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@Assembler Programming Topics :8086 architecture

% General Purpose Registers Segment Registers

AH/AL  AX  (EAX)  Accumulator		 CS	Code Segment
BH/BL  BX  (EBX)  Base			 DS	Data Segment
CH/CL  CX  (ECX)  Counter		 SS	Stack Segment
DH/DL  DX  (EDX)  Data			 ES	Extra Segment
					(FS)	386 and newer
(Exx) indicates 386+ 32 bit register 	(GS)	386 and newer

% Pointer Registers Stack Registers

SI (ESI)  Source Index			SP (ESP)  Stack Pointer
DI (EDI)  Destination Index		BP (EBP)  Base Pointer
IP	  Instruction Pointer

% Status Registers

FLAGS Status Flags   (see ~FLAGS~)

% Special Registers (386+ only)

CR0	Control Register 0	  DR0	 Debug Register 0
CR2	Control Register 2	  DR1	 Debug Register 1
CR3	Control Register 3	  DR2	 Debug Register 2
				  DR3	 Debug Register 3
TR4	Test Register 4		  DR6	 Debug Register 6
TR5	Test Register 5		  DR7	 Debug Register 7
TR6	Test Register 6
TR7	Test Register 7

% Register Default Segment Valid Overrides

SI or DI		DS		ES, SS, CS
DI strings		ES		None
SI strings		DS		ES, SS, CS
  1. see ~CPU~ ~DETECTING~ ~Instruction Timing~

:Instruction Timing

Some instructions require additional clock cycles due to a "Next
Instruction Component" identified by a "+m" in the instruction
clock cycle listings.  This is due to the prefetch queue being
purge on a control transfers.	Below is the general rule for
calculating "m":
88/86 not applicable
286  "m" is the number of bytes in the next instruction
386  "m" is the number of components in the next instruction
	(the instruction coding (each byte), plus the data and
	the displacement are all considered components)

% Description Clock Cycles

Displacement						6
Base or Index (BX,BP,SI,DI)				5
Displacement+(Base or Index)				9
Base+Index (BP+DI,BX+SI)				7
Base+Index (BP+SI,BX+DI)				8
Base+Index+Displacement (BP+DI,BX+SI)		       11
Base+Index+Displacement (BP+SI+disp,BX+DI+disp)	       12
  1. add 4 cycles for word operands at odd addresses
  2. add 2 cycles for segment override
  3. 80188/80186 timings differ from those of the 8088/8086/80286

% Task State Calculation

"TS" is defined as switching from VM/486 or 80286 TSS to one of
the following:


		³	        New Task		³
³   Old Task	³ (VM=0)³ (VM=1)³ (VM=0)³ (VM=1)³	³
386 TSS (VM=0)	³	³	³  309  ³  226  ³  282  ³
386 TSS (VM=1)	³	³	³  314  ³  231  ³  287  ³
386 CPU/286 TSS	³	³	³  307  ³  224  ³  280  ³
486 CPU/286 TSS	³  199	³  177	³	³	³  180	³

% Miscellaneous

  1. all timings are for best case and do not take into account wait

states, instruction alignment, the state of the prefetch queue,

  DMA refresh cycles, cache hits/misses or exception processing.
- to convert clocks to nanoseconds divide one microsecond by the
  processor speed in MegaHertz:

^(1000MHz/(n MHz)) = X nanoseconds

  1. see ~8086 Architecture~

:directives:asm directives

.186	enables assembly of 80186 instructions
.286	enables assembly of non privileged 80286 instructions
.286C	same as .286
.286P	enables assembly of all 80286 instructions
.287	enabled assembly of 80287 instructions
.386	enabled assembly of non privileged 80386 instructions
	If used before .MODEL segments are defined as 32bits.
	Causes all segments to default to DWORD alignment.
.386P	enabled assembly of all 80386 instructions (see .386)
.387	enabled assembly of 80387 instructions
.8086	default, enables assembly of 8088/8086 instruction
.8087	default, enables assembly of 8087 instructions
These directives must precede the segment they are to effect.
they cannot occur within a segment.
.CODE  [name]	starts code segment; must follow .MODEL directive
.CONST		starts a constant data segment with name CONST;
		must follow .MODEL directive; placed in DGROUP
.DATA		starts a near data segment for initialized data
		with name _DATA; must follow .MODEL directive;
		placed in DGROUP
.DATA?		starts a near data segment for uninitialized
		data with name _BSS; must follow .MODEL
		directive; placed in DGROUP
.FARDATA [name]	not placed in any group
.FARDATA? [name] not placed in any group
.MODEL model	defines memory model to be one of the following:
		used prior to any other segment directive
.STACK [size]	indicates start of stack segment named 'STACK'
		with size indicating number of bytes to reserve,
		default is 1k; placed in DGROUP
.ALPHA		orders segments alphabetically
.SEQ		orders segments sequentially (default)
ASSUME sreg:name [,sreg:name...]   selects default segment
		register to be used by the assembler, not the CPU,
		for addressing all symbols in the segment or group.
		Name must be associated with a SEGMENT or GROUP
		or set to "NOTHING" to indicate no segment register
		is to be associated.
COMM def [,def...]  defines variables that are both public and
		external (communal).  Can be used in and include
		file to identify it to each source file without
		declaring it in each model as extern.  Actually
		defines data once.  Communal variables cannot be
		initialized, and are not guaranteed to be allocated
		contiguously since these are allocated by the linker.
DOSSEG		orders segments the same as DOS.  This is Microsoft
		languages default order; causes paragph alignment
END [name]	marks end of source module and sets program
		start address (CS:IP) if 'name' is present
 name ENDP		ends procedure 'name'
 name ENDS		ends a segment or structure
EXTRN name:type [,name:type...]  defines one or more external symbols
 name GROUP seg[,seg]
 name LABEL [NEAR|FAR|PROC]  defines an entry point;	If PROC is specified,
		it's value depends on the current MODEL
NAME pgmName	ignored since MASM 5.0; used to set module name
 name PROC [NEAR|FAR]	defines procedure; NEAR/FAR has .MODEL default
PUBLIC name[,name...]  makes symbol 'name' available to other modules
 name SEGMENT [align][combine][use]['class']
	align	= BYTE	align on byte address (no alignment)
		= WORD	align on even address
		= DWORD	align on DWORD address
		= PARA	align on next 16 byte paragraph
		= PAGE	align on next 256 byte boundary
	combine = PUBLIC  similar named segments are concatenated (CS)
		= STACK   similar named segments are concatenated (SS)
		= COMMON  similar named segment are overlapped
		= MEMORY  similar names segments are concatenated
		= AT addr segment relative to absolute address
		= nothing segment is private and loaded independent
	use	= USE16   segments will be 16 bits (if .386)
		= USE32   segments will be 32 bits (if .386)
ALIGN n		aligns next variable or instruction on a boundary
		that is a multiple of "n".  This can speed memory
		fetches on 16 and 32 bit CPU'S if aligned.  New to
		~MASM~ 5.0, previous versions used EVEN.  Can result
		in NOP's added to code.

[name] DB init[,init…] define byte [name] DD init[,init…] define double word (DWORD, 4 bytes) [name] DF init[,init…] define far word (FWORD, 386, 6 bytes) [name] DQ init[,init…] define quad word (QWORD, 8 bytes) [name] DT init[,init…] define temp word (TBYTE, 10 bytes) [name] DW init[,init…] define word (WORD, 2 bytes)

count	DUP (init[,init...]) duplicate 'init' 'count' times; DUP can be
		nested to 17 levels; DUP'ed initial values
		of (?) don't result in data in the object file
		but instead increment the next data addr
 name	ENDS		end of structure or segment
EVEN		same as align 2;  Aligns data on even boundary
ORG expr	sets location counter to 'expr';  If 'expr'
		is '$' the code is ORG'ed at the current loc.
 name	RECORD fld[,fld...]  defines a byte or word variable
		consisting of bit fields;  fields have the format:
		fieldname:width[=expr];  the sum of all widths
		must be <= 0

[name] STRUC <[init[,init]]> defines beginning of a structure; Values between <> are initializers; The '<>' symbols

		are required.
expr1	AND  expr2	returns nonzero if any set bit matches
expr1	EQ   expr2	returns (-1) for true or (0) for false
expr1	GE   expr2	returns (-1) for true or (0) for false
expr1	LE   expr2	returns (-1) for true or (0) for false
expr1	LT   expr2	returns (-1) for true or (0) for false
MASK {fldname|record}  returns bit mask for bits in record
expr1	OR   expr2	returns bitwise OR on expr1 and expr2
NOT  expr	returns 'expr' with all bits reversed
 expr	SHL  count	returns expr shifted left count times
 expr	SHR  count	returns expr shifted right count times
WIDTH {fldname|record}	returns width of field in bit record
expr1 XOR expr2	returns bitwise XOR on expr1 and expr2
[]		index operator, same as addition
.MSFLOAT	encode floats in Microsoft Real Format
.TYPE	expr	returns byte defining mode and scope of expr
 name	EQU 	expr	assigns expression to name. surround text with <>
HIGH	expr	returns high byte of 'expr'
INCLUDE filespec  inserts code from 'filespec' into file
INCLUDELIB filespec  stores link library info in .OBJ file
LENGTH	var	returns number of data objects in DUPed 'var'
LOW	expr	returns low byte of 'expr'
expr1	MOD	expr2	return remainder of expr1/expr2
OFFSET	expr	returns offset of expr;   When .MODEL is used
		the offset of a group relative segment refers
		to the end of the segment
 type	PTR	expr	forces 'expr' to 'type'
SEG	expr	returns segment of expression
SHORT		sets type of label to short, less than 128
		bytes from start of next instruction
SIZE	var	returns # of bytes allocated by DUP directive
THIS	type	returns an operand of specified type whose
		offset and segment values are equal to the
		current location
TYPE	expr	returns type of expression

% Program Listing and Documentation Directives

.CREF		restores listing of cross reference symbols
.LALL		include macro expansion in listings
.LFCOND		include false conditional blocks in listings
.LIST		starts listing of statements
.SALL		suppress listing of all macro expansions
.SFCOND		suppress false conditional blocks in listings
.XALL		start listing of macro expansion
.XCREF [name[,name...]]  suppress symbols in cross reference
.XLIST		suppress program listing
COMMENT delimiter [text]
PAGE   [[len],wid]	sets page length&width or ejects if no parms
SUBTTL	text	defines program listing subtitle
TITLE	text	defines program listing title

% Condition Assembly Directives

ELSE		else clause for conditional assembly block
ENDIF		terminates a conditional assembly block
IFDEF	name	conditional assembly if name is defined

% Macro Definition Directives

ENDM		terminates a macro block
EXITM		exit macro expansion immediately
IRP  parm,<arg[,arg...]> parm in the statements enclosed by the
		IRP and ENDM will be repeated and replaced with the
		values of "arg" for each "arg" in the <>.
IRPC parm,<string>  parm in the statements enclosed by the IRPC
		and ENDM will be repeated and replaced with the values
		of each char in the "string" for each character
		position in the string.  "string" should be enclosed
		in <> if it contains spaces or other separators.
LOCAL name[,name...]  defines scope symbol as local to a macro
 name	MACRO [parm[,parm...]]	defines a macro and it's parameters
PURGE name[,name]  purges macros from memory
REPT	expr	repeats all statements through ENDM statement for
		'expr' times

% User Message Directives

.ERR		generates and error
.ERR1		generates an error on PASS 1
.ERR2		generates an error on PASS 2
.ERRB	<arg>	generates an error if 'arg' is blank
.ERRDEF name	generates an error if 'name' is previously defined
.ERRDIF[I] <arg1>,<arg2>
.ERRE	expr	generates and error is 'expr' is false
%OUT	text	displays 'text' to console

% Predefined Equates (available only if simplified segments are used)

@curseg		contains the current segment
@filename	current file name without extension
@code		contains the current code segment
@codesize	0 for small & compact, 1 for large, medium & huge
@datasize	0 for small & medium, 1 for compact & large, 2=huge
@const		contains segment of define by .CONST
@data		contains segment of define by .DATA
@data?		contains segment of define by .DATA?
@fardata	contains segment of define by .FARDATA
@fardata?	contains segment of define by .FARDATA?
@stack		contains segment of define by .STACK
Most of these are only available if the simplified segment system
is used.  @curseg and @filename are available regardless.

% Radix Specifiers

.RADIX expr	sets radix [2..16] for numbers (dec. default)
B		binary data specifier
Q		octal data specifier
O		octal data specifier
D		decimal data specifier
H		hexadecimal data specifier

:masm options:assembler options

% Options Definition

/A		generate segments in alphabetical order
/B[size]    	sets I/O buffer size in K bytes (1..63, default 32)
/C		generate cross reference file with .CRF extension
/D		generate PASS 1 listing
/Dsym[=val]	define symbol for use during assembly
/E		emulate floating point instructions (for use with HLL)
/H		list options and command syntax
/Ipath		include-file search path
/L		generate listing file with .LST extension
/ML		case sensitive for all symbols
/MU		upper case all symbols (default)
/MX		case sensitive in external and public symbols
/N		suppress symbol tables in listings
/P		check for impure code in 286 and 386 protected
		mode (invalid CS overrides)
/S		generate segments in the order they are found (default)
/T		terse message display; display errors only
/V		verbose message display; includes # lines and symbols
/W{0|1|2}	assembly warning level
		    0 = no warnings
		    1 = severe warnings only
		    2 = all warnings enabled
/X		display complete conditional assembly blocks in
		listing including false conditionals
/Z		display errors including line numbers to screen
/ZD		generate line numbers in .OBJ files
/ZI		generate both symbolic and line number information in
		.OBJ files

% Environment Variables

INCLUDE		search path for include files
MASM		default command line options

:flags register:8086 flags

³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  CF Carry Flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  1
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  PF Parity Flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  0
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  AF Auxiliary Flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  0
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  ZF Zero Flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  SF Sign Flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  TF Trap Flag  (Single Step)
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  IF Interrupt Flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  DF Direction Flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ  OF Overflow flag
³  ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÁÄÄÄ  IOPL I/O Privilege Level  (286+ only)
³  ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ  NT Nested Task Flag  (286+ only)
³  ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ  0
³  ÀÄÄÄÄÄ  RF Resume Flag (386+ only)
ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ  VM  Virtual Mode Flag (386+ only)
  1. see ~PUSHF~ ~POPF~ ~STI~ ~CLI~ ~STD~ ~CLD~

:models:segment names

% Model

TINY	Data and code fit in one 64K segment.  All code and
	data are accessed via near pointers.
SMALL	64k data segment max and 64k code segment max.	All
	code and data are accessed via near pointers.
COMPACT	1Mb data segment max and 64K code segment max.	Code
	is accessed via near pointers, data is accessed via
	far pointers.  No array can be greater than 64K
MEDIUM	64K data segment max and 1Mb code segment max.	Code is
	accessed via far pointers, data is accessed via	near pointers.
LARGE	1Mb data segment max and 1Mb code segment max.	All
	code and data are accessed via far pointers.  No
	single element can be greater than 64K.
HUGE	1Mb data segment max and 1Mb code segment max.	All
	code and data are accessed via far pointers.  This is
	the only model where arrays can be larger than 64K.
	In this mode is C will normalize all data pointers
	to avoid segment wrapping.

% Directive Segment Alignment Combine Class


% Directive Segment Alignment Combine Class

.FARDATA?   FAR_BSS	PARA	    private	'FAR_BSS'

% Directive Segment Alignment Combine Class


% Directive Segment Alignment Combine Class

.FARDATA?   FAR_BSS	PARA	    private	'FAR_BSS'
  1. all segments fall into DGROUP except for ???_TEXT, FAR_DATA



:msw:machine status word

    ³31³30-5³4³3³2³1³0³  Machine Status Word
³   ³  ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄ Protection Enable (PE)
³   ³  ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Math Present (MP)
³   ³  ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ Emulation (EM)
³   ³  ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Task Switched (TS)
³   ³  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extension Type (ET)
³   ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Reserved
Bit 0	PE	Protection Enable, switches processor between
		protected and real mode
Bit 1	MP	Math Present, controls function of the ~WAIT~
Bit 2	EM	Emulation, indicates whether coprocessor functions
		are to be emulated
Bit 3	TS	Task Switched, set and interrogated by coprocessor
		on task switches and when interpretting coprocessor
Bit 4	ET	Extension Type, indicates type of coprocessor in
Bits 5-30	Reserved
bit 31	PG	Paging, indicates whether the processor uses page
		tables to translate linear addresses to physical
  1. see ~SMSW~ ~LMSW~


Usage:	AAA
Modifies flags: AF CF (OF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)
Changes contents of AL to valid unpacked decimal.  The high order
nibble is zeroed.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  8	3     4	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	AAD
Modifies flags: SF ZF PF (AF,CF,OF undefined)
Used before dividing unpacked decimal numbers.	 Multiplies AH by
10 and the adds result into AL.  Sets AH to zero.  This instruction
is also known to have an undocumented behavior.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  60	14    19    14		  2
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	AAM
Modifies flags: PF SF ZF (AF,CF,OF undefined)
Used after multiplication of two unpacked decimal numbers, this
instruction adjusts an unpacked decimal number.  The high order
nibble of each byte must be zeroed before using this instruction.
This instruction is also known to have an undocumented behavior.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  83	16    17    15		  2
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	AAS
Modifies flags: AF CF (OF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)
Corrects result of a previous unpacked decimal subtraction in AL.
High order nibble is zeroed.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  8	3     4	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	ADC	dest,src
Modifies flags: AF CF OF SF PF ZF
Sums two binary operands placing the result in the destination.
If CF is set, a 1 is added to the destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	16+EA	7     7	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	7     6	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	17+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6  (W88=23+EA)
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	ADD	dest,src
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
Adds "src" to "dest" and replacing the original contents of "dest".
Both operands are binary.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	16+EA	7     7	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	7     6	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	17+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6  (W88=23+EA)
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	AND	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)
Performs a logical AND of the two operands replacing the destination
with the result.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	16+EA	7     7	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	7     6	    1		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	17+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6  (W88=23+EA)
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	ARPL	dest,src
Modifies flags: ZF
Compares the RPL bits of "dest" against "src".	If the RPL bits
of "dest" are less than "src", the destination RPL bits are set
equal to the source RPL bits and the Zero Flag is set.	Otherwise
the Zero Flag is cleared.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  -	10    20    9		  2
mem,reg 	  -	11    21    9		  4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BOUND	src,limit
Modifies flags: None
Array index in source register is checked against upper and lower
bounds in memory source.  The first word located at "limit" is
the lower boundary and the word at "limit+2" is the upper array bound.
Interrupt 5 occurs if the source value is less than or higher than
the source.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,mem32	  -   nj=13 nj=10   7		  2
reg32,mem64	  -   nj=13 nj=10   7		  2
  1. nj = no jump taken
  2. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BSF	dest,src
Modifies flags: ZF
Scans source operand for first bit set.  Sets ZF if a bit is found
set and loads the destination with an index to first set bit.  Clears
ZF is no bits are found set.  BSF scans forward across bit pattern
(0-n) while BSR scans in reverse (n-0).

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  -	-   10+3n  6-42		  3
reg,mem 	  -	-   10+3n  7-43		 3-7
reg32,reg32	  -	-   10+3n  6-42		 3-7
reg32,mem32	  -	-   10+3n  7-43		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BSR	dest,src
Modifies flags: ZF
Scans source operand for first bit set.  Sets ZF if a bit is found
set and loads the destination with an index to first set bit.  Clears
ZF is no bits are found set.  BSF scans forward across bit pattern
(0-n) while BSR scans in reverse (n-0).

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  -	-   10+3n  6-103	  3
reg,mem 	  -	-   10+3n  7-104	 3-7
reg32,reg32	  -	-   10+3n  6-103	 3-7
reg32,mem32	  -	-   10+3n  7-104	 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BSWAP	reg32
Modifies flags: none
Changes the byte order of a 32 bit register from big endian to
little endian or vice versa.   Result left in destination register
is undefined if the operand is a 16 bit register.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg32	 	  -	-     -     1	  	  2
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BT	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF
The destination bit indexed by the source value is copied into the
Carry Flag.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,immed8	  -	-     3	    3		 4-8
mem16,immed8	  -	-     6	    6		 4-8
reg16,reg16	  -	-     3	    3		 3-7
mem16,reg16	  -	-     12    12		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BTC	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF
The destination bit indexed by the source value is copied into the
Carry Flag after being complimented (inverted).

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,immed8	  -	-     6	    6		 4-8
mem16,immed8	  -	-     8	    8		 4-8
reg16,reg16	  -	-     6	    6		 3-7
mem16,reg16	  -	-     13    13		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BTR	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF
The destination bit indexed by the source value is copied into the
Carry Flag and then cleared in the destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,immed8	  -	-     6	    6		 4-8
mem16,immed8	  -	-     8	    8		 4-8
reg16,reg16	  -	-     6	    6		 3-7
mem16,reg16	  -	-     13    13		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	BTS	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF
The destination bit indexed by the source value is copied into the
Carry Flag and then set in the destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,immed8	  -	-     6	    6		 4-8
mem16,immed8	  -	-     8	    8		 4-8
reg16,reg16	  -	-     6	    6		 3-7
mem16,reg16	  -	-     13    13		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CALL	destination
Modifies flags: None
Pushes Instruction Pointer (and Code Segment for far calls) onto
stack and loads Instruction Pointer with the address of proc-name.
Code continues with execution at CS:IP.

% Clocks % Operands 808x 286 386 486

rel16 (near, IP relative)		 19     7      7+m      3
rel32 (near, IP relative)		 -	-      7+m      3
reg16 (near, register indirect)		 16     7      7+m      5
reg32 (near, register indirect)		 -	-      7+m      5
mem16 (near, memory indirect)		 -     21+EA    11    10+m      5
mem32 (near, memory indirect)		 -   	-     10+m      5
ptr16:16 (far, full ptr supplied)	 28     13    17+m      18
ptr16:32 (far, full ptr supplied)	 -	-     17+m      18
ptr16:16 (far, ptr supplied, prot. mode) -	26    34+m      20
ptr16:32 (far, ptr supplied, prot. mode) -	-     34+m      20
m16:16 (far, indirect)		       37+EA    16    22+m      17
m16:32 (far, indirect)			 -	-     22+m      17
m16:16 (far, indirect, prot. mode)	 -      29    38+m      20
m16:32 (far, indirect, prot. mode)	 -	-     38+m      20
ptr16:16 (task, via TSS or task gate)	 -     177     TS     37+TS
m16:16 (task, via TSS or task gate)	 -   180/185  5+TS    37+TS
m16:32 (task)				 -	-      TS     37+TS
m16:32 (task)				 -	-     5+TS    37+TS
ptr16:16 (gate, same privilege)		 -      41    52+m      35
ptr16:32 (gate, same privilege)		 -	-     52+m      35
m16:16 (gate, same privilege)	       	 -	44    56+m      35
m16:32 (gate, same privilege)		 -	-     56+m      35
ptr16:16 (gate, more priv, no parm)	 -   	82    86+m      69
ptr16:32 (gate, more priv, no parm)	 -	-     86+m      69
m16:16 (gate, more priv, no parm)	 -   	83    90+m      69
m16:32 (gate, more priv, no parm)	 -	-     90+m      69
ptr16:16 (gate, more priv, x parms)	 -    86+4x  94+4x+m  77+4x
ptr16:32 (gate, more priv, x parms)	 -	-    94+4x+m  77+4x
m16:16 (gate, more priv, x parms)	 -    90+4x  98+4x+m  77+4x
m16:32 (gate, more priv, x parms)	 -	-    98+4x+m  77+4x
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CBW
Modifies flags: None
Converts byte in AL to word Value in AX by extending sign of AL
throughout register AH.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     3	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CDQ
Modifies flags: None
Converts signed DWORD in EAX to a signed quad word in EDX:EAX by
extending the high order bit of EAX throughout EDX

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	-     2	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CLC
Modifies flags: CF
Clears the Carry Flag.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CLD
Modifies flags: DF
Clears the Direction Flag causing string instructions to increment
the SI and DI index registers.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CLI
Modifies flags: IF
Disables the maskable hardware interrupts by clearing the Interrupt
flag.  NMI's and software interrupts are not inhibited.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     3	    5		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CLTS
Modifies flags: None
Clears the Task Switched Flag in the Machine Status Register.  This
is a privileged operation and is generally used only by operating
system code.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	2     5	    7		  2
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CMC
Modifies flags: CF
Toggles (inverts) the Carry Flag

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CMP	dest,src
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
Subtracts source from destination and updates the flags but does
not save result.  Flags can subsequently be checked for conditions.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	 9+EA	7     5	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	6     6	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	10+EA	6     5	    2		 3-6  (W88=14+EA)
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CMPS	dest,src
	CMPSD	(386+ only)
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
Subtracts destination value from source without saving results.
Updates flags based on the subtraction and  the index registers
(E)SI and (E)DI are incremented or decremented depending on the
state of the Direction Flag.  CMPSB inc/decrements the index
registers by 1, CMPSW inc/decrements by 2, while CMPSD increments
or decrements by 4.  The REP prefixes can be used to process
entire data items.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

dest,src	  22	8     10    8		  1  (W88=30)
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CMPXCHG	dest,src  (486+)
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
Compares the accumulator (8-32 bits) with "dest".  If equal the
"dest" is loaded with "src", otherwise the accumulator is loaded
with "dest".

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg		  -	-     -     6		  2
mem,reg		  -     -     -     7		  2
  1. add 3 clocks if the "mem,reg" comparison fails
  2. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CWD
Modifies flags: None
Extends sign of word in register AX throughout register DX forming
a doubleword quantity in DX:AX.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  5	2     2	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	CWDE
Modifies flags: None
Converts a signed word in AX to a signed doubleword in EAX by
extending the sign bit of AX throughout EAX.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	-     3	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	DAA
Modifies flags: AF CF PF SF ZF (OF undefined)
Corrects result (in AL) of a previous BCD addition operation.
Contents of AL are changed to a pair of packed decimal digits.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  4	3     4	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	DAS
Modifies flags: AF CF PF SF ZF (OF undefined)
Corrects result (in AL) of a previous BCD subtraction operation.
Contents of AL are changed to a pair of packed decimal digits.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  4	3     4	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	DEC	dest
Modifies flags: AF OF PF SF ZF
Unsigned binary subtraction of one from the destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem		15+EA	7     6	    3		 2-4
reg16/32	  3	2     2	    1		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	DIV	src
Modifies flags: (AF,CF,OF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)
Unsigned binary division of accumulator by source.  If the source
divisor is a byte value then AX is divided by "src" and the quotient
is placed in AL and the remainder in AH.  If source operand is a word
value, then DX:AX is divided by "src" and the quotient is stored in AX
and the remainder in DX.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		 80-90	14    14    16		  2
reg16		144-162 22    22    24		  2
reg32		   -	-     38    40		  2
mem8	    (86-96)+EA	17    17    16		 2-4
mem16	  (150-168)+EA	25    25    24		 2-4  (W88=158-176+EA)
mem32		   -	-     41    40		 2-4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	ENTER	locals,level
Modifies flags: None
Modifies stack for entry to procedure for high level language.
Operand "locals" specifies the amount of storage to be allocated
on the stack.	"Level" specifies the nesting level of the routine.
Paired with the ~LEAVE~ instruction, this is an efficient method of
entry and exit to procedures.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

immed16,0	  -	  11	   10	      14  	  4
immed16,1	  -	  15	   12	      17  	  4
immed16,immed8	  -   12+4(n-1) 15+4(n-1)    17+3n	  4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	ESC	immed,src
Modifies flags: None
Provides access to the data bus for other resident processors.
The CPU treats it as a ~NOP~ but places memory operand on bus.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

immed,reg	  2   9-20    ?			  2
immed,mem	  2   9-20    ?			 2-4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	 HLT
Modifies flags: None
Halts CPU until RESET line is activated, NMI or maskable interrupt
received.  The CPU becomes dormant but retains the current CS:IP
for later restart.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     5	    4		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	 IDIV	src
Modifies flags: (AF,CF,OF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)
Signed binary division of accumulator by source.  If source is a
byte value, AX is divided by "src" and the quotient is stored in
AL and the remainder in AH.  If source is a word value, DX:AX is
divided by "src", and the quotient is stored in AL and the
remainder in DX.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8	      101-112	17    19    19		  2
reg16	      165-184	25    27    27		  2
reg32		 -	-     43    43		  2
mem8	 (107-118)+EA	20    22    20		 2-4
mem16	 (171-190)+EA	38    30    28		 2-4  (W88=175-194)
mem32		 -	-     46    44		 2-4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	IMUL	src
	IMUL	src,immed  (286+ only)
	IMUL	dest,src,immed8  (286+ only)
	IMUL	dest,src  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: CF OF (AF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)
Signed multiplication of accumulator by "src" with result placed
in the accumulator.  If the source operand is a byte value, it
is multiplied by AL and the result stored in AX.  If the source
operand is a word value it is multiplied by AX and the result is
stored in DX:AX.  Other variations of this instruction allow
specification of source and destination registers as well as a
third immediate factor.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		 80-98	 13   9-14  13-18	  2
reg16		128-154	 21   9-22  13-26	  2
reg32		   -	 -    9-38  12-42	  2
mem8		 86-104	 16  12-17  13-18	 2-4
mem16		134-160	 24  12-25  13-26	 2-4
mem32		   -	 -   12-41  13-42	 2-4
reg16,reg16	   -	 -    9-22  13-26	 3-5
reg32,reg32	   -	 -    9-38  13-42	 3-5
reg16,mem16	   -	 -   12-25  13-26	 3-5
reg32,mem32	   -	 -   12-41  13-42	 3-5
reg16,immed	   -	 21   9-22  13-26	  3
reg32,immed	   -	 21   9-38  13-42	 3-6
reg16,reg16,immed  -	 2    9-22  13-26 	 3-6
reg32,reg32,immed  -	 21   9-38  13-42	 3-6
reg16,mem16,immed  -	 24  12-25  13-26	 3-6
reg32,mem32,immed  -	 24  12-41  13-42	 3-6
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	IN	accum,port
Modifies flags: None
A byte, word or dword is read from "port" and placed in AL, AX or
EAX respectively.  If the port number is in the range of 0-255
it can be specified as an immediate, otherwise the port number
must be specified in DX.  Valid port ranges on the PC are 0-1024,
though values through 65535 may be specified and recognized by
third party vendors and PS/2's.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

accum,immed8	10/14	5     12     14		  2
accum,immed8 (PM)	     6/26  8/28/27  	  2
accum,DX	 8/12	5     13     14		  1
accum,DX (PM)		     7/27  8/28/27  	  1
  1. 386+ protected mode timings depend on privilege levels.
  first number is the timing if:    CPL ó IOPL
  second number is the timing if:   CPL > IOPL or in VM 86 mode (386)
  			     	    CPL ò IOPL  (486)
  third number is the timing when:    virtual mode on 486 processor
- 486 virtual mode always requires 27 cycles
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	INC	dest
Modifies flags: AF OF PF SF ZF
Adds one to destination unsigned binary operand.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  3	2     2	    1		  2
reg16		  3	2     2	    1		  1
reg32		  3	2     2	    1		  1
mem		15+EA	7     6	    3		 2-4  (W88=23+EA)
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	INS	dest,port
	INSD  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Loads data from port to the destination ES:(E)DI  (even if a
destination operand is supplied).  (E)DI is adjusted by the size
of the operand and increased if the Direction Flag is cleared and
decreased if the Direction Flag is set.  For INSB, INSW, INSD no
operands are allowed and the size is determined by the mnemonic.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

dest,port	  -	5     15     17		  1
dest,port (PM)	  -	5    9/29 10/32/30	  1
none		  -	5     15     17		  1
none (PM)	  -	5    9/29 10/32/30	  1
  1. 386+ protected mode timings depend on privilege levels.
  first number is the timing if:    CPL ó IOPL
  second number is the timing if:   CPL > IOPL
  third number is the timing if:    virtual mode on 486 processor
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	INT	num
Modifies flags: TF IF
Initiates a software interrupt by pushing the flags, clearing the
Trap and Interrupt Flags, pushing CS followed by IP and loading
CS:IP with the value found in the interrupt vector table.  Execution
then begins at the location addressed by the new CS:IP

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

3 (constant) 52/72 23+m 33 26 2 3 (prot. mode, same priv.) - 40+m 59 44 2 3 (prot. mode, more priv.) - 78+m 99 71 2 3 (from VM86 to PL 0) - - 119 82 2 3 (prot. mode via task gate) - 167+m TS 37+TS 2 immed8 51/71 23+m 37 30 1 immed8 (prot. mode, same priv.) - 40+m 59 44 1 immed8 (prot. mode, more priv.) - 78+m 99 71 1 immed8 (from VM86 to PL 0) - - 119 86 1 immed8 (prot. mode, via task gate) - 167+m TS 37+TS 1

  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	INTO
Modifies flags: IF TF
If the Overflow Flag is set this instruction generates an INT 4
which causes the code addressed by 0000:0010 to be executed.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none: jump	       53/73   24+m    35    28	     1
      no jump		 4	 3     3     3
(prot. mode, same priv.) -	 -     59    46	     1
(prot. mode, more priv.) -	 -     99    73	     1
(from VM86 to PL 0)	 -	 -    119    84	     1
(prot. mode, via task gate)	 -     TS  39+TS     1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	INVD
Modifies flags: none
Flushes CPU internal cache.  Issues special function bus cycle
which indicates to flush external caches.   Data in write-back
external caches is lost.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	 -     -     4		  2
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Modifies flags: none
Invalidates a single page table entry in the Translation
Look-Aside Buffer.  Intel warns that this instruction may be
implemented differently on future processors.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	 -     -     12		  2
  1. timing is for TLB entry hit only.
  2. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	IRET
	IRETD  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: AF CF DF IF PF SF TF ZF
Returns control to point of interruption by popping IP, CS
and then the Flags from the stack and continues execution at
this location.	CPU exception interrupts will return to the
instruction that cause the exception because the CS:IP placed
on the stack during the interrupt is the address of the offending

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

  iret		       32/44  17+m    22    15		  1
  iret  (prot. mode)	         -    31+m    38    15		  1
  iret  (to less privilege)	 -    55+m    82    36		  1
  iret  (different task, NT=1) -   169+m    TS  TS+32		  1
  iretd			 -	-   22/38   15		  1
  iretd (to less privilege)	 -	-     82    36		  1
  iretd (to VM86 mode)	 -	-     60    15		  1
  iretd (different task, NT=1) -	-     TS  TS+32		  1
  1. 386 timings are listed as real-mode/protected-mode
  2. see ~Instruction Timing~


% Mnemonic Meaning Jump Condition

  ~JA~	   Jump if Above			 CF=0 and ZF=0
  ~JAE~	   Jump if Above or Equal		 CF=0
  ~JB~	   Jump if Below			 CF=1
  ~JBE~	   Jump if Below or Equal		 CF=1 or ZF=1
  ~JC~	   Jump if Carry			 CF=1
  ~JCXZ~   Jump if CX Zero			 CX=0
  ~JE~	   Jump if Equal			 ZF=1
  ~JG~	   Jump if Greater (signed)		 ZF=0 and SF=OF
  ~JGE~	   Jump if Greater or Equal (signed)	 SF=OF
  ~JL~	   Jump if Less (signed)		 SF != OF
  ~JLE~	   Jump if Less or Equal (signed)	 ZF=1 or SF != OF
  ~JMP~	   Unconditional Jump			 unconditional
  ~JNA~	   Jump if Not Above			 CF=1 or ZF=1
  ~JNAE~   Jump if Not Above or Equal		 CF=1
  ~JNB~	   Jump if Not Below			 CF=0
  ~JNBE~   Jump if Not Below or Equal		 CF=0 and ZF=0
  ~JNC~	   Jump if Not Carry			 CF=0
  ~JNE~	   Jump if Not Equal			 ZF=0
  ~JNG~	   Jump if Not Greater (signed) 	 ZF=1 or SF != OF
  ~JNGE~   Jump if Not Greater or Equal (signed) SF != OF
  ~JNL~	   Jump if Not Less (signed)		 SF=OF
  ~JNLE~   Jump if Not Less or Equal (signed)	 ZF=0 and SF=OF
  ~JNO~	   Jump if Not Overflow (signed)	 OF=0
  ~JNP~	   Jump if No Parity			 PF=0
  ~JNS~	   Jump if Not Signed (signed)		 SF=0
  ~JNZ~	   Jump if Not Zero			 ZF=0
  ~JO~	   Jump if Overflow (signed)		 OF=1
  ~JP~	   Jump if Parity			 PF=1
  ~JPE~	   Jump if Parity Even			 PF=1
  ~JPO~	   Jump if Parity Odd			 PF=0
  ~JS~	   Jump if Signed (signed)		 SF=1
  ~JZ~	   Jump if Zero 			 ZF=1

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

Jx: jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		  2
    no jump	   4	3     3	    1
Jx  near-label	   -	-    7+m    3		  4
    no jump	   -	-     3	    1
  1. It's a good programming practice to organize code so the

expected case is executed without a jump since the actual

  jump takes longer to execute than falling through the test.
- see	~JCXZ~  and  ~JMP~  for their respective timings
- see   ~Instruction Timing~   ~FLAGS~


Usage:	JA	label
	JNBE	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Carry Flag and Zero Flag
are both clear.  Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JAE	label
	JNB	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Carry Flag is clear.
Functionally similar to ~JNC~.  Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JB	label
	JNAE	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Carry Flag is set.
Functionally similar to ~JC~.  Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JBE	label
	JNA	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Carry Flag or
the Zero Flag is set.	Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JC	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Carry Flag is set.
Functionally similar to ~JB~ and ~JNAE~.  Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JCXZ	label
	JECXZ	label  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if register CX is zero.  Uses
unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  18   8+m   9+m    8		  2
	no jump	   6	4     5	    5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JE	label
	JZ	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Zero Flag is set.	Uses
unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JG	label
	JNLE	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Zero Flag is clear or
the Sign Flag equals the Overflow Flag.  Signed comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JGE	label
	JNL	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Sign Flag equals
the Overflow Flag.  Signed comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JL	label
	JNGE	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Sign Flag is not equal
to Overflow Flag.  Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JLE	label
	JNG	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Zero Flag is set or the
Sign Flag is not equal to the Overflow Flag.  Signed comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JMP	target
Modifies flags: None
Unconditionally transfers control to "label".  Jumps by default
are within -32768 to 32767 bytes from the instruction following
the jump.  NEAR and SHORT jumps cause the IP to be updated while FAR
jumps cause CS and IP to be updated.

% Clocks % Operands 808x 286 386 486

rel8  (relative)		 	15    7+m    7+m    3
rel16 (relative)		 	15    7+m    7+m    3
rel32 (relative)		 	 -     -     7+m    3
reg16 (near, register indirect)		11    7+m    7+m    5
reg32 (near, register indirect)		 -     -     7+m    5
mem16 (near, mem indirect)	       18+EA  11+m  10+m    5
mem32 (near, mem indirect)	       24+EA  15+m  10+m    5
ptr16:16 (far, dword immed)		 -     -    12+m    17
ptr16:16 (far, PM dword immed)		 -     -    27+m    19
ptr16:16 (call gate, same priv.)	 -    38+m  45+m    32
ptr16:16 (via TSS)		       	 -   175+m   TS	  42+TS
ptr16:16 (via task gate)		 -   180+m   TS	  43+TS
mem16:16 (far, indirect)		 -     -    43+m    13
mem16:16 (far, PM indirect)		 -     -    31+m    18
mem16:16 (call gate, same priv.)	 -    41+m  49+m    31
mem16:16 (via TSS)		   	 -   178+m  5+TS  41+TS
mem16:16 (via task gate)	   	 -   183+m  5+TS  42+TS
ptr16:32 (far, 6 byte immed)		 -     -    12+m    13
ptr16:32 (far, PM 6 byte immed)		 -     -    27+m    18
ptr16:32 (call gate, same priv.)	 -     -    45+m    31
ptr16:32 (via TSS)			 -     -     TS	  42+TS
ptr16:32 (via task state) 		 -     -     TS	  43+TS
m16:32 (far, address at dword)		 -     -    43+m    13
m16:32 (far, address at dword)		 -     -    31+m    18
m16:32 (call gate, same priv.)		 -     -    49+m    31
m16:32 (via TSS)			 -     -    5+TS  41+TS
m16:32 (via task state)			 -     -    5+TS  42+TS

- see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JNC	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Carry Flag is clear.
Functionally similar to ~JAE~ or ~JNB~.  Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JNE	label
	JNZ	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Zero Flag is clear.
Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JNO	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Overflow Flag is clear.
Signed comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JNS	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Sign Flag is clear.
Signed comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JNP	label
	JPO	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Parity Flag is clear.
Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JO  label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Overflow Flag is set.
Signed comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JP	label
	JPE	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Parity Flag is set.
Unsigned comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	JS	label
Modifies flags: None
Causes execution to branch to "label" if the Sign Flag is set.
Signed comparision.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  16   7+m   7+m    3		 2-4
	no jump	  4	3     3	    1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LAHF
Modifies flags: None
Copies bits 0-7 of the flags register into AH.	This includes flags
AF, CF, PF, SF and ZF other bits are undefined.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  4	2     2	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LAR	dest,src
Modifies flags: ZF
The high byte of the of the destination register is overwritten by
the value of the access rights byte and the low order byte is zeroed
depending on the selection in the source operand.  The Zero Flag is
set if the load operation is successful.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,reg16	  -	14    15    11		  3
reg32,reg32	  -	-     15    11		  3
reg16,mem16	  -	16    16    11		 3-7
reg32,mem32	  -	-     16    11		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LDS	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Loads 32-bit pointer from memory source to destination register
and DS.  The offset is placed in the destination register and the
segment is placed in DS.  To use this instruction the word at the
lower memory address must contain the offset and the word at the
higher address must contain the segment.  This simplifies the loading
of far pointers from the stack and the interrupt vector table.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,mem32	16+EA	7     7	    6		 2-4
reg,mem (PM)	  -	-     22    12		 5-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LEA	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Transfers offset address of "src" to the destination register.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,mem 	 2+EA	3     2	    1		 2-4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LEAVE
Modifies flags: None
Releases the local variables created by the previous ~ENTER~
instruction by restoring SP and BP to their condition before
the procedure stack frame was initialized.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	5     4	    5		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LES	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Loads 32-bit pointer from memory source to destination register
and ES.  The offset is placed in the destination register and the
segment is placed in ES.  To use this instruction the word at the
lower memory address must contain the offset and the word at the
higher address must contain the segment.  This simplifies the loading
of far pointers from the stack and the interrupt vector table.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,mem 	16+EA	7     7	    6		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem (PM)	  -	-     22    12		 5-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LFS	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Loads 32-bit pointer from memory source to destination register
and FS.  The offset is placed in the destination register and the
segment is placed in FS.  To use this instruction the word at the
lower memory address must contain the offset and the word at the
higher address must contain the segment.  This simplifies the loading
of far pointers from the stack and the interrupt vector table.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,mem 	  -	-     7	    6		 5-7
reg,mem (PM)	  -	-     22    12		 5-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LGDT	src
Modifies flags: None
Loads a value from an operand into the Global Descriptor Table
(~GDT~) register.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

mem64		  -	11    11    11		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LIDT	src
Modifies flags: None
Loads a value from an operand into the Interrupt Descriptor Table
(IDT) register.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

mem64		  -	12    11    11		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LGS	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Loads 32-bit pointer from memory source to destination register
and GS.  The offset is placed in the destination register and the
segment is placed in GS.  To use this instruction the word at the
lower memory address must contain the offset and the word at the
higher address must contain the segment.  This simplifies the loading
of far pointers from the stack and the interrupt vector table.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,mem 	  -	-     7	    6		 5-7
reg,mem (PM)	  -	-     22    12		 5-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LLDT	src
Modifies flags: None
Loads a value from an operand into the Local Descriptor Table 
Register (LDTR).

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	17    20    11		  3
mem16		  -	19    24    11		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LMSW	src
Modifies flags: None
Loads the Machine Status Word (~MSW~) from data found at "src"

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	3     10    13		  3
mem16		  -	6     13    13		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LOCK
	LOCK: (386+ prefix)
Modifies flags: None
This instruction is a prefix that causes the CPU assert bus lock
signal during the execution of the next instruction.  Used to
avoid two processors from updating the same data location.  The
286 always asserts lock during an XCHG with memory operands.  This
should only be used to lock the bus prior to ~XCHG~, ~MOV~, ~IN~ and
~OUT~ instructions.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	0     0	    1		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LODS	src
	LODSD  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Transfers string element addressed by DS:SI (even if an operand is
supplied) to the accumulator.	SI is incremented based on the size
of the operand or based on the instruction used.  If the Direction
Flag is set SI is decremented, if the Direction Flag is clear SI
is incremented.  Use with REP prefixes.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

src		12/16	5     5	    5		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LOOP	label
Modifies flags: None
Decrements CX by 1 and transfers control to "label" if CX is not
Zero.  The "label" operand must be within -128 or 127 bytes of the
instruction following the loop instruction

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  18   8+m  11+m    6		  2
	no jump	   5	4     ?	    2
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LOOPE	label
	LOOPZ	label
Modifies flags: None
Decrements CX by 1 (without modifying the flags) and transfers
control to "label" if CX != 0 and the Zero Flag is set.  The
"label" operand must be within -128 or 127 bytes of the instruction
following the loop instruction.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  18   8+m  11+m    9		  2
	no jump	   5	4     ?	    6
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LOOPNZ	label
	LOOPNE	label
Modifies flags: None
Decrements CX by 1 (without modifying the flags) and transfers
control to "label" if CX != 0 and the Zero Flag is clear.  The
"label" operand must be within -128 or 127 bytes of the instruction
following the loop instruction.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

label:	jump	  19   8+m  11+m    9		  2
	no jump	   5	4     ?	    6
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LSL	dest,src
Modifies flags: ZF
Loads the segment limit of a selector into the destination register
if the selector is valid and visible at the current privilege level.
If loading is successful the Zero Flag is set, otherwise it is

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,reg16	  -	14  20/25   10		  3
reg32,reg32	  -	-   20/25   10		  3
reg16,mem16	  -	16  21/26   10		  5
reg32,mem32	  -	-   21/26   10		  5
  1. 386 times are listed "byte granular" / "page granular"
  2. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LSS	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Loads 32-bit pointer from memory source to destination register
and SS.  The offset is placed in the destination register and the
segment is placed in SS.  To use this instruction the word at the
lower memory address must contain the offset and the word at the
higher address must contain the segment.  This simplifies the loading
of far pointers from the stack and the interrupt vector table.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,mem 	  -	-     7	    6		 5-7
reg,mem (PM)	  -	-     22    12		 5-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	LTR	src
Modifies flags: None
Loads the current task register with the value specified in "src".

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	17    23    20		  3
mem16		  -	19    27    20		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	MOV	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Copies byte or word from the source operand to the destination
operand.  If the destination is SS interrupts are disabled except
on early buggy 808x CPUs.  Some CPUs disable interrupts if the
destination is any of the segment registers

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  2	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	 9+EA	3     2	    1		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,mem 	 8+EA	5     4	    1		 2-4  (W88=12+EA)
mem,immed	10+EA	3     2	    1		 3-6  (W88=14+EA)
reg,immed	  4	2     2	    1		 2-3
mem,accum	  10	3     2	    1		  3   (W88=14)
accum,mem	  10	5     4	    1		  3   (W88=14)
segreg,reg16	  2	2     2	    3		  2
segreg,mem16	 8+EA	5     5	    9		 2-4  (W88=12+EA)
reg16,segreg	  2	2     2	    3		  2
mem16,segreg	 9+EA	3     2	    3		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg32,CR0/CR2/CR3 -	-     6	    4
CR0,reg32	  -	-     10    16
CR2,reg32	  -	-     4     4 		  3
CR3,reg32	  -	-     5     4 		  3
reg32,DR0/DR1/DR2/DR3	-     22   10		  3
reg32,DR6/DR7	  -     -     22   10		  3
DR0/DR1/DR2/DR3,reg32   -     22   11		  3
DR6/DR7,reg32	  -	-     16   11		  3
reg32,TR6/TR7 	  -	-     12    4		  3
TR6/TR7,reg32 	  -	-     12    4		  3
reg32,TR3			    3
TR3,reg32			    6
  1. when the 386 special registers are used all operands are 32 bits
  2. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	MOVS	dest,src
	MOVSD  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Copies data from addressed by DS:SI (even if operands are given) to
the location ES:DI destination and updates SI and DI based on the
size of the operand or instruction used.  SI and DI are incremented
when the Direction Flag is cleared and decremented when the Direction
Flag is Set.  Use with ~REP~ prefixes.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

dest,src	  18	5     7	    7		  1   (W88=26)
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	MOVSX	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Copies the value of the source operand to the destination register
with the sign extended.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  -	-     3	    3		  3
reg,mem 	  -	-     6	    3		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	MOVZX	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Copies the value of the source operand to the destination register
with the zeroes extended.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  -	-     3	    3		  3
reg,mem 	  -	-     6	    3		 3-7
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	MUL	src
Modifies flags: CF OF (AF,PF,SF,ZF undefined)
Unsigned multiply of the accumulator by the source.  If "src" is
a byte value, then AL is used as the other multiplicand and the
result is placed in AX.  If "src" is a word value, then AX is
multiplied by "src" and DX:AX receives the result.  If "src" is
a double word value, then EAX is multiplied by "src" and EDX:EAX
receives the result.  The 386+ uses an early out algorithm which
makes multiplying any size value in EAX as fast as in the 8 or 16
bit registers.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		70-77	13   9-14  13-18	  2
reg16	       118-113	21   9-22  13-26	  2
reg32		  -	-    9-38  13-42	 2-4
mem8	    (76-83)+EA	16  12-17  13-18	 2-4
mem16	  (124-139)+EA	24  12-25  13-26	 2-4
mem32		  -	-   12-21  13-42	 2-4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~ ~IMUL~


Usage:	NEG	dest
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
Subtracts the destination from 0 and saves the 2s complement of
"dest" back into "dest".

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg		  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem		16+EA	7     6	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	NOP
Modifies flags: None
This is a do nothing instruction.  It results in occupation of both
space and time and is most useful for patching code segments.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  3	3     3	    1		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	NOT	dest
Modifies flags: None
Inverts the bits of the "dest" operand forming the 1s complement.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg		  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem		16+EA	7     6	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	OR	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)
Logical inclusive OR of the two operands returning the result in
the destination.  Any bit set in either operand will be set in the

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	16+EA	7     7	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	7     6	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem8,immed8	17+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6
mem16,immed16	25+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	OUT	port,accum
Modifies flags: None
Transfers byte in AL,word in AX or dword in EAX to the specified
hardware port address.  If the port number is in the range of 0-255
it can be specified as an immediate.  If greater than 255 then the
port number must be specified in DX.  Since the PC only decodes 10
bits of the port address, values over 1023 can only be decoded by
third party vendor equipment and also map to the port range 0-1023.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

immed8,accum	10/14	3     10     16		  2
immed8,accum (PM) -    	-    4/24 11/31/29	  2
DX,accum	 8/12	3     11     16		  1
DX,accum (PM)	  -    	-    5/25 10/30/29	  1
  1. 386+ protected mode timings depend on privilege levels.
  first number is the timing when:    CPL ó IOPL
  second number is the timing when:   CPL > IOPL
  third number is the timing when:    virtual mode on 486 processor
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	OUTS	port,src
	OUTSD  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Transfers a byte, word or doubleword from "src" to the hardware
port specified in DX.  For instructions with no operands the "src"
is located at DS:SI and SI is incremented or decremented by the
size of the operand or the size dictated by the instruction format.
When the Direction Flag is set SI is decremented, when clear, SI is
incremented.  If the port number is in the range of 0-255 it can
be specified as an immediate.  If greater than 255 then the port
number must be specified in DX.  Since the PC only decodes 10 bits
of the port address, values over 1023 can only be decoded by third
party vendor equipment and also map to the port range 0-1023.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

port,src	  -	5     14     17		  1
port,src (PM)	  -	-    8/28 10/32/30	  1
  1. 386+ protected mode timings depend on privilege levels.
  first number is the timing when:    CPL ó IOPL
  second number is the timing when:   CPL > IOPL
  third number is the timing when:    virtual mode on 486 processor
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	POP	dest
Modifies flags: None
Transfers word at the current stack top (SS:SP) to the destination
then increments SP by two to point to the new stack top.  CS is not
a valid destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  8	5     4     4		  1
reg32		  4	-     -	    4		  1
segreg		  8	5     7	    3		  1
mem16		17+EA	5     5     6		 2-4
mem32		  5	-     -	    6		 2-4
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	POPA
	POPAD  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Pops the top 8 words off the stack into the 8 general purpose 16/32
bit registers.	 Registers are popped in the following order: (E)DI,
(E)SI, (E)BP, (E)SP, (E)DX, (E)CX and (E)AX.  The (E)SP value popped
from the stack is actually discarded.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	19    24    9		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	POPF
	POPFD  (386+ only)
Modifies flags: all flags
Pops word/doubleword from stack into the Flags Register and then
increments SP by 2 (for POPF) or 4 (for POPFD).

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		 8/12	5     5	    9		  1  (W88=12)
none  (PM)	  -	-     5     6		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	PUSH	src
	PUSH	immed	(80188+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Decrements SP by the size of the operand (two or four, byte values
are sign extended) and transfers one word from source to the stack
top (SS:SP).

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16	 	11/15	3     2     1		  1
reg32	 	  -	-     2     1		  1
mem16		16+EA	5     5     4	 	 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
mem32	   	  -	-     5     4		 2-4
segreg		10/14	3     2     3		  1
immed		  -	3     2     1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	PUSHA
	PUSHAD	(386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Pushes all general purpose registers onto the stack in the following
order: (E)AX, (E)CX, (E)DX, (E)BX, (E)SP, (E)BP, (E)SI, (E)DI.	The
value of SP is the value before the actual push of SP.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	19    24    11		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	PUSHF
	PUSHFD	(386+ only)
Modifies flags: None
Transfers the Flags Register onto the stack.  PUSHF saves a 16 bit
value while PUSHFD saves a 32 bit value.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		10/14	3     4	    4		  1
none  (PM)	  -	-     4	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	RCL	dest,count
Modifies flags: CF OF
Rotates the bits in the destination to the left "count" times with
all data pushed out the left side re-entering on the right.  The
Carry Flag holds the last bit rotated out.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,1		  2	2     9	    3		 2
mem,1		15+EA	7     10    4		2-4  (W88=23+EA)
reg,CL		 8+4n  5+n    9	   8-30		 2
mem,CL	      20+EA+4n 8+n    10   9-31		2-4  (W88=28+EA+4n)
reg,immed8	  -    5+n     9   8-30		 3
mem,immed8	  -    8+n    10   9-31		3-5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	RCR	dest,count
Modifies flags: CF OF
Rotates the bits in the destination to the right "count" times with
all data pushed out the right side re-entering on the left.  The
Carry Flag holds the last bit rotated out.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,1		  2	2     9	    3		 2
mem,1		15+EA	7     10    4		2-4   (W88=23+EA)
reg,CL		 8+4n  5+n    9	   8-30		 2
mem,CL	      20+EA+4n 8+n    10   9-31		2-4   (W88=28+EA+4n)
reg,immed8	  -    5+n    9	   8-30		 3
mem,immed8	  -    8+n    10   9-31		3-5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	REP
Modifies flags: None
Repeats execution of string instructions while CX != 0.  After
each string operation, CX is decremented and the Zero Flag is
tested.  The combination of a repeat prefix and a segment override
on CPU's before the 386 may result in errors if an interrupt occurs
before CX=0.  The following code shows code that is susceptible to
this and how to avoid it:
 again:  rep movs  byte ptr ES:[DI],ES:[SI]   ; vulnerable instr.
	     jcxz  next 	     ; continue if REP successful
	     loop  again	     ; interrupt goofed count

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2			  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~ ~REPE~ ~REPNE~


Usage:	REPE
Modifies flags: None
Repeats execution of string instructions while CX != 0 and the Zero
Flag is set.  CX is decremented and the Zero Flag tested after
each string operation.	 The combination of a repeat prefix and a
segment override on processors other than the 386 may result in
errors if an interrupt occurs before CX=0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2			  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	REPNE
Modifies flags: None
Repeats execution of string instructions while CX != 0 and the Zero
Flag is clear.	 CX is decremented and the Zero Flag tested after
each string operation.	 The combination of a repeat prefix and a
segment override on processors other than the 386 may result in
errors if an interrupt occurs before CX=0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2			  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	RET	nBytes
	RETF	nBytes
	RETN	nBytes
Modifies flags: None
Transfers control from a procedure back to the instruction address
saved on the stack.  "n bytes" is an optional number of bytes to
release.  Far returns pop the IP followed by the CS, while near
returns pop only the IP register.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

retn		16/20  11+m  10+m    5		  1
retn immed	20/24  11+m  10+m    5		  3
retf		26/34  15+m  18+m    13		  1
retf (PM, same priv.)	-    32+m    18		  1
retf (PM, lesser priv.)	-      68    33		  1
    	retf immed	25/33  15+m  18+m    14		  3
retf immed (PM, same priv.)  32+m    17		  1
retf immed (PM, lesser priv.)  68    33		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	ROL	dest,count
Modifies flags: CF OF
Rotates the bits in the destination to the left "count" times with
all data pushed out the left side re-entering on the right.  The
Carry Flag will contain the value of the last bit rotated out.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,1		  2	2     3	    3		  2
mem,1		15+EA	7     7	    4		 2-4  (W88=23+EA)
reg,CL		 8+4n  5+n    3	    3		  2
mem,CL	      20+EA+4n 8+n    7	    4		 2-4  (W88=28+EA+4n)
reg,immed8	  -    5+n    3	    2		  3
mem,immed8	  -    8+n    7	    4		 3-5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	ROR	dest,count
Modifies flags: CF OF
Rotates the bits in the destination to the right "count" times with
all data pushed out the right side re-entering on the left.  The
Carry Flag will contain the value of the last bit rotated out.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,1		  2	2     3	    3		  2
mem,1		15+EA	7     7	    4		 2-4  (W88=23+EA)
reg,CL		 8+4n  5+n    3	    3		  2
mem,CL	      20+EA+4n 8+n    7	    4		 2-4  (W88=28+EA+4n)
reg,immed8	  -    5+n    3	    2		  3
mem,immed8	  -    8+n    7	    4		 3-5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SAHF
Modifies flags: AF CF PF SF ZF
Transfers bits 0-7 of AH into the Flags Register.  This includes
AF, CF, PF, SF and ZF.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  4	2     3	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SAL	dest,count
	SHL	dest,count
Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)
Shifts the destination left by "count" bits with zeroes shifted
in on right.  The Carry Flag contains the last bit shifted out.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,1		  2	2     3	    3		 2
mem,1		15+EA	7     7	    4		2-4  (W88=23+EA)
reg,CL		 8+4n  5+n    3	    3		 2
mem,CL	      20+EA+4n 8+n    7	    4		2-4  (W88=28+EA+4n)
reg,immed8	  -    5+n    3	    2		 3
mem,immed8	  -    8+n    7	    4		3-5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SAR	dest,count
Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)
Shifts the destination right by "count" bits with the current sign
bit replicated in the leftmost bit.  The Carry Flag contains the
last bit shifted out.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,1		  2	2     3	    3		  2
mem,1		15+EA	7     7	    4		 2-4  (W88=23+EA)
reg,CL		 8+4n  5+n    3	    3		  2
mem,CL	      20+EA+4n 8+n    7	    4		 2-4  (W88=28+EA+4n)
reg,immed8	  -    5+n    3	    2		  3
mem,immed8	  -    8+n    7	    4		 3-5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SBB	dest,src
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
Subtracts the source from the destination, and subtracts 1 extra if
the Carry Flag is set.	 Results are returned in "dest".

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	16+EA	7     6	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	7     7	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	17+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6  (W88=25+EA)
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SCAS	string
	SCASD	(386+ only)
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
Compares value at ES:DI (even if operand is specified) from the
accumulator and sets the flags similar to a subtraction.  DI is
incremented/decremented based on the instruction format (or
operand size) and the state of the Direction Flag.  Use with REP

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

string		  15	7     7	    6		  1  (W88=19)
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETAE	dest
	SETNB	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Carry Flag is clear
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETB	dest
	SETNAE	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Carry Flag is set
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETBE	dest
	SETNA	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Carry Flag or the Zero
Flag is set, otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETE	dest
	SETZ	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Zero Flag is set,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETNE	dest
	SETNZ	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Zero Flag is clear,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETL	dest
	SETNGE	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Sign Flag is not equal
to the Overflow Flag, otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETGE	dest
	SETNL	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Sign Flag equals the
Overflow Flag, otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETLE	dest
	SETNG	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Zero Flag is set or the
Sign Flag is not equal to the Overflow Flag,  otherwise sets the
operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETG	dest
	SETNLE	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Zero Flag is clear or the
Sign Flag equals to the Overflow Flag,	otherwise sets the operand
to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETS	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Sign Flag is set, otherwise
sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETNS	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Sign Flag is clear,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETC	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Carry Flag is set,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETNC	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Carry Flag is clear,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETO	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Overflow Flag is set,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETNO	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Overflow Flag is clear,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETP	dest
	SETPE	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Parity Flag is set,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SETNP	dest
	SETPO	dest
Modifies flags: none
Sets the byte in the operand to 1 if the Parity Flag is clear,
otherwise sets the operand to 0.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg8		  -	-     4	    3		  3
mem8		  -	-     5	    4		  3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SGDT	dest
Modifies flags: none
Stores the Global Descriptor Table (~GDT~) Register into the
specified operand.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

mem64		  -	11    9	    10		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SIDT	dest
Modifies flags: none
Stores the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) Register into the
specified operand.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

mem64		  -	12    9	    10		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SHR	dest,count
Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)
Shifts the destination right by "count" bits with zeroes shifted
in on the left.  The Carry Flag contains the last bit shifted out.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,1		  2	2     3			  2
mem,1		15+EA	7     7			 2-4   (W88=23+EA)
reg,CL		 8+4n  5+n    3			  2
mem,CL	      20+EA+4n 8+n    7			 2-4   (W88=28+EA+4n)
reg,immed8	  -    5+n    3			  3
mem,immed8	  -    8+n    7			 3-5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SHLD	dest,src,count
	SHRD	dest,src,count
Modifies flags: CF PF SF ZF (OF,AF undefined)
SHLD shifts "dest" to the left "count" times and the bit positions
opened are filled with the most significant bits of "src".  SHRD
shifts "dest" to the right "count" times and the bit positions
opened are filled with the least significant bits of the second
operand.  Only the 5 lower bits of "count" are used.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16,reg16,immed8	 -     -     3	   2		  4
reg32,reg32,immed8	 -     -     3	   2		  4
mem16,reg16,immed8	 -     -     7	   3		  6
mem32,reg32,immed8	 -     -     7	   3		  6
reg16,reg16,CL		 -     -     3	   3		  3
reg32,reg32,CL		 -     -     3	   3		  3
mem16,reg16,CL		 -     -     7	   4		  5
mem32,reg32,CL		 -     -     7	   4		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SLDT	dest
Modifies flags: none
Stores the Local Descriptor Table (LDT) Register into the
specified operand.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	2     2	    2		  3
mem16		  -	2     2	    3		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SMSW	dest
Modifies flags: none
Store Machine Status Word (~MSW~) into "dest".

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	2     10    2		  3
mem16		  -	3     3	    3		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	STC
Modifies flags: CF
Sets the Carry Flag to 1.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	STD
Modifies flags: DF
Sets the Direction Flag to 1 causing string instructions to
auto-decrement SI and DI instead of auto-increment.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2	    2		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	STI
Modifies flags: IF
Sets the Interrupt Flag to 1, enabling recognition of all CPU
hardware interrupts.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  2	2     2	    5		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	STOS	dest
Modifies flags: None
Stores value in accumulator to location at ES:(E)DI (even if operand
is given).  (E)DI is incremented/decremented based on the size of
the operand (or instruction format) and the state of the Direction
Flag.	Use with ~REP~ prefixes.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

dest		  11	3     4	    5		  1  (W88=15)
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	STR	dest
Modifies flags: None
Stores the current Task Register to the specified operand.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	2     2	    2		  3
mem16		  -	3     2	    3		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	SUB	dest,src
Modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF
The source is subtracted from the destination and the result is
stored in the destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	16+EA	7     6	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	7     7	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	17+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6  (W88=25+EA)
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	TEST	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)
Performs a logical ~AND~ of the two operands updating the flags
register without saving the result.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     1	    1		  2
reg,mem 	 9+EA	6     5	    1		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
mem,reg 	 9+EA	6     5	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  5	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	11+EA	6     5	    2		 3-6
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	VERR	src
Modifies flags: ZF
Verifies the specified segment selector is valid and is readable
at the current privilege level.  If the segment is readable,
the Zero Flag is set, otherwise it is cleared.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	14    10    11		  3
mem16		  -	16    11    11		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	VERW	src
Modifies flags: ZF
Verifies the specified segment selector is valid and is ratable
at the current privilege level.  If the segment is writable,
the Zero Flag is set, otherwise it is cleared.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg16		  -	14    15    11		  3
mem16		  -	16    16    11		  5
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	WAIT
Modifies flags: None
CPU enters wait state until the coprocessor signals it has finished
it's operation.  This instruction is used to prevent the CPU from
accessing memory that may be temporarily in use by the coprocessor.
WAIT and FWAIT are identical.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  4	3     6+   1-3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Modifies flags: None
Flushes internal cache, then signals the external cache to write
back current data followed by a signal to flush the external cache.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

none		  -	-     -     5		  2
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	XCHG	dest,src
Modifies flags: None
Exchanges contents of source and destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg		  4	3     3	    3		  2
mem,reg 	17+EA	5     5	    5		 2-4  (W88=25+EA)
reg,mem 	17+EA	5     5	    3		 2-4  (W88=25+EA)
accum,reg	  3	3     3	    3		  1
reg,accum	  3	3     3	    3		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	XLAT	translation-table
	XLATB	(masm 5.x)
Modifies flags: None
Replaces the byte in AL with byte from a user table addressed by
BX.  The original value of AL is the index into the translate table.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

table		  11	5     5	    4		  1
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~


Usage:	XOR	dest,src
Modifies flags: CF OF PF SF ZF (AF undefined)
Performs a bitwise exclusive OR of the operands and returns
the result in the destination.

% Clocks Size % Operands 808x 286 386 486 Bytes

reg,reg 	  3	2     2	    1		  2
mem,reg 	16+EA	7     6	    3		 2-4  (W88=24+EA)
reg,mem 	 9+EA	7     7	    2		 2-4  (W88=13+EA)
reg,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 3-4
mem,immed	17+EA	7     7	    3		 3-6  (W88=25+EA)
accum,immed	  4	3     2	    1		 2-3
  1. see ~Instruction Timing~
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