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_ Introduction to WarCom 5

What is WarCom?

I'm not the author, but I can say WarCom is an awesome, very powerful, front-end for IRCII. WarCom fixes some of the frusturation that IRC novices AND experts have. When it comes to channel security, ease-of-use, reliability, and just plain good looks, WarCom is the #1 choice for IRC users.

Well, I have it, now what do I do?

Okay, congratulations, you already know you have your hands on a magic book of Wisdom. :) Change to the directory that the WarCom 5 files are, and then, type:

gzip -dc WarCom5.tar.gz | tar xvf -

You should then get a lot of filenames spit out to your screen, this is the OK that the files are uncompressing. If you recieve an error like, 'gzip: Command not found' Check your path, or talk to your local UNIX guru.

Okay! It's uncompressed! Now what .. .?

Your done with the hard part! Now, just load IRC, and type, /load warcom, and watch it fly. From here .. I recommend typing a '/?', I warn you, do NOT, and I say it again, do NOT type /alias. :) Some of the cool commands are:

/a Clear all bans!

/a+ Open a window, and a file, and turn on your answering


/a- Close the window, and file, and turn OFF your answering


/k Pick a neato random kick, and kick the person you


/sb Take that persons nick and place a random screwban on


Hah! This is only a FRACTION of what the WarCom package can do, I recommend spending 2 hours looking at all the help items, and if you want more information, (IRC experts), look at the code.

I, myself, am not a hardcore IRCII hacker, but I have just enough brains to code a cool bot, and mod a lot of warcom. I am NOT the original author, his Email address is listed in the warcom file.

I will answer any questions you have regarding the WarCom 5 update, though.

  1. TheFuture
/home/ · Last modified: 2000/11/25 03:22 by

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