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                                 FELINE GENETICS
                                 R. Roger Breton
                                  Nancy J Creek
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                          Cells, Chromosomes, and Genes
      From a 35-pound Main Coon to a 5-pound Devon Rex; from the small
      folded caps of a Scottish Fold to the great, delicate ears of a Bali-
      nese; from the 4-inch coat of a Chinchilla Persian to the fuzzy down
      of a Sphinx; from the deep Ebony of a Bombay to the translucent white
      of a Turkish Angora; from the solid color of a Havana Brown to the
      rich tabbiness of a Norwegian Forest Cat:  the variety and beauty to
      be found in the domestic cat is beyond measure.  When these character-
      istics are coupled with the genetically-patterned and environmentally-
      tailored personalities of the individuals, it can be seen that each
      animal is as unique as it is possible to be.  There truly is a cat for
      Wide as the range of cats is, it pales when compared with the varie-
      ties of Other Pet.  Why should the dog exhibit such a wide spectrum of
      body types, looking like completely different creatures in some cases,
      while cats always look like cats (as horses always look like horses)?
      The secrets behind the wide variations in possible cats, and why cats,
      unlike dogs, resist gross changes and always look like cats, can be
      found in its genetic makeup.
      In order to understand what happens genetically when two cats do their
      thing, it is necessary to understand a few basic things about genetics
      in general.  To study genetics, is to study evolution in miniature,
      for it is through the mechanism of genetics that evolution makes
      itself felt.  In chapter 1, we showed how the gross evolution of the
      cat came about, and how this gross mechanism was applied to the Euro-
      pean Wildcat to evolve the African Wildcat, the immediate forerunner
      of our cats.  We will examine this mechanism itself to better under-
      stand how the first domestic cat has become the dozens of breeds
      available today, and how cat breeders use this mechanism to create new
      breeds or improve existing ones.
      Cats, like people, are multi-cellular creatures:  that is, their
      bodies are composed of cells, lots and lots of cells.  Unlike primi-
      tive multicellular creatures, cat bodies are not mere colonies of
      cells, but rather societies of cells, with each type of cell doing a
      specific task.  To one specific type of cells, the germ cells (ova in
      females and sperm in males), fall the task of passing the genetic code
      to the next generation.  The method the Great Engineer has developed
      to carry this out is one of the most awesome, most elegant, and most
      beautiful processes in nature.
      The cells of a cat, with few special exceptions, are eukaryotic, that
      is, they have a membrane surrounding them (acting as a sort of skin),
      are composed of cytoplasm (cell stuff) containing specialized orga-
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      nelles (the parts that do the cell's task), and have an inner membrane
      surrounding a nucleus.  It is this nucleus that contains all the
      genetic materials.
      Within the nucleus of a cell are found the chromosomes, long irregular
      threads of genetic material.  These chromosomes are arranged in pairs:
      19 pairs in a cat, 23 pairs in a human.  It is these 38 chromosomes
      that contain the "blueprint" for the individual cat.
      When inspected under a microscope, the chromosomes reveal irregular
      light and dark bands:  hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions per
      chromosome.  These light and dark bands are the genes, the actual
      genetic codes.  Each gene controls a single feature or group of fea-
      tures in the makeup of the individual.  Many genes interact:  a single
      feature may be controlled by one, two, or a dozen genes.  This makes
      the mapping of the genes difficult, and only a few major genes have
      been mapped out for the cat.
      The chromosome is itself composed primarily of the macromolecule DNA,
      (deoxyribonucleic acid):  one single molecule running the entire
      length of the chromosome.  DNA is a double helix, like two springs
      wound within each other.  Each helix is composed of a long chain of
      alternating phosphate and deoxyribose units, connected helix to helix
      by ladder-like rungs of four differing purine and pyridamine com-
      It is not the number of differing compounds that provide the secret of
      DNA's success, but rather the number of rungs in the ladder (uncounted
      millions) and the order of the amino acids that make up the rungs.
      The four different amino acids are arranged in groups of three, form-
      ing a 64-letter alphabet.  This alphabet is used to compose words of
      varying length, each of which is a gene (one particular letter is
      always used to indicate the start of a gene).  Each gene controls the
      development of a specific characteristic of the lifeform.  There is an
      all-but-infinite number of possible genes.  As a result, the DNA of a
      lifeform contains its blueprint, no two alike, and the variety and
      numbers of possible lifeforms has even today barely begun.
                                Mitosis and Mendel
      When a cell has absorbed enough of the various amino acids and other
      compounds necessary, it makes another cell by dividing.  This process
      is called mitosis, and is fundamental to life.
      Not too long ago, it was thought that the chromosomes were generated
      immediately prior to mitosis, and dissolved away afterwards.  This
      turned out not to be true.  The extremely tiny chromosomes, normally
      invisible in an optical microscope, shorten and thicken during mito-
      sis, becoming visible temporarily.
      The rather complex process of mitosis can perhaps be explained simply
      as a step-by-step process:
      Mitosis begins when the cell senses sufficient growth and nutrients to
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      support two cells.
      The invisible chromosomes duplicate themselves through the wonder of
      DNA replication.  Various enzymes are used as keys to unlock and
      unwind the double helix into two single helices.  Each of these he-
      lices then uses other enzymes to lock the proper parts (the amino
      acids and other stuff) together to build a new second helix, complete
      with all transverse rungs, so that the results will be exact replicas
      of the original double helix.  This winding and unwinding of the DNA
      can take place at speeds up to 1800 rpm!  The two daughter chromosomes
      remain joined at a single point, called the centromere.
      The cromosomes then wind themselves up, shortening and thickening,
      making them visible under the microscope, and attach themselves to the
      nuclear membrane.
      The nuclear membrane then dissolves into a fibrous spindle, with at
      least one fiber passing through each centromere (there are many more
      fibers than centromeres).
      The fibers then stretch and pull the centromeres apart, pulling the
      chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell.
      The spindles dissolve into two new nuclear membranes, one around each
      group of chromosomes.
      The chromosomes unwind back into invisibility, the cell divides, and
      mitosis is complete.  Genetically, each daughter cell is an exact
      duplicate of the parent cell.
      Since the genetic coding is carried in the rungs of the DNA and only
      consists of four different materials arranged in groups of three to
      form words of varying length written with a 64-letter alphabet, the
      instructions for a "cat" may be considered to consist of two sets of
      19 "books," each millions of words long, one set from each of the
      cat's parents.  The numbers of possible instructions are more than
      astronomical:  there are far more possible instructions in one single
      chromosome than there are atoms in the known universe!
      A single gene is a group of instructions of some indeterminate length.
      Somewhere among all the other codes is a set of instructions composing
      the "white" gene, and what that set says will determine if the cat is
      white or non-white.
      Since a cat receives two sets of instructions, one from each parent,
      what happens when one parent says "make the fur white" and the other
      says "make the fur non-white"?  Will they effect a compromise and make
      the fur pastel?  No, they will not.  Each and every single gene has at
      least two levels of expression (many have more), called alleles, which
      will determine the overall effect.  In the case given, the "make the
      fur white" allele, "W", is dominant, while the "make the fur non-
      white" allele, "w", is recessive.  As a result, the fur may be white
      or non-white, not pastel (we're only speaking of the "white" gene
      here, a gray cat is caused by an entirely different gene).
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      In order to understand how this works, lets run through a couple of
      simple examples using the white gene.  A cat has two and only two
      white genes.  Since each white gene, for the purposes of our examples,
      consists of one of two alleles, "W" or "w", a cat may have one of four
      possible karyotypes (genetic codes) for white:  "WW", "Ww", "wW",
      "ww".  Since "W" is dominant to "w", the codes "WW", "Ww", and "wW"
      produce white cats, while the code "ww" produces a non-white cat.
            | W    w
          W | WW   Ww
          w | wW   ww
      The double-dominant "WW" white cat has only white alleles in its white
      genes.  It is classed as homozygous (same-celled) for white, and will
      produce only white offspring, regardless of the karyotype of its mate.
      The single-dominant "Ww" or "wW" white cat has one of each allele in
      its white genes.  It is classed as heterozygous (different-celled) for
      white, and may or may not produce white offspring, depending upon the
      karyotype of its mate.
      The recessive "ww" non-white cat has only non-white alleles in its
      white genes.  It is classed as homozygous for non-white, and may or
      may not produce white offspring, depending upon the karyotype of its
      Assuming these cats mate, there are sixteen different possible karyo-
      type combinations.  Since each cat in these sixteen combinations will
      pass on to their offspring one and only one allele, there are four
      possible genetic combinations from each mating.  There are sixty-four
      possible combinations of offspring.
                |   WW   |   Ww   |   wW   |   ww
                |  W   W |  W   w |  w   W |  w   w
          WW  W | WW  WW | WW  Ww | Ww  WW | Ww  Ww
              W | WW  WW | WW  Ww | Ww  WW | Ww  Ww
          Ww  W | WW  WW | WW  Ww | Ww  WW | Ww  Ww
              w | wW  wW | wW  ww | ww  wW | ww  ww
          wW  w | wW  wW | wW  ww | ww  wW | ww  ww
              W | WW  WW | WW  Ww | Ww  WW | Ww  Ww
          ww  w | wW  wW | wW  ww | ww  wW | ww  ww
              w | wW  wW | wW  ww | ww  wW | ww  ww
      Inspecting these possible offspring, several patterns emerge.  Of the
      64 possible offspring, 16, or exactly one-quarter, have any given
      pattern.  This means that one quarter of all possible matings will be
      homozygous for white, "WW", two quarters will be heterozygous for
      white, "Ww" or "wW" (which are really the same thing), and one quarter
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      will be homozygous for non-white, "ww".  Since homozygous white and
      heterozygous white will both produce white cats, three-quarters of all
      possible combinations will produce white cats, and only one-quarter
      will produce non-white cats.  This 3:1 ratio is known as the Mendelian
      ratio, after Gregor Johann Mendel, the father of the science of genet-
      Further inspection leads us to several conclusions.  If a homozygous
      white cat mates, all offspring will be white.  If two homozygous white
      cats mate, all offspring will be homozygous white.  If a homozygous
      white cat mates with a heterozygous white cat, there will be both
      homozygous white and heterozygous white offspring in a 1:1 ratio.  If
      a homozygous white cat mates with a homozygous non-white cat, all
      offspring will be heterozygous white.  Thus, a homozygous white cat
      can only produce white offspring, regardless of the karyotype of its
      mate, and is said to be true breeding for white.
      If two heterozygous white cats mate, there will be homozygous white,
      heterozygous white, and homozygous non-white offspring in a ratio of
      1:2:1.  The ratio of white to non-white offspring is the Mendelian
      ration of 3:1.  If a heterozygous white cat mates with a homozygous
      non-white cat, there will be both heterozygous white and homozygous
      non-white offspring in a 1:1 ratio.
      If two homozygous non-white cats mate, all offspring will be homozy-
      gous non-white.  Homozygous non-white cats are therefore true-breeding
      for non-white when co-bred.
      Geneticists differentiate between what a cat is genetically versus
      what it looks like by defining its genotype versus its phenotype.  A
      homozygous white cat has a white genotype and a white phenotype.
      Likewise, a homozygous non-white cat has a non-white genotype and a
      non-white phenotype.  A heterozygous white cat, on the other hand, has
      both a white genotype and a non-white genotype, but only a white
      Naturally, in a given litter of four kittens the chances of having a
      true Mendelian ratio are slim (slightly better than 1:11), so several
      generations of pure white kittens could be bred, still carrying a
      recessive non-white allele.  In all good faith you then breed your
      several-generations-all-white-but-heterozygous female to a similar
      several-generation-all-white-but heterozygous male and voila!  A black
      kitten!  The non-white genotype has finally shown itself.
      This Mendelian patterning is the basic rule of genetics.  Since the
      rule is so simple, why is it so hard to predict things genetically?
      The reason is that we are dealing with more than one gene from each
      parent.  The number of possible offspring combinations is two to the
      power of the number of genes:  one gene from each parent is two genes,
      two squared is four possibilities;  two from each parent is four, two
      to the fourth is sixteen; three from each is six, two to the sixth is
      64;...  There are literally hundreds of millions of genes for one cat,
      yet a mere hundred from each parent produces a 61-digit number for the
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      possible offspring combinations!
      Since each cell contains the entire chromosome set, 19 pairs, how is
      it possible for a parent to pass on only the genes from one chromosome
      of a pair, and not both.  This is accomplished via the gametes:  the
      germ cells, ova for females and sperm for males.  Within the gonads
      (ovaries or testes), these special cells go through a division process
      known as meiosis.
      Unlike the normal process of mitosis, where the chromosomes are faith-
      fully replicated into duplicates of themselves, in meiosis the result-
      ant gametes have only half the number of chromosomes, one from each
      original pair.  This involves a double division.
      As in mitosis, meiosis begins when the cell senses sufficient growth
      and nutrients to support division.  The invisible chromosomes are
      duplicated through DNA replication.  As usual, the two daughter chro-
      mosomes remain joined at the centromere.  The chromosomes wind them-
      selves up, shortening and thickening, becoming visible under the
      microscope.  Each new chromosome twin aligns itself with its homolo-
      gous counterpart:  the twin chromosome from its opposite number in the
      original chromosome pair.  The two twin chromosomes intertwine into a
      tetrad and exchange genes in a not clearly understood process that
      randomizes the genes between the twins.  The tetrad attaches itself to
      the nuclear membrane.  The nuclear membrane dissolves into a spindle,
      with at least one fiber passing through both centromeres of each
      tetrad.  The fibers stretch and pull the tetrads apart, pulling the
      chromosomes twins to opposite sides of the cell.  Once the chromosome
      twins are at the poles of the spindle, the spindle dissolves and
      reforms as two separate parallel spindles at right angles to the
      original spindle, with at least one fiber through each centromere.  At
      this time there are effectively two mitoses taking place.  The paral-
      lel spindles pull the centromeres apart, forming four separate groups
      of chromosomes, each of which consists of one-half the normal number.
      The spindles dissolve and four new nuclear membranes form, one around
      each group of chromosomes.  The chromosomes unwind back into invisi-
      bility, the cell divides into four gametes, each having 19 chromo-
      somes, and meiosis is complete.
      At the moment of conception, a single sperm penetrates a single ovum,
      the ovum absorbs the sperm, merging the sperm's nucleus with its own
      and pairing the two sets of chromosomes.  The ovum has now become a
      zygote, which begins dividing through the normal mitosis process, and
      a kitten is on its way.
                             Male, Female, and Maybe
      The 19 pairs of chromosomes in a cat carry the numbers 1 through 18,
      plus "X" and "Y".  The "X" and "Y" chromosomes are very special, for
      they determine the sex of the kitten.  A female cat has two "X" chro-
      mosomes, "XX", while a male cat has one "X" and one "Y" chromosome,
      "XY", so if we follow the Mendelian pattern for sex determination we
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      find that the female parent can provide only an "X" chromosome to her
      offspring, while the male parent can provide either an "X" chromosome
      or a "Y" chromosome.  The resulting kittens are either "XX" or "XY",
      as determined by the father.  The same rule also applies to people
      (Sorry guys, if you and the wife have seven girls, it's your fault,
      not hers!).
      Since the sex chromosomes follow the same rules as the other chromo-
      somes, why bother mentioning them separately?  Because they don't
      exactly follow the same rules:  the "X" chromosome is longer than the
      "Y" chromosome, and it is this extra length that carries the codes for
      the female.  When there is only one set of these extra codes, they act
      as recessives, allowing the male characteristic to dominate.  When
      there are two sets, they act as dominants, and suppress the male
      characteristics.  Thus, female and male kittens.
      We could end the argument here if it weren't for two complications.
      First, the extra-length of the "X" chromosome carries some genes that
      are for other than sex characteristics (such as the gene for orange
      fur):  such characteristics are said to be sex-linked, and operate
      differently in males and females.
      A further complication comes with incomplete separation of the "X"
      gene twin at the centromere.  An "X-X" gene twin has its centromere
      exactly where "Y"'s would become "X"'s.  If an "X" were to fracture at
      the centromere during the process of separation, it would become an
      effective "Y".  This is rare but by no means unheard of, and produces
      a "false" "Y" (shown as "y" to differentiate it from a female "XX"
      Another variation is incomplete separation, where only a "false cen-
      tromere" is separated from the gene twin, with or without a part of
      the twin, causing one gamete to have 18 chromosomes (neither an "X" or
      a "y" while the other has 20 (either two "X"'s, an "Xy", or two "y"'s,
      depending on the point and angle of fracture).
      These variations on the sex chromosomes mean that a female, being "XX"
      in nature, can produce ova with the following:  "XX", "Xy", "yy", "X",
      "y", or "O" (no sex chromosome).  A male, being "XY", can produce
      sperm with "XY", "Yy", "X", "Y", "y", or "O".  A zygote, taking one
      gamete from each parent, may then be any of the following 36 possibil-
             |   XX    Xy    yy    X    y    O
          XY | XXXY  XXYy  XYyy  XXY  XYy  XYO
          Yy | XXYy  XYyy  Yyyy  XYy  Yyy  YyO
           X |  XXX   XXy   Xyy   XX   Xy   XO
           Y |  XXY   XYy   Yyy   XY   Yy   YO
           y |  XXy   Xyy   yyy   Xy   yy   yO
           O |  XXO   XYO   yyO   XO   yO   OO
      Since at least one "X" is required (can't build a puzzle without all
      the pieces), we may immediately ignore "Yyyy", "Yyy", "yyy", "YyO",
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      "yyO", "Yy", "yy", "YO", "yO", and "OO".
      In a like manner, "XXXY", "XXYy", and "XYyy" have too many pieces and
      are unstable, usually dying at conception, in the womb, or soon after
      birth (and invariably before puberty) from gross birth defects due to
      over-emphasis of various sex-linked traits.
      Turner females, "XO", show all normal female characteristics save that
      they have difficulty reproducing due to the absence of a paired sex
      chromosome, which inhibits normal meiosis.
      Kleinfelter superfemales, "XXX", tend to exhibit an unusually strong
      maternal instinct, often refusing to wean or surrender their young.
      This leads to psychological damage in the young, usually resulting in
      antisocial behavior.
      Kleinfelter supermales, "XYy" or "Xyy", tend to exhibit a generally
      antisocial behavior, often leading to unnecessary fighting to the
      point of inhibiting mating.  As an interesting aside, among us humans
      approximately 5 per cent of convicted male felons are supermales.
      Hermaphrodites, "XXy" and "XXY", have male bodies but tend to exhibit
      various female characteristics, often adopting orphan kittens or other
      young.  One such cat adopted a litter of mice, which it lovingly
      raised while gleefully hunting their relatives.  Hermaphrodites are
      invariably sterile, sometime having both sets of sexual organs with
      neither fully developed.  This is the most common of the aberrant
      sexual makeups.
      Pseudoparthenogenetic females, "XXO", or males, "XYO", are identical
      to normal cats in every way save that their sex and sex-linked charac-
      teristics come only from one parent.
      Gene-reversal males, "Xy", suffer partial gene reversal, receiving a
      normal "X" from one parent and a "y" from the other parent's "X".
      This is the rarest of the aberrant sexual makeups.
      Pseudoparthenogenetic and gene-reversal animals often suffer from
      birth defects and other signs of the aberrant genetic construct.
      Normal females, "XX", and males, "XY", are by definition the norm and
      vastly outnumber all other type combined.  Chances are less than
      1:10000 that any given cat has a genetically aberrant sexual makeup,
      the most common of which is hermaphroditism, about 1:11000.
      Going back to genes in general, those genes that are found in the
      African Wildcat, felis lybica, the immediate ancestor of our cats, are
      termed "wild."  These genes may be considered to be the basic stock of
      all cats.
      Since all cats do not look like African Wildcats (brown tabbies), it
      is obvious that some changes have taken place in the genetic codes.
      These changes occur all the time, and are called mutations.  Unlike
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      the distortions shown in cheap post-apocalypse or ecological-disaster
      movies, mutations rarely occur at the gross level, but rather at the
      level of the genetic codes themselves.
      Mutations occur when, in the course of mitosis or meiosis, there is an
      imperfect replication or joining of the components of the DNA macro-
      molecule.  Such imperfections can occur as a result of a chemical
      imbalance within the body which affects replication.  Most commonly
      these days such an imbalance is caused by the introduction of some
      foreign agent into the body (such as nicotine or, for an extreme
      example, thalidomide) which acts as a catalyst and affects the keying
      action of the enzymes during replication.  Such agents are called
      The greatest of all mutagens is radiation.  It is believed that the
      vast majority of spontaneous mutations, such as extra toes, long hair,
      albinism, etc., that keep reoccurring in an otherwise clean gene pool
      are caused by solar radiation, cosmic rays, the Earth's own background
      radiation, and most probably, by radioactive isotopes of the atoms
      making up DNA itself, most significantly carbon-14.  (One of the
      dangers of nuclear war, other than the obvious, is that the increase
      in background radiation and atmospheric carbon-14 may increase the
      numbers of spontaneous mutations to the point where the germ cells
      lose viability, and whole species, even genera, would go the way of
      the dinosaur.)
      Mutations are the very essence of evolution (or of a breeding program,
      which is merely evolution guided by man).  It is through mutation that
      the survival of the fittest takes place.
      To illustrate this, let's assume a species of striped cat living on
      the plains.  He undergoes a mutation creating a spotted coat (the
      stripes get broken up).  For our plains friend, the spots don't blend
      as well as stripes with the long shadows and colors of the grasses,
      his prey can see and avoid him better, and he soon evolves out.  This
      was a detrimental mutation (most are).
      Now let's assume the same species of striped cat living in woodlands.
      He undergoes the same mutation creating a spotted coat.  In his case,
      the spots blend better with the dapple of light and shadow playing
      through the trees, his prey can't see or avoid him as well, and spots
      are soon the "in" thing.  This was a beneficial mutation.  From the
      same parent stock we soon have two differing sub-species, one striped,
      living on the plains, and one spotted, living in the woods.
      In a domestic situation, a litter is born to two normal cats, wherein
      one of the kittens is hairless.  Thinking the hairlessness is differ-
      ent enough to be a desired feature, especially for those with aller-
      gies, the kitten is very carefully bred to other cats, back and forth
      over several generations, until the hairlessness breeds true.  Thus
      the Sphinx, a hairless domestic cat and the ultimate in hypo-allergen-
      ic cats, was developed.
                               The Mapped-out Genes
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      As stated earlier, a few of the common cat genes have been identified
      and mapped.  These genes are grouped according to the effects they
      have:  the body-conformation genes which affect the shape of the body
      of body parts; the coat-conformation genes which affect the texture
      and length of the coat; and the color-conformation genes which affect
      the color and pattern of the coat.
      The color-conformations genes are themselves divided into three
      groups:  the color genes which control the color of the coat and its
      density; the color-pattern genes which control the pattern of the coat
      and expression of the color; and the color-masking genes which control
      the degree and type of masking of the basic color.
                           The Body-Conformation Genes
      The body-conformation genes affect the basic conformation of the parts
      of the body:  ears, tail and feet.  There are literally thousands of
      body conformation genes, but only a few have been mapped:  normal or
      Scottish fold ears, normal or Japanese bobtail, normal or Manx tail-
      lessness and spinal curve, and normal or polydactyl feet.
      The Scottish-fold gene:  normal or folded ears.  The wild allele,
      "fd", is recessive and produces normal ears. The mutation, "Fd", is
      dominant and produces the cap-like folded ears of the Scottish Fold.
      This mutant gene is crippling when homozygous.
      The Japanese Bobtail gene:  normal or short tail.  The wild allele,
      "Jb", is dominant and produces normal-length tails.  The mutation,
      "jb", is recessive and produces the short tail of the Japanese Bob-
      tail.  Unlike the Manx mutation, this mutation is not crippling and
      does not cause deformation of the spine.
      The Manx gene:  normal or missing tail.  The wild allele, "m", is
      recessive and produces normal-length tails and proper spinal conforma-
      tion.  The mutation, "M", is dominant and produces the missing tail
      and shortened spine of the Manx.  This mutation is lethal when homozy-
      gous.  When heterozygous, it is often crippling, sometimes resulting
      in spinal bifida, imperforate anus, chronic constipation, or inconti-
      The polydactyl gene:  normal-number or extra toes.  The wild allele,
      "pd", is recessive and produces the normal number of toes.  The muta-
      tion, "Pd", is dominant and produces extra toes, particularly upon the
      front paws.
      Interestingly, humans also have a similar dominant polydactyl gene
      controlling the number of fingers.  Homozygous people with six fingers
      on each hand will pass that trait on to all their children, heterozy-
      gous people to one in four of their children, even with a normal mate:
      the gene is dominant.  Just because a given mutation is dominant,
      however, doesn't mean it will dominate the species.  If a given muta-
      tion is not conducive to survival of the individual or inhibits mating
      in any way, it will never become "popular," no matter how dominant it
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      may be.
                           The Coat-Conformation Genes
      The coat conformation genes affect such things as the length and
      texture of the coat.
      The Sphinx gene:  hairy or hairless coat.  The wild allele, "Hr", is
      dominant and produces a normal hairy coat.  The mutation, "hr", is
      recessive and produces the hairless or nearly hairless coat of the
      The longhaired gene:  short or long coat.  The wild allele, "L", is
      dominant and produces a normal shorthaired coat.  The mutation, "l",
      is recessive and produces the longhaired coat of the Persians, Ango-
      ras, Main Coons, and others.
      The Cornish Rex gene:  straight or curly coat.  The wild allele, "R",
      is dominant and produces a normal straighthaired coat.  The mutation,
      "r", is recessive and produces the very short curly coat, without
      guard hairs, of the Cornish Rex.
      The Devon Rex gene:  straight or curly coat.  The wild allele, "Re",
      is dominant and produces a normal straighthaired coat.  The mutation,
      "re", is recessive and produces the very short curly coat of the Devon
      Rex.  Unlike the Cornish Rex, the Devon Rex retains guard hairs in its
      The Oregon Rex gene:  straight or curly coat.  The wild allele, "Ro",
      is dominant and produces a normal straighthaired coat.  The mutation,
      "ro", is recessive and produces the very short curly coat of the
      Oregon Rex.  Like the Cornish Rex, the Oregon Rex lacks guard hairs.
      The American Wirehair gene:  soft or bristly coat.  The wild allele,
      "wh", is recessive and produces a normal soft straighthaired coat.
      The mutation, "Wh", is dominant and produces the short, stiff, wiry
      coat of the American Wirehair.
      Note that there are three different Rex mutations producing almost
      identical effect.  There are still three different genes involved,
                           The Color-Conformation Genes
      The color-conformation genes determine the color, pattern, and expres-
      sion of the coat.  Since these characteristics are among the most
      important of the cat's features, at least from a breeding point of
      view, more emphasis is given the color conformation genes than the
      These genes fall into three logical groups:  those that control the
      color, those that control the pattern, and those that control the
      color expression.  Each of these groups contains several differing but
      interrelated genes.
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                                  The Color Gene
      The first of the genes controlling coat color is the color gene.  This
      gene controls the actual color of the coat and comes in three alleles:
      black, dark brown, or light brown.  This three-level dominance is not
      at all uncommon:  the albinism gene, for example, has five levels.
      The black allele, "B", is wild, is dominant, and produces a black or
      black-and-brown tabby coat, depending upon the presence of the agouti
      gene.  Technically, the black is an almost-black, super-dark brown
      that is virtually black -- true black is theoretically impossible, but
      often reached in the practical sense (so much for theory).
      The dark-brown allele, "b", is mutant, is recessive to black but
      dominant to light brown, and reduces black to dark brown.
      The light-brown allele, "bl", is mutant, is recessive to both black
      and dark brown, and reduces black to a medium brown.
                              The Orange-Making Gene
      The second of the genes controlling coat color is the orange-making
      gene.  This gene controls the conversion of the coat color into orange
      and the masking of the agouti gene and comes in two alleles:  non-
      orange and orange.
      The non-orange allele, "o", is wild and allows full expression of the
      black or brown colors.  The orange allele, "O", is mutant and converts
      black or brown to orange and masks the effects of the non-agouti
      mutation of the agouti gene (all orange cats are tabbies).
      This gene is sex-linked -- it is carried on the "X" chromosome beyond
      the limit of the "Y" chromosome.  Therefore, in males there is no
      homologous pairing, and the single orange-making gene stands alone.
      As a result there is no dominance effect in males:  they are either
      orange or non-orange.  If a male possesses the non-orange allele, "o",
      all colors (black, dark brown, or light brown) will be expressed.  If
      he possesses the orange allele, "O", all colors will be converted to
      In females there is an homologous pairing, one gene being carried on
      each of the two "X" chromosomes.  These two genes act together in a
      very special manner (as a sort of tri-state gene), and again there is
      no dominance effect.
      If the female is homozygous for non-orange, "oo", all colors will be
      expressed.  If she is homozygous for orange, "OO", all colors will be
      converted to orange.  It is when she is heterozygous for orange, "Oo",
      that interesting things begin to happen:  through a very elegant
      process, the black-and-orange tortoiseshell or brindled female is
      Shortly after conception, when a female zygote is only some dozens of
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      cells in size, a chemical trigger is activated to start the process of
      generating a female kitten.  This same trigger also causes the zygote
      to "rationalize" all the sex-linked characteristics, including the
      orange-making genes.  In this particular case, suppression of one of
      the orange-making genes in each cell takes place in a not-quite-random
      pattern (there is some polygene influence here).  Each cell will then
      carry only one orange-making gene.
      Since the zygote was only some dozens of  cells in size at the time of
      rationalization, only a few of those cells will eventually determine
      the color of the coat (the orange-making genes in the other cells will
      be ignored).  If the zygote were homozygous for non-orange, "oo", then
      all cells will contain "o", and the coat will be non-orange.  Like-
      wise, if the zygote were homozygous for orange, "OO", then all cells
      will contain "O", and the coat will be orange.  If, however, the
      zygote were heterozygous, "Oo", then some of the cells will contain
      "O" and the rest of the cells will contain "o".  In this case, those
      portions of the coat determined by "O" cells will be orange, while
      those portions determined by "o" cells will be non-orange.  Voila!  A
      tortoiseshell cat!
      A female kitten has two "X" chromosomes, and therefore two orange-
      making genes, one from each parent.  Assuming for the sake of discus-
      sion an equal likelihood of inheriting either allele from each parent
      -- an assumption that is patently false, but used here for demonstra-
      tion only -- then one quarter of all females would be non-orange, one-
      quarter would be orange, and one-half would be tortoiseshell.  A male
      kitten, on the other hand, has only one "X" chromosome, and therefore
      only one orange-making gene.  Keeping the same false assumption of
      equal likelihood, then one-half of all males would be non-orange and
      one-half would be orange.  This means that there would be twice as
      many orange males as females if our assumption were correct.
      Our equal-likelihood assumption is not correct, however.  The orange-
      making gene is located adjacent to the centromere and is often damaged
      during meiosis.  This damage tends to make an orange allele into a
      non-orange allele, giving the non-orange allele a definite leg up, so
      to speak, in a 7:3 ratio.  This means that among female kittens 49%
      will be non-orange, 42% will be tortoiseshell, and only 9% will be
      orange, while among male kittens 70% will be non-orange and 30% will
      be orange:  there will be more than 3 times as many orange males as
      females.  That's why there are so many Morris-type males around.
      Since a male has only one orange-making gene, there cannot be a male
      tortie.  An exception to this rule is the hermaphrodite, which has an
      "XXY" genetic structure.  Such a cat can be tortie, since it has two
      "X" chromosomes, but must invariably be sterile.  In fact, despite the
      presence of male genitalia, a hermaphrodite is genetically an underde-
      veloped female, and may have both ovaries and testes, with neither
      fully functional.
                              The Color-Density Gene
      The third and last of the genes controlling the coat color is the
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      color-density gene.  This gene controls the uniformity of distribution
      of pigment throughout the hair and comes in two alleles:  dense, "D",
      and dilute, "d".
      The dense allele, "D", is wild, is dominant, and causes pigment to be
      distributed evenly throughout each hair, making the color deep and
      pure.  A dense coat will be black, dark brown, medium brown, or or-
      The dilute allele, "d", is mutant, is recessive, and causes pigment to
      be agglutinated into microscopic clumps surrounded by translucent
      unpigmented areas, allowing white light to shine through and diluting
      the color.  A dilute coat will be blue (gray), tan, beige, or cream.
                               The Eight Cat Colors
      All possible expressions of the color, orange-making, and color-
      density genes produce the eight basic coat colors:  black, blue
      (gray), chestnut or chocolate (dark-brown), lavender or lilac (tan),
      cinnamon (medium brown), fawn (beige), red (orange), and cream.
           | Sex    | "BB       Bb       Bbl      bb        bbl       blbl"
      ooDD | Either | Black    Black    Black    Chestnut  Chestnut  Cinna
      ooDd | Either | Black    Black    Black    Chestnut  Chestnut  Cinna
      oodd | Either | Blue     Blue     Blue     Lavender  Lavender  Fawn
      oODD | Female | Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Chs/Red   Chs/Red   Cin/Red
           | Male   | Black    Black    Black    Chestnut  Chestnut  Cinna
      oODd | Female | Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Chs/Red   Chs/Red   Cin/Red
           | Male   | Black    Black    Black    Chestnut  Chestnut  Cinna
      oOdd | Female | Blu/Crm  Blu/Crm  Blu/Crm  Lav/Crm   Lav/Crm   Fwn/Crm
           | Male   | Blue     Blue     Blue     Lavender  Lavender  Fawn
      OoDD | Female | Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Chs/Red   Chs/Red   Cin/Red
           | Male   | Red      Red      Red      Red       Red       Red
      OoDd | Female | Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Blk/Red  Chs/Red   Chs/Red   Cin/Red
           | Male   | Red      Red      Red      Red       Red       Red
      Oodd | Female | Blu/Crm  Blu/Crm  Blu/Crm  Lav/Crm   Lav/Crm   Fwn/Crm
           | Male   | Cream    Cream    Cream    Cream     Cream     Cream
      OODD | Either | Red      Red      Red      Red       Red       Red
      OODd | Either | Red      Red      Red      Red       Red       Red
      OOdd | Either | Cream    Cream    Cream    Cream     Cream     Cream
      The brown and dilute colors are rarer (hence generally more prized)
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      because they are recessive.  A table of all possible combinations of
      the three genes controlling color will show all eight basic coat
      colors, among which are six female or twelve male black cats but only
      one female or two male fawn:
      Note that although tortoiseshell females are two-color they introduce
      no new colors.
      It may also be noted that red and cream dominate any of the true
      (black or brown) colors:  a red coat is red regardless of whether the
      color gene is black, dark brown, or light brown.  The color gene is
      masked by the orange-making gene.  This, coupled with the fact that
      males are either red or non-red require that the color chart show "oO"
      and "Oo" as distinctly separate.  A male has only the first of the two
      genes:  "o" from "oO" or "O" from "Oo".  In some texts, the orange-
      making genes are indicated as "o(O)" and "O(o)" to emphasize the
      sexual distinction.
                                The Albinism Gene
      The first of the color-conformation genes affect coat pattern is the
      albinism gene.  This gene controls the amount of body color and comes
      in five alleles:  full color, "C", Burmese, "cb", Siamese, "cs", blue-
      eyed albino, "ca", and albino, "c".
      The full color allele, "C" is wild, is dominant, and produces a full
      expression of the coat colors.  This is sometimes called the non-
      albino allele.
      The Burmese allele, "cb", is mutant, is recessive to the full color
      allele, codominant with the Siamese allele, and dominant to the blue-
      eyed albino and albino alleles, and produces a slight albinism, reduc-
      ing black to a very dark brown, called sable in the Burmese breed, and
      producing green or green-gold eyes.
      The Siamese allele, "cs", is mutant, is recessive to the full color
      allele, codominant with the Siamese allele, and dominant to the blue-
      eyed albino and albino alleles, and produces an intermediate albinism,
      reducing the basic coat color from black/brown to a light beige with
      dark brown "points" in the classic Siamese pattern and producing
      bright blue eyes.
      The Burmese and Siamese alleles are codominant, that is they each have
      exactly as much dominance or recessivity.  It is possible to have one
      of each allele, "cbcs", producing a Siamese-patterned coat with a
      darker base body color and turquoise (aquamarine) eyes:  the Tonkinese
      The blue-eyed albino allele, "ca", is mutant, is recessive to the full
      color, Burmese and Siamese alleles and dominant to the albino allele,
      and produces a nearly complete albinism with a translucent white coat
      and very washed-out pale blue eyes.
      The albino allele, "c", is mutant, is recessive to all others, and
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      produces a complete albinism with a translucent white coat and pink
      The albanism genes combine in some rather interesting ways:
             | C           cb          cs          ca          c
          C  | full color  full color  full color  full color  full color
          cb | full color  Burmese     Tonkinese   Burmese     Burmese
          cs | full color  Tonkinese   Siamese     Siamese     Siamese
          ca | full color  Burmese     Siamese     B-E Albino  B-E Albino
          c  | full color  Burmese     Siamese     B-E Albino  Albino
      Notice how the dominance characteristics among the alleles are normal
      except for the combination of Burmese and Siamese, which produce the
      Tonikinese pattern.
                                 The Agouti Gene
      The next gene controlling the pattern of the coat is the agouti gene.
      This gene will control ticking and comes in two alleles:  agouti, "A",
      and non-agouti, "a".
      The agouti allele, "A",  is wild, is dominant, and produces a banded
      or ticked (agouti) hair, which in turn will produce a tabby coat
      The non-agouti allele, "a", is mutant, is recessive, and suppresses
      ticking, which in turn will produce a solid-color coat.  This gene
      only operates upon the color gene (black, dark brown, or light brown)
      in conjunction with the non-orange allele of the orange-making gene
      and is masked by the orange allele of the orange-making gene.
                                 The Tabby Genes
      The last of the genes affecting the coat pattern is the tabby gene.
      This gene will control the actual coat pattern (striped, spotted,
      solid, etc.) and comes in three alleles:  mackerel or striped tabby,
      "T", Abyssinian or all-agouti-tabby, "Ta", and blotched or classic
      tabby, "tb".
      The mackerel-tabby allele, "T", is wild, is co-dominant with the
      spotted tabby and Abyssinian alleles and dominant to the classic-tabby
      allele, and produces a striped cat, with vertical non-agouti stripes
      on an agouti background.  This is the most common of all patterns and
      is typical grassland camouflage, where shadows are long and strait.
      A spotted tabby is genetically a striped tabby with the stripes broken
      up by polygene influence.  There is no specific "spotted-tabby" gene.
      This spotted coat is a typical forest camouflage, where shadows are
      dappled by sunlight shining through the trees.  Do not confuse the
      spots of our domestic cats with the rosettes of the true spotted cats:
      entirely different genes are involved.
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      The Abyssinian allele, "Ta", is mutant, is codominant to the mackerel-
      tabby allele and dominant to the classic-tabby allele, and will pro-
      duce an all-agouti coat without stripes or spots.  This all-agouti
      coat is a basic type of bare-ground camouflage, seen in the wild
      rabbit and many other animals.
      A special case occurs when both the mackerel-tabby and Abyssinian
      alleles are expressed, "TTa".  This will  produce a unique coat con-
      sisting of the beige ground color with each hair tipped with the
      expressed color.  By selective breeding, the ground color has become a
      soft gold, producing the beautiful golden chinchilla cats.
      The blotched- or classic-tabby allele, "tb", is recessive to both the
      mackerel-tabby and the Abyssinian alleles and will produce irregular
      non-agouti blotches or "cinnamon-roll" sworls on an agouti background.
      When the "cinnamon-rolls" are clean and symmetrical, and nicely cen-
      tered on the sides, a strikingly beautiful coat is achieved.
      The "coat of choice" in Europe is the classic tabby (hence the name),
      probably because of the similarity in appearance of a large mackerel
      tabby domestic cat and the European Wildcat, the former being soft and
      cuddly and the latter prone to remove fingers.  In the U.S., the
      reverse is true.
                             The Color-Inhibitor Gene
      The first of the color-conformation genes controlling color expression
      is the color-inhibitor gene.  This gene controls the expression of
      color within the hair and comes in two alleles:  the non-inhibitor,
      "i", and the inhibitor, "Y".
      The non-inhibitor allele, "i", is wild, is recessive, and allows
      expression of the color throughout the length of the hair, producing a
      normally colored coat.
      The inhibitor allele, "I", is mutant, is dominant, and inhibits ex-
      pression of the color over a portion of the hair.
      The inhibitor allele is variably-expressed.  When slightly expressed,
      the short down hairs (underfur) are merely tipped with color, while
      the longer guard and awn hairs are clear for about the first quarter
      of their lengths:  the coat is said to be smoked.  When moderately
      expressed, the down hairs are completely clear and the longer hairs
      are clear for about half their lengths:  the coat is shaded.  When
      heavily expressed, the down hairs are completely clear and the longer
      hairs are clear for about three-quarters (or more) of their lengths:
      the coat is then tipped or chinchilla.
      Neither allele has anything to do with the actual color or pattern,
      only with whether that color is laid upon a clear undercoat or one of
      the beige ground color.
                                The Spotting Gene
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      The next gene controlling color expression is the white-spotting gene.
      This gene controls the presence and pattern of white masking the
      normal coat pattern, and has four alleles:  non-spotted, "s", spotted,
      "S", particolor, "Sp", and Birman, "sb".  The presence of the parti-
      color and Birman alleles of this gene are still subject to argument at
      this time:  their effect is not.The non-spotted allele, "s", is wild,
      is recessive, and produces a normal coat without white.
      The spotted allele, "S", is mutant, is dominant, and produces white
      spotting which masks the true coat color in the affected area.  This
      is a variably-expressed allele with a very wide expression range:
      From a black cat with one white hair to a white cat with one black
      The particolor allele, "Sp", if it exists, is a variation of the
      spotted allele affecting the pattern of white.  The classic particolor
      pattern is an inverted white "V" starting in the center of the fore-
      head and passing through the centers of the eyes.  The chin, chest,
      belly, legs and feet are white.  Variable expressions of this allele
      range downward to a simple white locket or a white spot on the fore-
      The Birman allele, "Sb", if it exists, is a variation of the spotted
      allele producing white feet.  Variable expression ranges from white
      legs and feet to white toes only.
      Unlike the white gene or the albinism gene, the white-spotting gene
      does not affect eye color:  if your all white cat has green eyes, it
      is most definitely a colored cat with one big white spot all over.
                             The Dominant-White Gene
      The final gene controlling color expression is the dominant-white
      gene.  This gene determines whether the coat is solid white or not,
      and comes in three alleles:  non-white, "w", white, "W", and van,
      "Wv".  The existence of the van allele is open to argument: it may be
      a separate gene.
      The non-white allele, "w", is wild, is recessive, and allows full
      expression of the coat color and pattern.
      The white allele, "W", is mutant, is dominant, and produces a translu-
      cent all-white coat with either orange or pale blue.  Blue-eyed domi-
      nant-white cats are often deaf, orange-eyed cats occasionally so.
      Interestingly, a white cat may be odd-eyed, having one blue and one
      orange eye.  Such a cat is often deaf on the blue side.
      The van allele, "Wv", if it exists, is a variation of the white allele
      allowing color in the classic van pattern:  on the crown of the head
      (often a two small half-caps separated by a thin white line), on the
      ears, and on the tail.  Variable expression controls cap size and
      shape and the presence of color on the ears and tail.  Occasionally,
      the caps will be missing and only the ears and/or tail will be col-
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      It is important to remember that, genetically speaking, white is not a
      color, but rather the suppression of the pigment that would normally
      be present.  A heterozygous white cat can an often does produce col-
      ored kittens, sometimes with no white at all.
      The genes described above control color and coat, and several breed-
      specific body features, but what about the genes that control the body
      structure itself?  Can we not develop a cat with long floppy ears
      (sort of a bassett-cat)?  The answer is a qualified no.  Not within
      the realms of normal breeding, and not without a much better means of
      genetic engineering than is currently available to us.  The reason
      cats (and horses) resist major changes, whereas dogs do not, is be-
      cause the genes controlling these features are scattered among the
      genetic codes of other genes (remember, a gene is not a physical
      entity but rather a series of instructions).  This type of scattered
      gene is called a "polygene".  Polygenes are in firm control of many of
      those things that define the cat, and breeding programs can only
      change these characteristics slowly, bit-by-bit.
                                  The Eye Colors
      There are no specific genes for the eye colors.  Rather, the color of
      the eyes is intimately linked to the color and pattern of the coat via
      several polygenes.
      There is much about eye color that is not yet understood.  As an
      example, the British Blue usually has orange or copper eyes while
      those of the Russian Blue are usually green, in spite of the fact that
      the breeds have identical coat genotypes.
      The range of eye color is from a deep copper-orange through yellow to
      green.  The blue and pink eyed cats are partial or full albinos, with
      suppression of the eye color.
          Color                Abr  Description
          Copper               cpr  Deep copper-orange
          Orange               org  Bright orange
          Amber                amb  Yellow-orange
          Yellow               yel  Yellow
          Gold                 gld  Dark yellow with hint of green
          Hazel                hzl  Dark greenish-yellow
          Green                grn  Green
          Turquoise            trq  Bluish-green (common in Tonkinese)
          Siamese Blue         sbl  Royal Blue to medium-pale grayish-blue
          Dominant-White Blue  wbl  Medium blue
          Dominant-White Odd   odd  One blue, one orange
          Albino Blue          abl  Very pale blue, almost gray
          Albino Pink          pnk  Pink
      There is a definite interaction between the color genes, "B", "b", and
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      "bl", the color density genes, "D" and "d", and eye color.  This
      interaction is especially evident in those cats with Siamese coats
      where the eye color can range from a strikingly deep, rich blue for a
      Seal Point coat to a medium-pale, grayish blue for a lilac point coat.
                                Naming the Colors
      When it came to naming the colors, those who did so were firm believ-
      ers in using the thesaurus:  never call a color brown when you can
      call it chocolate or cinnamon.
      The colors naturally fall into distinct groups:  the "standard" col-
      ors, the shaded colors, the "exotic" colors, the oriental colors, and
      the whites.  Each group may then be subdivided into several distinct
      smaller groups, each with a common characteristic.  Each color name is
      followed by its karyotype in three groups (as they were discussed
      above), and the usual eye colors.  Bear in mind that all possible
      combinations of color and pattern will eventually be realized, but not
      necessarily recognized:  especially by the various cat fancies.
                            The Standard Solid Colors
      The solids form the basis for all other colors in nomenclature and
      karyotypes:  these are the fundamental rendition of the eight basic
      coat colors.  Solids are called "selfs" in Britain.
      The black solid technically has a brown undercoat, but selective
      breeding has managed to eliminate the brown undercoat and has produced
      cats that are "black to the bone."
      The subtle differences possible in blues (grays) has made this one of
      the most popular colors among breeders, with several breeds being
      exclusively blue.  Blues, regardless of pattern, are often referred to
      as "dilutes."
      The terms "chestnut" and "chocolate" are synonymous, as are the terms
      "lavender" and "lilac."
      Since the orange allele of the orange-making gene also masks the non-
      agouti allele of the agouti gene, red and cream solids are genetically
      identical to red and cream tabbies.  Careful selective breeding has
      made cause the non-agouti areas (the stripes) to widen and overlap,
      effectively canceling the paler agouti background and obscuring the
      tabby pattern.  A generation or two of random breeding, however, and
      the stripes will return.
      The patched solids, solid-and-whites or bi-colors, are formed by
      adding the white-spotting gene, "S*", to the solids.  If, instead of
      the normal random white spotting gene, the particolor gene, "Sp*", is
      present, then the coat will show white in the particolor pattern.  If
      both the random white-spotting and particolor genes, "SSp", are
      present, then a composite pattern will be evident.  If the Birman
      gene, "sbsb", is present, then the pattern will be white feet only.
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      The tortoiseshells or torties are formed by combining both the domi-
      nant and recessive sex-linked orange genes, "Oo", with the solids.
      Because of the sex-linking of the orange genes, the tortie is always
      female.  A tabby pattern may be visible in the orange areas, with any
      tabby pattern being permitted.  In some individuals, the agouti and
      non-agouti orange areas may offer such contrast as to produce a false
      tri-color (black-orange-cream).
      The patched tortoiseshells or calicos are formed by combining both the
      dominant and recessive sex-linked orange-making genes, "Oo", to the
      solids and adding the white-spotting gene, "S*".  Like the torties,
      the calicos are always female, and like the patches, any white-
      spotting pattern is permitted.
          Color                | Karyotype                | Usual eye color
          Black                | B*ooD* C*aa** iissww     | cpr org grn
          Blue                 | B*oodd C*aa** iissww     | cpr org grn
          Chestnut             | b*ooD* C*aa** iissww     | cpr org
          Lavender             | b*oodd C*aa** iissww     | cpr org gld
          Cinnamon             | blblooD* C*aa** iissww   | org
          Fawn                 | blbloodd C*aa** iissww   | org gld
          Red                  | **OOD* C***T* iissww     | cpr org
          Cream                | **OOdd C***T* iissww     | cpr org
          Black patch          | B*ooD* C*aa** iiS*ww     | cpr org grn
          blue patch           | B*oodd C*aa** iiS*ww     | cpr org grn
          chestnut patch       | b*ooD* C*aa** iiS*ww     | cpr org
          lavender patch       | b*oodd C*aa** iiS*ww     | cpr org grn
          cinnamon patch       | blblooD* C*aa** iiS*ww   | org
          fawn patch           | blbloodd C*aa** iiS*ww   | org grn
          red patch            | **OOD* C***T* iiS*ww     | cpr org
          cream patch          | **OOdd C***T* iiS*ww     | cpr org
                            The Standard Tabby Colors
      The tabbies are formed by adding the agouti gene, "A*", to the solids.
      This causes the otherwise solid color to show the pattern dictated by
      the tabby gene:  light and dark stripes (mackerel allele, "T*") or
      blotches (blotched allele, "tbtb").
      The brown tabby corresponds to the black solid:  sufficient undercoat
      color shows in the agouti areas to provide a brownish cast.  When in
      mackerel pattern, this is the "all wild" genotype, and represents the
      natural state of the cat.
      The red tabby, when in mackerel pattern, presents an alternate stable
      coat often found on feral domestic cats, usually as a pale ginger.
      The patched tabbies or tabby-and-whites are formed by adding the white
      spotting gene, "S*", to the tabbies.  Like the patched solids, any
      white spotting pattern is permitted.
      The tabby-tortoiseshells or torbies are formed by combining both the
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      dominant and recessive sex-linked orange genes, "Oo", with the tabbies
      colors.  Like the torties, the torbies are always female.
          Color                  | Karyotype               | Usual eye color
          tortie                 | B*OoD* C*aaT* iissww    | cpr org
          blue tortie            | B*Oodd C*aaT* iissww    | cpr org grn
          chestnut tortie        | b*OoD* C*aaT* iissww    | cpr org
          lavender tortie        | b*Oodd C*aaT* iissww    | cpr org grn
          cinnamon tortie        | blblOoD* C*aaT* iissww  | org
          fawn tortie            | blblOodd C*aaT* iissww  | org grn
          calico                 | B*OoD* C*aaT* iiS*ww    | cpr org
          blue calico            | B*Oodd C*aaT* iiS*ww    | cpr org grn
          chestnut calico        | b*OoD* C*aaT* iiS*ww    | cpr org
          lavender calico        | b*Oodd C*aaT* iiS*ww    | cpr org grn
          cinnamon calico        | blblOoD* C*aaT* iiS*ww  | org
          fawn calico            | blblOodd C*aaT* iiS*ww  | org grn
          brown tabby            | B*ooD* C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          blue tabby             | B*oodd C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          chestnut tabby         | b*ooD* C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          lavender tabby         | b*oodd C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          cinnamon tabby         | blblooD* C*A*T* iissww  | org yel hzl
          fawn tabby             | blbloodd C*A*T* iissww  | org yel hzl
          red tabby              | **OOD* C***T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          cream tabby            | **OOdd C***T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          brown patched tabby    | B*ooD* C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          blue patched tabby     | B*oodd C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          chestnut patched tabby | b*ooD* C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          lavender patched tabby | b*oodd C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          cinnamon patched tabby | blblooD* C*A*T* iiS*ww  | org yel hzl
          fawn patched tabby     | blbloodd C*A*T* iiS*ww  | org yel hzl
          red patched tabby      | **OOD* C***T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          cream patched tabby    | **OOdd C***T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          torbie                 | B*OoD* C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          blue torbie            | B*Oodd C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          chestnut torbie        | b*OoD* C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          lavender torbie        | b*Oodd C*A*T* iissww    | cpr org yel hzl
          cinnamon torbie        | blblOoD* C*A*T* iissww  | org yel hzl
          fawn torbie            | blblOodd C*A*T* iissww  | org yel hzl
          torbico                | B*OoD* C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          blue torbico           | B*Oodd C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          chestnut torbico       | b*OoD* C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          lavender torbico       | b*Oodd C*A*T* iiS*ww    | cpr org yel hzl
          cinnamon torbico       | blblOoD* C*A*T* iiS*ww  | org yel hzl
          fawn torbico           | blblOodd C*A*T* iiS*ww  | org yel hzl
      The patched tabby-tortoiseshells, or patched torbies or torbicos, are
      formed by combining the dominant and recessive orange-making genes,
      "Oo", with the standard tabbies and adding the white spotting gene,
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      "S*", to the torbie colors.  Like the patched solids, any white-
      spotting pattern is permitted.
                                The Shaded Colors
      The shaded colors are formed by adding the inhibitor gene, "I*", to
      the standard solids.  If the expression is light, a smoked coat is
      produced, if moderate, a shaded coat, and if heavy, a tipped or chin-
      chilla coat.  Only six of the eight possible colors are recognized.
      The tortie chinchillas are formed by adding a moderate-to heavy ex-
      pression of the inhibitor gene, "I*", to the standard torties.  Only
      four of the six possible colors are recognized.
          Color                  | Karyotype               | Usual eye color
          (silver) smoke         | B*ooD* C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          blue smoke             | B*oodd C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          chestnut smoke         | b*ooD* C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          lavender smoke         | b*oodd C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          red smoke              | **OOD* C***T* I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          cream smoke            | **OOdd C***T* I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          (silver) shade         | B*ooD* C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr grn
          blue shade             | B*oodd C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr grn
          chestnut shade         | b*ooD* C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr grn
          lavender shade         | b*oodd C*aa** I*ssww    | cpr grn
          red shade              | **OOD* C***T* I*ssww    | cpr grn
          cream shade            | **OOdd C***T* I*ssww    | cpr grn
          (silver) chinchilla    | B*ooD* C*aa** I*ssww    | grn
          blue chinchilla        | B*oodd C*aa** I*ssww    | grn
          chestnut chinchilla    | b*ooD* C*aa** I*ssww    | grn
          lavender chinchilla    | b*oodd C*aa** I*ssww    | grn
          red chinchilla         | **OOD* C***T* I*ssww    | grn
          cream chinchilla       | **OOdd C***T* I*ssww    | grn
          tortie chinchilla      | B*OoD* C*aaT* I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          blue tortie chinchilla | B*Oodd C*aaT* I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          chestnut tortie chinch | b*OoD* C*aaT* I*ssww    | cpr org yel
          lavender tortie chinch | b*Oodd C*aaT* I*ssww    | cpr org yel
                           The Golden Chinchilla Colors
      The golden chinchillas are formed by combining the mackerel and Abys-
      sinian alleles of the tabby gene, "TTa", with the standard solids.
      This produces a coat of undercoat-colored hairs tipped with the stand-
      ard colors.  Selective breeding has altered the undercoat polygenes to
      produce a striking warm-gold color.  Only three of the eight possible
      colors are recognized.
      The golden chinchilla torties are formed by combining the mackerel and
      Abyssinian alleles of the tabby gene, "TTa", with the standard
      torties.  This produces a coat with hairs of undercoat color tipped
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      with the standard tortie colors.  While any combination is possible,
      only two colors are recognized.
          Color                  | Karyotype               | Usual eye color
          golden chinchilla      | B*ooD* C*A*TTa iissww   | gld
          honey chinchilla       | b*ooD* C*A*TTa iissww   | gld
          copper chinchilla      | **OOD* C***TTa iissww   | cpr gld
          golden tortie chinch   | B*OoD* C*A*TTa iissww   | gld
          honey tortie chinch    | b*OoD* C*A*TTa iissww   | gld
                             The Silver Tabby Colors
      The silver tabbies are obtained by adding a moderate expression of the
      inhibitor gene, I*, to the standard tabbies.  Only six of the eight
      possible colors are recognized.
          Color                  | Karyotype               | Usual eye color
          silver tabby           | B*ooD* C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver blue tabby      | B*oodd C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver chestnut tabby  | b*ooD* C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver lilac tabby     | b*oodd C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver red tabby       | **OOD* C***T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver cream tabby     | **OOdd C***T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
                             The Spotted Tabby Colors
      The bronze spotted tabbies are genetically standard mackerel tabbies
      with the mackerel striping broken into spots by the effects of various
      polygenes.  Ideal coats have evenly spaced round spots.  Only six of
      the eight possible colors are recognized.
      The silver spotted tabbies are bronze spotted tabbies with a moderate
      expression of the inhibitor gene, "I*", added.  This produces a pat-
      tern of jet black spots on a silvery agouti background.  Only six of
      the eight possible colors are recognized.
          Color                  | Karyotype               | Usual eye color
          bronze                 | B*ooD* C*A*T* iissww    | gld
          bronze blue            | B*oodd C*A*T* iissww    | cpr gld
          bronze chocolate       | b*ooD* C*A*T* iissww    | cpr gld
          bronze lavender        | b*oodd C*A*T* iissww    | cpr gld
          copper                 | **OOD* C***T* iissww    | cop
          bronze cream           | **OOdd C***T* iissww    | gld
          silver                 | B*ooD* C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver blue            | B*oodd C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver chocolate       | b*ooD* C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver lilac           | b*oodd C*A*T* I*ssww    | hzl grn
          silver red             | **OOD* C***T* I*ssww    | org hzl grn
          silver cream           | **OOdd C***T* I*ssww    | org hzl grn
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                              The Abyssinian Colors
      The Abyssinians are primarily standard tabbies with the Abyssinian
      allele of the tabby gene, "Ta*".  This produces an all-agouti coat,
      similar to that of the wild rabbit.
      The silver Abyssinians are Abyssinians with a moderate expression of
      the inhibitor gene, "I*".  This produces the all-agouti ticking on a
      pale silver undercolor.
      It should be noted that among Abyssinians there are two genetically
      different reds that are virtually identical in appearance:  "red,"
      which is in reality cinnamon, and "true red," which is red.
          Color                  | Karyotype               | Usual eye color
          ruddy                  | B*ooD* C*A*Ta* iissww   | org amb grn
          blue                   | B*oodd C*A*Ta* iissww   | org amb grn
          chestnut               | b*ooD* C*A*Ta* iissww   | org amb grn
          lavender               | b*oodd C*A*Ta* iissww   | org amb grn
          red                    | blblooD* C*A*Ta* iissww | org amb
          fawn                   | blbloodd C*A*Ta* iissww | org amb
          true red               | **OOD* C***Ta* iissww   | cpr org amb
          cream                  | **OOdd C***Ta* iissww   | cpr org amb
          silver                 | B*ooD* C*A*Ta* I*ssww   | grn
          silver blue            | B*oodd C*A*Ta* I*ssww   | grn
          silver chestnut        | b*ooD* C*A*Ta* I*ssww   | grn
          silver lilac           | b*oodd C*A*Ta* I*ssww   | grn
          silver red             | blblooD* C*A*Ta* I*ssww | yel
          silver fawn            | blbloodd C*A*Ta* I*ssww | yel
          true silver red        | **OOD* C***Ta* I*ssww   | org yel
          silver cream           | **OOdd C***Ta* I*ssww   | org yel
                            The Oriental Solid Colors
      The oriental solids are identical in every way to the standard solids
      except in their names.  Oriental color names tend to be used with cats
      of oriental build, effectively solid-color Siamese.
          Color                 | Karyotype                | Usual eye color
          ebony                 | B*ooD* C*aa** iissww     | grn
          blue                  | B*oodd C*aa** iissww     | grn
          chocolate             | b*ooD* C*aa** iissww     | grn
          lilac                 | b*oodd C*aa** iissww     | grn
          caramel               | blblooD* C*aa** iissww   | grn
          fawn                  | blbloodd C*aa** iissww   | grn
          red                   | **OOD* C***T* iissww     | grn
          cream                 | **OOdd C***T* iissww     | grn
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                                The Burmese Colors
      The Burmese colors are formed from the standard solid colors by the
      reduction in color expression from full, "C*", to the Burmese alleles,
      "cbcb".  This is a partial albinism and causes a slight reduction in
      color intensity:  black becomes sable.  These colors are used almost
      exclusively for the Burmese and related breeds, such as the Malayan
      and Tiffany.
          Color                 | Karyotype                | Usual eye color
          sable                 | B*ooD* cbcbaa** iissww   | gld
          blue                  | B*oodd cbcbaa** iissww   | gld
          champagne             | b*ooD* cbcbaa** iissww   | gld
          platinum              | b*oodd cbcbaa** iissww   | gld
          cinnamon              | blblooD* cbcbaa** iissww | gld
          fawn                  | blbloodd cbcbaa** iissww | gld
          red                   | **OOD* cbcb**T* iissww   | gld
          cream                 | **OOdd cbcb**T* iissww   | gld
                               The Tonkinese Colors
      The Tonkinese colors are formed from the standard solid colors by the
      reduction of color expression from full, "C*", to combined Burmese and
      Siamese, "cbcs".  This is a partial albinism and causes a downgrade in
      color expression, the body color becoming a light-to-medium brown and
      the points becoming Burmese.  These colors are used only with the
      Tonkinese breed.
          Color                 | Karyotype                | Usual eye color
          natural mink          | B*ooD* cbcsaa** iissww   | trq
          blue mink             | B*oodd cbcsaa** iissww   | trq
          honey mink            | b*ooD* cbcsaa** iissww   | trq
          champagne mink        | b*oodd cbcsaa** iissww   | trq
          cinnamon mink         | blblooD* cbcsaa** iissww | trq
          fawn mink             | blbloodd cbcsaa** iissww | trq
          red mink              | **OOD* cbcs**T* iissww   | trq
          cream mink            | **OOdd cbcs**T* iissww   | trq
                                The Siamese Colors
      The Siamese solid-point formed from the standard colors by the reduc-
      tion of color expression from full, "C*", to Siamese, "cscs".  This is
      a partial albinism and causes a downgrade in color expression, the
      body color becoming fawn and the points becoming Burmese.  The solid-
      point colors are formed from the standard solids, the tortie-point
      from the standard torties, the lynx-point from the standard tabbies,
      and the torbie-point from the standard torbies.  Only six of the eight
      possible solid- or lynx-point and four of the six possible tortie- or
      torbie-point colors are recognized.
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          Color                  | Karyotype               | Usual eye color
          seal point             | B*ooD* cscsaa** iissww  | sbl
          blue point             | B*oodd cscsaa** iissww  | sbl
          chocolate point        | b*ooD* cscsaa** iissww  | sbl
          lilac point            | b*oodd cscsaa** iissww  | sbl
          red point              | **OOD* cscsT* iissww    | sbl
          cream point            | **OOdd cscsT* iissww    | sbl
          seal tortie point      | B*OoD* cscsaaT* iissww  | sbl
          blue tortie point      | B*Oodd cscsaaT* iissww  | sbl
          chocolate tortie point | b*OoD* cscsaaT* iissww  | sbl
          lilac tortie point     | b*Oodd cscsaaT* iissww  | sbl
          seal lynx point        | B*ooD* cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
          blue lynx point        | B*oodd cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
          chocolate lynx point   | b*ooD* cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
          lilac lynx point       | b*oodd cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
          red lynx point         | **OOD* cscs**T* iissww  | sbl
          cream lynx point       | **OOdd cscs**T* iissww  | sbl
          seal torbie point      | B*OoD* cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
          blue torbie point      | B*Oodd cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
          chocolate torbie point | b*OoD* cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
          lilac torbie point     | b*Oodd cscsA*T* iissww  | sbl
                                  The Van Colors
      The van colors are formed from the standard solid colors by the addi-
      tion of the van gene, "Wv".  This is a masking gene, covering the
      effects of the agouti, color-expression, tabby, inhibitor, and white-
      spotting genes.  The van gene, a modified dominant-white gene, causes
      the coat to be white with color on the crown of the head, ears, and
      tail only.  The preferred van color is auburn (orange).  The tail is
      often tabby-ringed.
          Color                 | Karyotype                | Usual eye color
          black van             | B*ooD* ****** ****Wv*    | org wbl odd
          blue van              | B*oodd ****** ****Wv*    | org wbl odd
          chestnut van          | b*ooD* ****** ****Wv*    | org wbl odd
          lavender van          | b*oodd ****** ****Wv*    | org wbl odd
          cinnamon van          | blblooD* ****** ****Wv*  | org wbl odd
          fawn van              | blbloodd ****** ****Wv*  | org wbl odd
          auburn van            | **OOD* ****** ****Wv*    | org wbl odd
          cream van             | **OOdd ****** ****Wv*    | org wbl odd
                                    The Whites
      White is not a color, but rather a masking of the color genes result-
      ing in an absence of color.  There are five ways a cat can have an all
      white coat:  be full-inhibited white, be full-spotted white, be domi-
      nant white, be blue-eyed albino, or be albino.  Each of these ways is
      genetically different.
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      The full-inhibited white coat comes from a 100% expression of the
      inhibitor gene, "I*", masking all colors and patterns.  Since the
      current trend in chinchilla coats is to have just a hint of tipping,
      certain kittens are bound to be born where the "hint" is effectively
      zero, creating an all-white cat.  Since the colors still exist, the
      eyes will be the proper color for the masked "true" coat colors, and
      may be anything except dominant-white blue, albino blue, or pink.
      The full-spotted white coat comes from a 100% expression of the white
      spotting gene, "S*", masking all colors and patterns.  This coat may
      have a few non-white hairs, especially on a kitten.  Like the full-
      inhibited white, the eyes will be the proper color for the masked
      "true" coat colors, and may be anything except dominant-white blue,
      albino blue, or pink.
      The dominant white coat comes from expression of the dominant-white
      gene, "W*", masking all colors and patterns.  The eyes are always
      orange, dominant-white blue, or odd.
      The blue-eyed albino comes from expression of the blue-eyed albino
      allele of the albino gene, "ca*", masking all colors and patterns.
      The eyes are always albino blue.
      The albino coat comes from expression of the albino allele of the
      albino gene, "cc", masking all colors and patterns.  The eyes are
      always pink.
          Color                 | Karyotype                | Usual eye color
          full-inhibited white  | ****** ****** I*****     | not wbl/abl/pnk
          full-spotted white    | ****** ****** **S***     | not wbl/abl/pnk
          dominant white        | ****** ****** ****W*     | org wbl odd
          blue-eyed albino      | ****** ca***** ******    | alb
          albino                | ****** cc**** ******     | pnk
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