Welcome to GEN - the home of Premium IT Outsourcing and Support within the UK. Please use the **Sitemap** to browse this repository. [[About GEN|About GEN (Global Enterprise Networks)]] [[Heritage]] For Primary Support visit [[GENSupport Helpdesk|HelpDesk]] For the Support Knowledgebase Please go to https://support.gen.net.uk/kb/index.php For the GEN Corporate Website, please go to https://www.gen.net.uk For the GEN Public BugTrack, please go to https://mantis.gen.net.uk For the GENSupport Website, please go to https://www.gensupport.net The primary function of this Wiki is to maintain and serve archived content of interest. We currently host * [[Hot Issues|Hot]] * The Entire [[rfc:rfc-index|RFC Document Archive]] and Internet Standards are Mirrored here. * The Entire [[man:Linux Command Manual]] is Mirrored here. Use search above for the command. * Documents of [[historic:|Historical Interest]] are localised here * [[electronics:Electronics Reference]] * [[source:|Source Code Repository]] * [[opensource:Open Source Projects]] * [[data:|Data and Lookup]] * [[entertainment:|Entertaining Articles]] * [[computerfaq:|Frequently Asked Questions & Issues]] * [[Manuals:|Computer and Reference Manuals]] * [[archive:|Documents, Manuals and information from Historic Vendors]] **IMPORTANT**: This resource is not fully maintained and is provided as a community resource. User Contributions to the repository are not validated manually. If there is data here that you believe to be copyrighted then please report it via the link at the top of every page and we'll investigate. ===== Work Outstanding =====