What Someone with Mineral Lore at 51% Knows
    People in Glorantha have as much trouble telling gems apart

as people on Earth do. They may have more, because the shape of a stone gives no information about it. With some exceptions, any stone could have its shape because a sorceror formed it that way. Sorcerors can also mold a mottled or banded stone like clay until it has a consistent color. Sorcerors or simple craftsmen can change a stone's texture. This leaves color, transparency, toughness, and fragility as the main distinguishing characteristics. Glass is the great unknown. It can be flecked, banded, layered, milky, silky or catseye. It can be transparent or translucent, or opaque if a dark color.

Notes: s = solid (assume all gems are solid unless an m or b note


f = flecked m = milky or waxy b = banded l = layered c = catseye w = waxy g = glittering Multicolored stones are of the same transparency as solid stones of the same type; where there is none, Tp (Transparent), Tl (Translucent), or O (Opaque) appears.

If it is… Then the gem could be: Black and

 Transparent         Diamond, or Zircon
 Translucent         Diamond, or Zircon
 Opaque                    Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony (dyed),
                           Coral (s, f), Jet (s, f, g, w), Obsidian
                           (s, f, b), Pearl

Blue and

 Transparent         Aquamarine, Diamond, Jewelflor (whitish),
                     Quartz, Sapphire, or Zircon
 Translucent         Aquamarine, Jewelflor (whitish), Quartz, or
 Opaque              Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony (dyed), Coral
                     (s, f), Lapis Lazuli (f), Pearl, Turquoise
                     (s, f)

Brown and

 Transparent         Diamond
 Opaque              Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony (f, or dyed s),
                     Jet (s, f, g, w), Petrified Wood, Sard,
                     Tiger's Eye, or Topaz
 Orange              Hawk's Eye (O: c)
 Yellow              Chalcedony (b)
 Yellow & White      Chalcedony (b) 

Clear and

 Transparent         Diamond, Jewelflor, Quartz, or Zircon
 Translucent         Jewelflor (m, w), or Zircon

Gray and

 Translucent         Agate, 
 Opaque              Agate (f), Alabaster (dyed), Bezoar (s, f),
                     Chalcedony (dyed), Echostone (s, f),
                     Ironrock, Pearl, Petrified Wood, or Prase
 Orange              Agate (b)

Green and

 Transparent         Aquamarine (bluish), Arkatite (in daylight),
                     Diamond, Emerald (s, f, b), Jewelflor,
                     Quartz, Sapphire (bluish), or Zircon
 Translucent         Aquamarine (bluish), Emerald (s, f, b), Jade
                     (s, f, m, b), Jewelflor (m, w), Sapphire
 Opaque              Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony (dyed),
                     Chrysoprase (f, b), Grow Stone (s, f), Jade
                     (s, f, m, b), Jewelflor (m, w, g), Prase
 Brown               Chrysoprase (b), Jade (f, b)
 White               Chrysoprase (b, f), Jade (f, b)

Orange and

 Transparent         Amber, Diamond, Zircon
 Translucent         Agate
 Opaque              Agate (f), Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony
                     (dyed), Grow Stone
 Brown               Hawk's Eye (o)
 Gray                Agate (b)

Pink and

 Transparent         Quartz, Ruby, or Zircon
 Translucent         Ruby
 Opaque              Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony (dyed), Coral
                     (s, f), Grow Stone, Sard, 

Red and

 Transparent         Amber, Arkatite (by firelight), Ruby
 Translucent         Almandine, Cornelian (m, w), Ruby
 Opaque              Alabaster (dyed), Bloodstone (f), Chalcedony
                     (dyed), Coral (s, f)
 Black               Bloodstone (f), Coral (f, b), Jasper (O: b,
 Brown               Bloodstone (f), Coral (f), Jasper (O: b, f)
 Green               Bloodstone (f)
 Orange              Jasper (O: b, f)
 White               Jasper (O: b, f)
     Onyx (dark and light), Opal (spectrum of speckles), Tiger's
    Eye (brown and yellow, perhaps with red lines), or Turquoise
    (blue and one or more of: black, brown, or white)

Violet and

 Transparent         Amethyst, Jewelfor (whitish), Zircon
 Translucent         Almandine, Jewelflor (whitish)
 Opaque              Amethyst (f), Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony
                     (f, b, or dyed s), Grow Stone 
 White               Amethyst (b), Chalcedony (b), Jade (f, b),
                     Jewelflor (m)

White and

 Transparent         Jewelflor
 Translucent         Alabaster (see notes), Jade (s, f, b)
 Opaque              Alabaster (natural), Chalcedony (b or dyed
                     s), Coral, Grow Stone, Ivory, Jade (s, f, b),
 Violet              Amethyst (b), Chalcedony (b), Jade (f, b)
 Yellow & Brown      Chalcedony (b), Jade (f, b)

Yellow and

 Transparent         Amber, Chrysoberyl (s, c), Diamond, Zircon
 Translucent         Jade (f, b), Jewelflor
 Opaque              Alabaster (dyed), Chalcedony (f, b, or dyed
                     s), Grow Stone, Ivory, Jade (s, f, m, b),
 Brown               Chalcedony (f or b), Jade (f, b)
 Brown & White       Chalcedony (f or b), Jade (f)

Gem Color(s) Transparency AGATE O, Gy, banded Op, Tl ALABASTER W Op ALMANDINE R-Vt Tl AMBER O, Y, or R Tp, Tl AMETHYST Vt (+W) Tp (W=Op) AQUAMARINE Bu, Bu-Gn Tp, (Tl) ARKATITE Gn in daylight, lt R by firelight

               or magical light                        Tl

BEZOAR Gray Op BLOODSTONE Dark Gn + R Op CHALCEDONY banded/mottled waxy, dull, or


CHRYSOBERYL golden-Y Tp CHRYSOPRASE mottled/banded Gn Tl and Op CORAL R, W, P, Bk, Bu Op CORNELIAN cherry R waxy or milky DIAMOND C, Y, Bn, Bu, Gn, O, Bk Tp ECHOSTONE Gray Op EMERALD Gn Tp or Tl


GLASS Any Tp or Tl GROW STONE Gn Op HAWK'S EYE O + Bn striped Op IRONROCK Gray Op IVORY W Op JADE Gn, W or Y Op, Tl JASPER dark red and white, brown, or

               black, striped/spotted                  Op 

JET Bk, Bn Op JEWELFLOR W, C, W/Gn, W/Bu Tp LAPIS LAZULI Bu (spotted/striped) Op OBSIDIAN Bk Op ONYX even layers dark and light,

               especially white and black              Op

OPAL iridescent rainbow Tp, Op PEARL W, Bk, Bu, G Op PETRIFIED WOOD Bn, Gy Op PRASE Lt Gy-Gn, mottled Op QUARTZ C Tp RUBY R Tp, Tl SAPPHIRE Bu or Bu-Gn Tp SARD R-Bn Tp or milky TIGER'S EYE Bn + Y striped, (+ dark R lines) Op TOPAZ Bn or Y, too deep to be

               chrysoberl, or Gn- or R-tinted 
               yellow stones                           Tp, Tl

TURQUOISE Bu (+Bk, Bn, or W) Op ZIRCON variety Tl