ACTUAL TOPIC:  Inventions of the early nineteenth century.

AUTHOR AND RESEARCHER: Big Brother @ The Works (617) 861-8976

This file was originally researched and typed by Big Brother. All material used in the file is original and unplagerized, so these files are SAFE to use AS-IS with no modifications other than specifics to cover the actual required topic for school. Because school can be a BITCH, these files have been prepared to aide you in your research, and are not intended to be actually turned in AS-IS, but many of you will turn them in since they are worry free files… don't fuck up your life, study and get good grades, then get a good job, make some money, marry someone you love, and live happily ever after… …because, after all - Big Brother is Watching You!

                      Big Brother's Guide to School
                            The Dreaded Reports
                        actual examples...........


           The art of inventing has been around since remedies have
       been needed and solutions have been required to make our
       lives easier and more enjoyable.  From the time our
       forefathers colonized the shores of a new land, up till the
       time of the modern day super-conductor: people have created
       devices and made discoveries on our behalf to make life
       easier for everyone.
           Before the early nineteenth century communications
       were inadequate.  The limitations of our hearing meant that
       distant events were known long after they had occurred.
       Systems of communication existed which were quicker then the
       speed of a messenger - smoke signals, fires lit on hills,
       signalling flags. But these methods could only be used for
       communicating in code with pre-established sayings rather
       than out-right communication. These methods also required
       certain meteorological or geographical conditions in order to
       function properly.
           In the nineteenth century conditions were present that
       made the need for new forms of communications indispensable.
       Industrial society needed a method of communicating
       information quickly, safely and accurately. Artist-inventor
       Samuel F.B. Morse holds credit for devising American's first
       commercially successful electromagnetic telegraph (patented
       in January 1836).  The telegraph was a device used to
       electrically send signals over a wire for long distances
       allowing an established communication link to be made from
       one city to another. (And everything in-between.)  The basic
       principle of the telegraph was the opening and closing of an
       electrical circuit supplied by a battery: the variations of
       the current in the electromagnet would attract or repel a
       small arm connected to a pencil which would trace zigzag
       signs onto a strip of paper running under the arm at a
       constant speed.  This early plan didn't offer great practical
       possibilities, mainly because the batteries then available
       could not produce a current strong enough to push the signal
       great distances.
           As an artist and sculptor, Morse had the personal
       qualities to succeed as inventor of the telegraph:
       intelligence, persistence, and a willingness to learn. What
       he lacked was: knowledge of recent scientific developments,
       adequate funds, mechanical ability, and political influence.
       Like all successful inventors of the nineteenth century,
       Morse exploited his strengths and worked on his weaknesses.
           Morse used Professor Leonard D. Gale's suggestions of
       improving both his battery and electromagnet by following the
       suggestions of Joseph Henry. Together they incorporated
       Henry's suggestions and stepped up the distance they could
       send messages from fifty feet to ten miles. This invention,
       no less important than the telegraph itself, was the so-
       called relay system, widely used today for automatic controls
       and adjustments. Morse introduced a series of electromagnets
       along the line, each of which opened and shut the switch of a
       successive electric circuit, supplied by it's own battery.
       At the same time Morse improved the transmitting and
       receiving devices and perfected the well-know signalling
       system based on dots and dashes, which is still in use today.
           The first telegraph line, connecting Baltimore to New
       York, was inaugurated in 1844. Before this however, on May
       24th, 1843 wires were strung between Washington and Baltimore
       where Morse sent the first message from the Supreme Court
       room in Washington to Alfred Vail, Morse's assistant who was
       in Baltimore at a railroad depot (41 miles away): "What hath
       God wrought?"
           On May 29th, 1844 word flashed by wire from the
       democratic convention in Baltimore that James K. Polk had
       been nominated for the Presidency. People were fascinated by
       the "Magic key" and it was decided that the telegraph would
       be used for now to report congressional doings.
           By 1848 every state east of the Mississippi except
       Florida was served be the telegraph; by the end of the civil
       war more than 200,000 miles of line were used for business
       communications and personal messages as well as news of
       battles, politics, and sports results. The telegraph was a
       success. Samuel F. B. Morse died in 1872.
           While communications were important in the nineteenth
       century, there were some other inventions that made life a
       little easier. In April of 1849, Walter Hunt patented his
       invention which to this day we probably wouldn't get by
       without. Hunt invented the safety pin, patented it, and then
       without hesitation sold all rights to the pin for $400.  In
       1846, Elias Howe invented the sewing machine which "was
       becoming a fixture in the homes of [all] American newlyweds."
       Soon to be followed by industry turning it's attention to the
       home by producing labor-saving appliances - novelties that
       soon became necessities.
           Charles Goodyear, one of the nineteenth century's
       greatest inventors and father of today's vast rubber industry
       discovered vulcanization, the process that toughens rubber
       and rids it of stickiness, in January of 1839.
           The riddle of rubber - how to prevent the stuff from
       becoming sticky in the summer, brittle in the winter and
       horrid-smelling in between. After years of anguish, Goodyear
       discovered quite by accident that by adding sulphur to raw
       rubber and heating the material from four to six hours at
       about 270 degrees F. the rubber would be cured by the sulphur
       resulting in increased strength and stiffness while
       preserving its flexibility.
           After spending many hundreds of hours, Goodyear, in his
       make-shift lab adding one substance after another to rid the
       rubber of it's natural stickiness using every ingredient he
       could get his hands on to put into the rubber mixture, (He
       used salt, paper, talcum powder, anything...) one afternoon
       when all else had failed, Goodyear dropped by accident a
       mixture of sulphur and rubber onto his hot stovetop. Goodyear
       looked at the blob in disbelief because it didn't melt as
       "gum elastic" always had in the past. Instead, it solidified
       and "[the rubber] charred like leather".
           Before Goodyear's discovery, rubber's bad qualities
       permitted few uses. French savants had studied the new
       substance for waterproof qualities; someone had found that
       the gray gum rubbed out pencil marks on paper, and thus the
       word "rubber" was born.
           By 1839 British manufacturers had learned a few other
       uses for uncured rubber. Charles Macintosh, a chemist,
       patented in 1823 a fabric that included a thin layer of
       rubber. From this he made raincoats that in England, the
       climate helped satisfy purchasers. In American winters they
       hardened like armor, in American summers it they softened
       like taffy.
           Eldest son of Amasa Goodyear, a New Haven merchant and
       sometimes inventor, Charles helped his father sell a
       "Patented Spring Steel Hay and Manure Fork" invented by his
       father.  Amasa manufactured the first pearl buttons made in
       America and metal buttons that U.S. soldiers wore in the war
       of 1812.
           Goodyear foresaw many products - rubber gloves, toys,
       conveyor belts, watertight seals, water-filled rubber
       pillows, balloons, printing rollers, and rubber bands were
       among some of the brainstorms he would jot down, one after
       the other into his notebook.
           Also envisioned were rubber banknotes, musical
       instruments, flags, jewelry, "imitation buffalo-robes," vanes
       or "sails" for windmills, and ship's sails, even complete
       ships. While the automobile tire did escape his imagination,
       it was not without reason - the auto hadn't been invented
           From barbed wire to keep our railways safe, to revolvers
       to keep our country safe, the nineteenth century marked a big
       boom in inventive history. Soon following all of these
       inventions, the civil war became a full blown testing field
       for all these inventions. Whether it was the coin operated
       hairbrush meant for public restrooms, or the automatic hat
       tipper (for when women are near and your hands are occupied,)
       the inventions of this time proved to be both interesting and
       useful. Well, most of them.
           Today, we still use a lot of the inventions of the early
       nineteenth century, but technology is passing us by at a pace
       we may not be ready for. Inventions are no longer just there
       to make life easier, safer, more enjoyable, and more
       entertaining, but they give us something to keep us occupied
       in this never-ending quest for - "perfectness?"
           Maybe in a hundred years someone will be looking back
       through their history books, searching though the libraries
       of the future and seeing our super-conductors, our computers,
       our High Definition t.v.s, our Super VHS video recorders, and
       our Digital Audio Tape players. Could they be saying "isn't
       that silly" just like the coin operated hairbrush, or the
       combination food masher/rat and mouse trap (?) Time will
         Men Of Science and Invention
       - Editors of American Heritage
         Published American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc.
         Harper & Row (c)1960
         Those Inventive Americans
       - Poduced by National Geographic Society Publications Div.
         Published N.G.S
         N.G.S. (c)1971
         Big Brother 
       - The Works (617) 861-8976
         Largest Text File Base  (FBBS)  Spam! Spam! Spam!
         (c)1990 Homework Helper!
         The Picture History of Inventions
       - Umberto Eco & G.B. Zorzoli (Translated from italian by
         Anthony Lawrence)
         Malmillan Co., NY. (c)1963
         Various photocopied charts and pictures from other
       references were also used.

Special thanks to Big Brother… since he did all of the actual work for you!