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When you get the message "UDP port 5060 is occupied by router VoIP service, please disable VoIP if you would like to open port 5060 to your LAN device"

This is an issue with the GUI and can be resolved using telnet

First get an index for IP Aliases (if used)

router> ip aux ?
%% ip aux add [IP] [wanX]
%% ip aux remove [Index] [wanX]

%%     Where IP = Auxiliary WAN IP Address.
%%           Index = The Index number of table.
%%           wanX = add/remove an address for WANX.

Now auxiliary WAN1 IP Address table:
Index no.	Status	IP address
   1		Enable
   2		Enable

Now make the mapping from the command line using

srv nat portmap add <idx> <serv name> <proto> <pub port> <src ip type> <src ip idx> <pri ip> <pri port> <wan1/wan2> <Alias IP>

 <idx>		: index number = 1 ~ 40
 <serv name>	: Serv name (less than 23 characters)
 <proto>	: tcp/udp
 <pub port>	: 0-65535
 <Src ip type>	: ip object = 0, ip group = 1
 <Src ip idx>	: source ip index (ip object:1~192, ip group:1~32, any:0)
 <pri ip>	: private ip
 <pri port>	: 0-65535
 <wan idx>	: <wan1~wan4,all>
 <alias ip>	: alias ip number =1 ~ 32

So for example:

router> srv nat portmap add 15 sip udp 5060 0 0 5060 wan1 2

That being

  1. profile 15
  2. name SIP
  3. public port protocol UDP
  4. public port 5060
  5. any source ip
  6. any source ip type
  7. private IP
  8. private port 5060
  9. wan interface wan 1
  10. IP Alias index 2
/home/ ยท Last modified: 2021/08/25 10:30 by genadmin

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