
The following is an 'episode guide' to the stories which I have written. Included in this list are the dates upon which they were written, and a brief plot summary (which in no way reveals the ending of the story itself).


(Jan 14 1986) OFF GUARD

Bus rider Sam meets fellow bus rider Dave Harris on the County Transit one afternoon, as well as helping him make a 'personally fulfulling' decision.


High school senior Jason Peters has just failed his English exam, forcing him to repeat the twelfth grade. In his anger, he returns to the campus parking lot that evening and confronts his teacher with thoughts of revenge.

(Feb 13 1986) IN THE DARK

After learning that a serial killer is lurking somewhere in the local neighborhood, a frightened young girl named Ellen sees and hears the man enter her bedroom window, while she can only lay in bed, helpless.

(Mar 20 1986) PRESSED FOR TIME

High-ranking executive Stephen Rodgers' promotion hinges on the contract he would negotiate today, which means he must make the meeting on time. Unfortunately for him, however, his car breaks down in the middle of a broiling desert. In a panic, he is forced to shoot a gas station attendant who refuses him service.

(Mar 30 1986) TRANSFERENCE

Jeffery Higgins wakes up one morning only to discover that he has two new parents, a sister whom he has never seen before, and a school filled with teachers and students that he cannot identify.


Darren Fitzgerald is hopelessly in love with Julie Evans, a girl who regards him as just a friend. Overcome with jealousy, Darren secretly follows Julie on one of her dates, only to witness her brutally knife the boy to death.

(Apr 7 1986) ANNIVERSARY

Tonight is Trevor and Tiffany's one-year anniversary of seeing each other. Unfortunately, their plans are cut short when Tiffany must do some extra work for her boss, so Trevor must return home. Moments later, Trevor recieves a phone call from the distraught Tiffany, who has just broken down after losing some valued papers her boss needed. Trevor must now rush to her apartment and prevent the emotionally-frail girl from hanging herself.

(May 4 1986) FATAL ERROR

Peter Mariani learns that his girlfriend Kristi is going out with another boy named Steve. Completely by chance, Peter notices Steve stuck at the side of the road with car troubles. In a fit of madness while offering Steve aid, he slams his foot down on the gas pedal and kills him.


Middle-aged Roger has an unusual hobby.. making explosives. One afternoon, he purchases a small can of hairspray. Taking it home, he empties it and inserts his own chemicals, turning it into a flame-thrower. Completely horrified (yet slightly interested) in what he is about to do, he returns to the store and puts the deadly can back on the shelf, ready to be bought by someone else.

(May 11 1986) IMAGINATION

Adam has trouble with his attention span. He hasn't got one. Every time somebody talks to him, his mind wanders onto something else. His daydreams get him into trouble in the classroom one day, and he is sent to the office. Unfortunately for him and his principal, he begins to daydream once more.

(May 18 1986) DESIGN-A-LIFE

While flipping through the Yellow Pages one afternoon, Scott Campbell comes across an company called "Design-A-Life", which claims that they can restructure your life according to your own personal wishes.

(May 24 1986) SPUR OF THE MOMENT

Nagged beyond belief by his wife Elyse, Jerry Samuels decides to escape from the house and go jogging. Unfortunately, he can't keep his troubled mind off his nagging wife, and begins to stalk a young girl.

(May 30 1986) THE CLOSET

Carole Anne hates her baby sitter Sherry, and decides to hide from her when she comes up the stairs. Quickly putting everything away, Carole Anne rushes into her bedroom closet and closes the door quickly, accidentally locking it.

(Jun 12 1986) SALES GIMMICK

Little Tina and Billy wander into a toy store, anxiously waiting for the clown to give them a balloon. When the other children are too loud and pushy, Tina and Billy wander into the back of the store, where they stumble into a darkened cavern.

(Jun 27 1986) GHOST TOWN

Written exclusively for FiascoWorld AE's Western Theme Week, this file is (as you might have guessed) is a western. A mysterious gentleman enters a saloon. Ridiculed and threatened because of his strange clothing, he promptly turns around and shoots one of the customers. Because of his actions, he is sentenced to death the next day.

(Jul 9 1986) MANACLED

Police Sergeant Ben Rockwell must escort convicted criminal Steven Fontaine to San Quentin by train. Fontaine's wrists are handcuffed, and his feet are locked around the base of the seat. Fontaine offers Rockwell the two hundred- thousand dollars he stole if he unlocks him and sets him free.

(Jul 19 1986) AFTER YOU

Jerry Samuels (no relation to the man in SPUR OF THE MOMENT), is propositioned by a mysterious man named Arthur, who promises one million dollars if Jerry will "kill the first person who walks through that door", and hands him a gun.


(Jul 16 1986) NEW PRODUCTS

A fake compilation of "nifty new items" available for your Apple computer within the next year. (yeah, RIGHT).

(Jul 21 1986) M0RE SEX!!

I was tired of all the 'sex files' being written, so I wrote one of my own. The difference: this one has absolutely no sex.


Two files, DEAD END and ACCIDENT, have not been included in this list, because I haven't got them anymore. I absolutely CANNOT find them on any of my disks. Who cares. They were stupid anyway.
