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_AN ICON EDITOR_ by Keith Weiskamp and Loren Heiny


/* iconed.c – a special purpose icon editor. * * This program allows you to interactively edit icons that * can be used in a graphics program. You can create an icon, * edit an existing one, or save an icon pattern to a file. The * program requires a mouse. The icon files produced are of the * form: * ICONWIDTH ICONHEIGHT * one row of icon pattern * next row of icon pattern * . . . * last row of icon pattern * */

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <alloc.h> #include "mouse.h" /* mouse and keyboard routines */

#define BIGICONLEFT 20 /* left side of the big icon pattern */ #define BIGICONTOP 50 /* top side of the big icon pattern */ #define BIGBITSIZE 8 /* big bits are 8 pixels in size */ #define ICONWIDTH 16 /* an icon is a 16x16 pattern */ #define ICONHEIGHT 16 #define ICONLEFT 400 /* small icon pattern located here */ #define ESC 27 /* the value of the ESC key */

/* Here are the functions used in iconed.c: */

void draw_enlarged_icon(void); void toggle_bigbit(int x, int y); void toggle_icons_bit(int x, int y); void init_bigbit(void); void toggle_cursor(int x, int y); void save_icon(void); int read_icon(void); void init_graphics(void); void show_icon(void);

/* The global variables */

void *bigbit; /* points to image of a big bit */

                 /* holds icon pattern */

unsigned char icon[ICONHEIGHT][ICONWIDTH];

void main() {

  int x, y;
  int c;
  read_icon();           /* read in an icon file */
                         /* initialize mouse */
  if (!initmouse()) {    /* must have mouse */
    printf("\nMouse not installed");
    printf("\nQuitting the Icon Editor");
  draw_enlarged_icon();  /* an empty big icon pattern */
  show_icon();           /* Draw the icon */
  hidemouse();      /* mouse cursor must be turned off */
	      /* before writing to screen */
  outtextxy(BIGICONLEFT, 10, "Press ESC when finished ...");
  outtextxy(BIGICONLEFT, BIGICONTOP-20, "Enlarged Icon");
  outtextxy(ICONLEFT, BIGICONTOP-20, "Actual Icon");
  showmouse();       /* redisplay mouse cursor */
    /* get input from mouse/keyboard */
  while ((c=waitforinput(LEFT_BUTTON)) != ESC) {
if (c < 0) {     /* if true mouse button pressed */
          getmousecoords(&x, &y);  /* get current position */
    toggle_bigbit(x, y);     /* toggle big bit */
  hidemouse();       /* turn mouse off and then get out */
  closegraph();      /* of graphics mode */
  printf("Do you want to save this icon to a file? (y) ");
  if (getch() != 'n')


void draw_enlarged_icon(void) { /* * This function draws an enlarged view of the icon pattern. * You can click a big bit in this pattern to toggle the * corresponding icons on and off in the actual icon. The * icon is drawn at BIGICONLEFT, BIGICONTOP, to right, bottom. */

  int i;
  int right,bottom;
  setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH);
  right = 2 * (BIGICONLEFT + (ICONWIDTH-1) *
  hidemouse();    /* draw vertical and horizonatal dashed */
  for (i=0; i<=ICONHEIGHT; i++)
  for (i=0; i<=ICONWIDTH; i++)
  init_bigbit();	/* create the big bit image */


void init_bigbit(void) { /* This function creates the image of a single big bit. This * image is used to toggle the big bits whenever the user * clicks on the big icon pattern. */

  int bbx, bby;
  int i,j;
  bby = BIGICONTOP;     /* corner of the big icon */
  hidemouse();       /* hide the mouse before drawing */
  for (j=bby+1; j<=bby+BIGBITSIZE; j++) {
      for (i=bbx+1; i<=bbx+2*BIGBITSIZE; i++) {
/* Set aside memory for the big bit image and then use
   getimage() to capture its image. */
  bigbit = malloc(imagesize(bbx,bby,bbx+2*BIGBITSIZE,
/* Erase the big bit by exclusive ORing it with itself */
  putimage(bbx+1, bby+1, bigbit, XOR_PUT);
  showmouse();      /* turn the mouse back on */


void toggle_bigbit(int x, int y) { /* * This function toggles a big bit and the corresponding pixel * in the icon pattern. The x and y coordinates specify the * mouse position. */

  int i, j;
  int line1, line2, col1, col2;
  for (j=0; j<ICONHEIGHT; j++) {
if (line1 <= y && y < line2) {
          for (i=0; i<ICONWIDTH; i++) {
       col2 = BIGICONLEFT+2*((i+1)*
             if (col1 <= x && x < col2) {
                 toggle_icons_bit(i, j);


void toggle_icons_bit(int x, int y) { /* * This function toggles a single pixel in the icon pattern. * The pixel's color and value is changed in the icon array. * Arguments x and y are between 0 and ICONWIDTH or ICONHEIGHT. * The array icon saves the icon pattern. If a location is set * to 1, the corresponding pixel in the icon is displayed. */

     /* if pixel is not black, make it black */
  if (getpixel(2*x+ICONLEFT,BIGICONTOP+y) != BLACK) {
      icon[y][x] = 0;
  else {        /* draw all pixels on with the max color */
icon[y][x] = 1;


void save_icon(void) { /* This function writes the icon pattern to a file. The user * is prompted for the filename. The format of the file is * presented at the top of the iconed.c file. */

  char filename[80];
  FILE *iconfile;
  int i, j;
  printf("\nEnter the file name to store the icon in: ");
  if ((iconfile = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file.\n");
    /*  Write the header to the file */
  fprintf(iconfile, "%d %d\n", ICONWIDTH, ICONHEIGHT);
  for (j=0; j<ICONHEIGHT; j++) {      /* Write the icon */
      for (i=0; i<ICONWIDTH; i++)     /* pattern to a file */
    fprintf(iconfile, "%x ", icon[j][i]);
fprintf(iconfile, "\n");


int read_icon(void) { /* This function reads an icon file into the icon array and * calls show_icon() to turn the appropriate pixels on. If the * file header doesn't match ICONWIDTH and ICONHEIGHT, the * the file is invalid and the icon is not read. The function * returns a 0 if a file is not read; otherwise 1 is returned. */

  char filename[80];
  FILE *iconfile;
  int i, j;
  int width, height;
  for (j=0; j<ICONHEIGHT; j++) {   /* Initialize icon array */
      for (i=0; i<ICONWIDTH; i++)  /* to all blanks */
    icon[j][i] = 0;
  printf("\n\n-----------  ICON EDITOR -------------\n\n");
  printf("Do you want to edit an existing icon? (y) ");
  if (getch() == 'n')
  printf("\nEnter name of the file to read the icon from: ");
  if ((iconfile = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL) {
printf("Cannot open file.\n");
return(0);		 /* return a failure flag */

/* Read first line of the icon file. It should contain two

  numbers that are equal to ICONWIDTH and ICONHEIGHT.


  fscanf(iconfile,"%d %d", &width, &height);
  if (width != ICONWIDTH || height != ICONHEIGHT) {
printf("Incompatible icon file.\n");
return(0);          /* return a failure flag */
  for (j=0; j<ICONHEIGHT; j++) {
      for (i=0; i<ICONWIDTH; i++)
    fscanf(iconfile, "%x", &icon[j][i]);
  return(1);             /* return a success flag */


void init_graphics(void) { /* This function initializes the graphics hardware. */

  int gdriver = CGA;
  int gmode, gerror;
  gmode =4;
  if ((gerror = graphresult()) < 0) {
printf("Failed graphics initialization: gerror=%d\n",


void show_icon(void) { /* This function displays the icon pattern stored in the * icon array. */

  int x, y;
  for (y=0; y<ICONHEIGHT; y++)
    for (x=0; x<ICONWIDTH; x++) {
      if (icon[y][x] == 1) {
  toggle_icons_bit(x, y);



/* mouse.c – routines to support a Microsoft compatible mouse. * This package assumes that you are running under * graphics mode. */

#include <dos.h> #include <conio.h> #include "mouse.h" #include "graphics.h"

#define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int mouseexists; /* internal variable set true if a */

	      /* mouse driver is detected  */

void mouse(int *m1, int *m2, int *m3, int *m4) { /* * This function provides the interface between the mouse * driver and an application program. Several predefined mouse * functions supported by the Microsoft mouse are available. * Parameters are passed and returned with the ax, bx, cx and * dx registers. */

  union REGS inregs, outregs; = *m1;
  inregs.x.bx = *m2; = *m3;
  inregs.x.dx = *m4;
  int86(0x33, &inregs, &outregs);
  *m1 =;      /* return parameters */
  *m2 = outregs.x.bx;
  *m3 =;
  *m4 = outregs.x.dx;


int initmouse(void) { /* * This function initializes the mouse and displays * the mouse cursor at the top, left of the screen, if one * is present. */

  int m1, m2, m3, m4, gmode;
  char far *memory = (char far *)0x004000049L;
  mouseexists = TRUE;
  mouse(&m1, &m2, &m3, &m4);
  if (m1) {               /* if mouse reset okay, assume */
gmode = getgraphmode();            /* mouse exists */
if (gmode == HERCMONOHI) {   /* Test for Hercules */
    *memory = 0x06;
mouse(&m1, &m2, &m3, &m4);  /* mouse exists and draw the */
showmouse();            /* cursor on the screen at 0,0 */
return(1);             /* return a success flag */
  else {                       /* no mouse installed */
mouseexists = FALSE;
return(0);            /* return a no-mouse found flag */


void hidemouse(void) { /* This function removes the mouse cursor from the screen. It * should be called before displaying data on the screen. * Use showmouse() to redisplay the mouse cursor. The mouse * cursor still moves even though it is not visible. Don't * call hidemouse() if the mouse is not already visible. */

  int m1, m2, m3, m4;
  if (mouseexists) {            /* check for mouse */
     m1 = HIDE_MOUSE;	         /* hide the mouse cursor */
     mouse(&m1, &m2, &m3, &m4);


void showmouse(void) { /* This function displays the mouse cursor. You should not call * this function if the mouse is already visible. */

  int m1, m2, m3, m4;
  if (mouseexists) {		/* make sure mouse exists */
     m1 = SHOW_MOUSE;
     mouse(&m1, &m2, &m3, &m4);  /* display mouse cursor */


void getmousecoords(int *x, int *y) { /* * This function returns the position of the mouse cursor. */

  int m1, m2;
  if (mouseexists) {
     mouse(&m1, &m2, x, y);
     /* adjust for virtual coordinates */
     if (getmaxx() == 319) (*x) /= 2;


int testbutton(int testtype, int whichbutton) { /* * This function tests a mouse button state. It returns TRUE * if the specified mouse button (whichbutton) meets the * specified action (as indicated by testtype); otherwise the * function returns FALSE. */

  int m1, m2, m3, m4;
  m1 = testtype;
  if (whichbutton == LEFT_BUTTON || whichbutton ==
      m2 = LEFT_BUTTON;
      mouse(&m1, &m2, &m3, &m4);
if (m2) return(TRUE);     /* return TRUE if action ok*/
  if (whichbutton == RIGHT_BUTTON || whichbutton ==
      m1 = testtype;
      mouse(&m1, &m2, &m3, &m4);
if (m2) return(TRUE);     /* return TRUE if action ok */
  return(FALSE);           /* return FALSE as a catch all */


int waitforinput(int whichbutton) { /* This function returns a character if a key has been pressed, * -1 if a mouse button has been pressed; otherwise a zero. If

  a mouse exists, this routine favors any keyboard action.


  int c = 0;
    while (!c)   {
if (kbhit())    /* check if a key has been pressed */
    c =getch();  /* return the character     */
      else {
       if (testbutton(CHECK_BUTTON_PRESS, whichbutton)) {
    while (!testbutton(CHECK_BUTTON_RELEASE,
    c = -1;
else if (testbutton(CHECK_BUTTON_RELEASE,
	      whichbutton)) {
    c = -1;



/* mouse.h – this file includes function prototypes and macro * constants for the functions in mouse.c. */

/* The following is a list of constants that correspond to the * mouse functions supported in mouse.c. */

#define RESET_MOUSE 0 #define SHOW_MOUSE 1 #define HIDE_MOUSE 2 #define GET_MOUSE_STATUS 3 #define SET_MOUSE_COORD 4 #define CHECK_BUTTON_PRESS 5 #define CHECK_BUTTON_RELEASE 6 #define SET_MOUSE_HORIZ_RANGE 7 /* not used */ #define SET_MOUSE_VERT_RANGE 8 /* not used */ #define SET_GRAPHICS_CURSOR 9 /* not used */ #define GET_MOUSE_MOVEMENT 11 #define SET_MICKEY_RATIO 15 /* not used */

#define LEFT_BUTTON 0 /* use left button */ #define RIGHT_BUTTON 1 /* use right button */ #define EITHER_BUTTON 2 /* use either button */

/* The function prototypes for the functions in mouse.c */

void mouse(int *m1, int *m2, int *m3, int *m4); int initmouse(void); void getmousecoords(int *x, int *y); void hidemouse(void); void showmouse(void); int testbutton(int testtype, int whichbutton); int waitforinput(int whichbutton);

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