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FreePBX CallerID Superfecta

FreePBX Has a Call ID Lookup search feature called SuperFetcha. This module uses 'plug-in' type query sources to each be passed the Calling ID and return various indications.

For those in the UK, the website can be a good source of intelligence on spammy callers, but the plug-in for Superfetcha often breaks because it depends on scraping the HTML site instead of using an API of some sort.

We've corrected the code, which resides in


And you can copy/paste the corrected code into this file to correct for recent site changes. This code is working fine as of 10/09/2019.

/*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
 * Developer Notes:
 *        TOS for this site here:
 *        dated 6th November 2014, there is no language that prohibits automated lookups
 *        The user is obligated to only use the service for personal use and obligated to add
 *        businesess phone numbers
 * Version History
 *        2017-10-21   Initial commit by lgaetz
 *        2017-10-21   Added some basic spam logic
 *        2017-10-23   change to only load url once, eliminate date retrieve
 *        2018-04-15   bug fix, don't assume $average_rate has a value
 *        2019-09-01   Fixed various site format changes affecting results (RT-109)
 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***/
 class WhoCalled_UK extends superfecta_base {
	public $description = " - A datasource devoted to identifying telemarketers. These listings are provided by other users of this service.";
	public $version_requirement = "2.11";
	public $source_param = array(
		'Comment_Number_Threshold' => array(
			'description' => 'Minimum number of comments required to trust the rating. Set to zero to disable and trust all ratings.',
			'type' => 'number',
			'default' => '3'
		'Search_Number_Threshold' => array(
			'description' => 'Minimum number of searches required to trust the rating. Set to zero to disable and trust all ratings.',
			'type' => 'number',
			'default' => '0'
	function get_caller_id($thenumber, $run_param=array()) {
		// initialize variables,if user has not set anything set user params to their defaults
		if (!isset($run_param['Comment_Number_Threshold'])){
			$run_param['Comment_Number_Threshold'] = '3';
		if (!isset($run_param['Search_Number_Threshold'])){
			$run_param['Search_Number_Threshold'] =  '0';
		// load page for number
		$url = "$thenumber";    // working 2017-10-21
		$this->DebugPrint("Searching $url ... ");
		$value = $this->get_url_contents($url);
		// find average rate
//		$pattern = '~<div class="textColumn">Average rate:</div>.*?<div class="dataColumn">(.+?)</div>~s';   // working 2017-10-21
		$pattern = '~<div class="textColumn">Average rate:</div>.*?<div class="dataColumn"><span class=".*?">(.+?)</span></div>~s';
		$matches = null;
		if (isset($matches[1])) {
			$average_rate = trim($matches[1]);
			$this->DebugPrint("Average Rate: ".$average_rate);
		// find number of searches
		$pattern = '~<div class="textColumn">Number of searches:</div>.*?<div class="dataColumn">(.+?)</div>~s';   // working 2017-10-21
		$matches = null;
		if (isset($matches[1])) {
			$number_of_searches = trim($matches[1]);
			$nos=explode(" ",$number_of_searches);
			$this->DebugPrint("Number of Searches: ".$number_of_searches);
		} else {
			$number_of_searches = 0;
		// find number of comments
		$pattern = '~<div class="textColumn">Number of comments:</div>.*?<div class="dataColumn">(.+?)</div>~s';  // working 2017-10-21
		$matches = null;
		if (isset($matches[1])) {
			$number_of_comments = trim($matches[1]);
			$this->DebugPrint("Number of Comments: ".$number_of_comments);
		} else {
			$number_of_comments = 0;
		// site should return a rate text string, dangerous, harassing, unknown, neutral, safe
		if (isset ($average_rate)) {
			switch ($average_rate) {
				case "dangerous":
					if($number_of_searches < $run_param['Search_Number_Threshold'] && $number_of_comments < $run_param['Comment_Number_Threshold']) {
						$this->DebugPrint("Number flagged as Dangerous, but comment/search threshold not met. [".$number_of_searches."] < [".$run_param['Search_Number_Threshold']."] or [".$number_of_comments."] < [".$run_param['Comment_Number_Threshold']."]");
					} else {
						$this->DebugPrint("Number flagged as Dangerous, comment/search threshold met, setting call as SPAM");
						$this->spam = true;
				case "harassing":
					if($number_of_searches < $run_param['Search_Number_Threshold'] || $number_of_comments < $run_param['Comment_Number_Threshold']) {
						$this->DebugPrint("Number flagged as Harassing, but comment/search threshold not met");
					} else {
						$this->DebugPrint("Number flagged as Harassing, comment/search threshold met, setting call as SPAM");
						$this->spam = true;
				case "unknown":
					$this->DebugPrint("Number flagged as Unknown, doing nothing");
				case "neutral":
					$this->DebugPrint("Number flagged as Neutral, doing nothing");
				case "safe":
					$this->DebugPrint("Number flagged as Safe, doing nothing");
					$this->DebugPrint("Site returned unexpected rate of [".$average_rate."][".implode(unpack("H*", $average_rate))."], doing nothing");
/home/ · Last modified: 2019/09/10 10:18 by genadmin

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