "ADAM", "ADDS", "ADEN", "AFAR", "AFRO", "AGEE", "AHEM", "AHOY", "AIDA", "AIDE", "AIDS", "AIRY", "AJAR", "AKIN", "ALAN", "ALEC", "ALGA", "ALIA", "ALLY", "ALMA", "ALOE", "ALSO", "ALTO", "ALUM", "ALVA", "AMEN", "AMES", "AMID", "AMMO", "AMOK", "AMOS", "AMRA", "ANDY", "ANEW", "ANNA", "ANNE", "ANTE", "ANTI", "AQUA", "ARAB", "ARCH", "AREA", "ARGO", "ARID", "ARMY", "ARTS", "ARTY", "ASIA", "ASKS", "ATOM", "AUNT", "AURA", "AUTO", "AVER", "AVID", "AVIS", "AVON", "AVOW", "AWAY", "AWRY", "BABE", "BABY", "BACH", "BACK", "BADE", "BAIL", "BAIT", "BAKE", "BALD", "BALE", "BALI", "BALK", "BALL", "BALM", "BAND", "BANE", "BANG", "BANK", "BARB", "BARD", "BARE", "BARK", "BARN", "BARR", "BASE", "BASH", "BASK", "BASS", "BATE", "BATH", "BAWD", "BAWL", "BEAD", "BEAK", "BEAM", "BEAN", "BEAR", "BEAT", "BEAU", "BECK", "BEEF", "BEEN", "BEER",

McDonald [Page 5] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994


McDonald [Page 6] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994


McDonald [Page 7] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994


McDonald [Page 8] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

"WARN", "WART", "WASH", "WAST", "WATS", "WATT", "WAVE", "WAVY", "WAYS", "WEAK", "WEAL", "WEAN", "WEAR", "WEED", "WEEK", "WEIR", "WELD", "WELL", "WELT", "WENT", "WERE", "WERT", "WEST", "WHAM", "WHAT", "WHEE", "WHEN", "WHET", "WHOA", "WHOM", "WICK", "WIFE", "WILD", "WILL", "WIND", "WINE", "WING", "WINK", "WINO", "WIRE", "WISE", "WISH", "WITH", "WOLF", "WONT", "WOOD", "WOOL", "WORD", "WORE", "WORK", "WORM", "WORN", "WOVE", "WRIT", "WYNN", "YALE", "YANG", "YANK", "YARD", "YARN", "YAWL", "YAWN", "YEAH", "YEAR", "YELL", "YOGA", "YOKE" };

/* Encode 8 bytes in 'c' as a string of English words. * Returns a pointer to a static buffer */ char * btoe(engout,c) char *c, *engout; {

      char cp[9];     /* add in room for the parity 2 bits*/
      int p,i ;
      engout[0] = '\0';
      memcpy(cp, c,8);
      /* compute parity */
      for(p = 0,i = 0; i < 64;i += 2)
              p += extract(cp,i,2);
      cp[8] = (char)p << 6;
      strncat(engout,&Wp[extract(cp, 0,11)][0],4);
      strcat(engout," ");
      strcat(engout," ");
      strcat(engout," ");
      strcat(engout," ");
      strcat(engout," ");

#ifdef notdef

      printf("engout is %s\n\r",engout);




/* convert English to binary * returns 1 OK - all good words and parity is OK * 0 word not in data base * -1 badly formed in put ie > 4 char word

McDonald [Page 9] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

* -2 words OK but parity is wrong */ int etob(out, e) char *out; char *e; {

      char *word;
      int i, p, v,l, low,high;
      char b[9];
      char input[36];
      if(e == NULL)
              return -1;
      memset(b, 0, sizeof(b));
      memset(out, 0, 8);
              if((word = strtok(i == 0 ? input : NULL," ")) == NULL)
                      return -1;
              l = strlen(word);
              if(l > 4 || l < 1){
                      return -1;
              } else if(l < 4){
                      low = 0;
                      high = 570;
              } else {
                      low = 571;
                      high = 2047;
              if( (v = wsrch(word,low,high)) < 0 )
                      return 0;
      /* now check the parity of what we got */
      for(p = 0, i = 0; i < 64; i +=2)
              p += extract(b, i, 2);
      if( (p & 3) != extract(b, 64,2) )
              return -2;
      return 1;


McDonald [Page 10] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

/* Display 8 bytes as a series of 16-bit hex digits */ char * put8(out,s) char *out; char *s; {

      sprintf(out,"%02X%02X %02X%02X %02X%02X %02X%02X",
              s[0] & 0xff,s[1] & 0xff,s[2] & 0xff,
              s[3] & 0xff,s[4] & 0xff,s[5] & 0xff,
              s[6] & 0xff,s[7] & 0xff);
      return out;

} #ifdef notdef /* Encode 8 bytes in 'cp' as stream of ascii letters. * Provided as a possible alternative to btoe() */ char * btoc(cp) char *cp; {

      int i;
      static char out[31];
      /* code out put by characters 6 bits each added to 0x21 (!)*/
      for(i=0;i <= 10;i++){
              /* last one is only 4 bits not 6*/
              out[i] = '!'+ extract(cp,6*i,i >= 10 ? 4:6);
      out[i] = '\0';

} #endif

/* Internal subroutines for word encoding/decoding */

/* Dictionary binary search */ static int wsrch(w,low,high) char *w; int low, high; {

      int i,j;
              i = (low + high)/2;
              if((j = strncmp(w,Wp[i],4)) == 0)
                      return i;       /* Found it */
              if(high == low+1){

McDonald [Page 11] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

                      /* Avoid effects of integer truncation in /2 */
                      if(strncmp(w,Wp[high],4) == 0)
                              return high;
                              return -1;
              if(low >= high)
                      return -1;
                 /* I don't *think* this can happen...*/
              if(j < 0)
                      high = i;  /* Search lower half */
                      low = i;   /* Search upper half */

} static void insert(s, x, start, length) char *s; int x; int start, length; {

      unsigned char cl;
      unsigned char cc;
      unsigned char cr;
      unsigned long y;
      int shift;
      assert(length <= 11);
      assert(start >= 0);
      assert(length >= 0);
      assert(start +length <= 66);
      shift = ((8  -(( start + length) % 8))%8);
      y = (long) x << shift;
      cl = (y >> 16) & 0xff;
      cc = (y >> 8) & 0xff;
      cr = y & 0xff;
      if(shift + length > 16){
              s[start /8] |= cl;
              s[start/8 +1] |= cc;
              s[start/8 +2] |= cr;
      } else if(shift +length > 8){
              s[start/8] |= cc;
              s[start/8 + 1] |= cr;
      } else {
              s[start/8] |= cr;


McDonald [Page 12] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

static void standard(word) register char *word; {

                      *word = toupper(*word);
              if(*word == '1')
                      *word = 'L';
              if(*word == '0')
                      *word = 'O';
              if(*word == '5')
                      *word = 'S';


/* Extract 'length' bits from the char array 's'

 starting with bit 'start' */

static unsigned long extract(s, start, length) char *s; int start, length; {

      unsigned char cl;
      unsigned char cc;
      unsigned char cr;
      unsigned long x;
      assert(length <= 11);
      assert(start >= 0);
      assert(length >= 0);
      assert(start +length <= 66);
      cl = s[start/8];
      cc = s[start/8 +1];
      cr = s[start/8 +2];
      x = ((long)(cl<<8 | cc) <<8  | cr) ;
      x = x >> (24 - (length + (start %8)));
      x =( x & (0xffff >> (16-length) )   );


McDonald [Page 13] RFC 1751 Human-Readable 128-bit Keys December 1994

Appendix B - Source for 128-bit key to/from English words (convert.c)

/* convert.c – Wrapper to S/Key binary-to-English routines.

    Daniel L. McDonald  --  U. S. Naval Research Laboratory. */

#include <string.h>

/* eng2key() assumes words must be separated by spaces only.

 eng2key() returns
 1 if succeeded
 0 if word not in dictionary
 -1 if badly formed string
 -2 if words are okay but parity is wrong.
 (see etob() in S/Key)


int eng2key(keyout,eng) char *keyout,*eng; {

int rc=0,state=1;
char *eng2;
/* Find pointer to word 7. */
for (eng2 = eng; rc<7 && (*(++eng2) != '\0'); )
  if (*eng2 != ' ')
      rc += state;
      state = 0;
  else state=1;
if ( (rc = etob(keyout,eng)) != 1)
  return rc;
rc = etob(keyout+8,eng2);
return rc;


/* key2eng() assumes string referenced by

 engout has at least 60 characters
 (4*12 + 11 spaces + '\0') of space.
 key2eng() returns pointer to engout.

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char *key2eng(engout,key) char *engout,*key; {

strcat(engout," ");
return engout;


McDonald [Page 15]

char *s,int start,int length
char *word
char *s, int x, int start, int length
char *w,int low,int high
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