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<The almost deafening roar from the main blade of a busy sawmill threatens to

drive your senses into overload as you descend the rickety ladder into….. THE RUMOR MILL!> Hi! My code name is Boffo and I'm pleased you could take this trip into my little Rumor Mill! That'll be twenty bucks. <he riffles through your cash> Thank you. Now, let's start with a tour of the manufacture of computer industry rumors, okay?

<Boffo leads you down yet another rickety rank of rungs; the incessant whine

of the blade grows yet a little dimmer.>

Here we are!	<You're gazing into a cavernous room in which every figure seems

peripheral and furtive.> It's a little distracting until you get used to it, but this is where all the high-tech rumors are born and disseminated!

<A paper airplane sails across your line of sight; your head twitches slightly

as you flinch involuntarily when a trial balloon looms off to your right.>

I know how you must feel.  This place is a traffic jam of trial balloons, red

herrings, whisper campaigns, leaks and boardroom ennui. Never mind all that – it's just window dressing! You want to see a rumor in-the-making?

<Boffo leads you through the fog through a massive set of steel doors into a

cramped office with a clean desk and a red telephone with "Jobs" scrawled in magic marker on the handset.>

We have a special place in our hearts for this guy Jobs.  He started it all a

few years back by himself leaking important rumors about his former company.

<Boffo stifles a merry belly laugh> What a crutch!
<Ring!  Ring!>
<Boffo snaps up the phone and listens, eyes widening, to a voice on the line.>
Thanks!  <Click.> Here's one for your twenty bucks:  Big Blue is going to

re-release the PCjr with Unix to sink MS-DOS and torch Ma's combo sally!

<Ring!  Ring!> <Boffo again yanks the handset to his red left ear.>
Huh?	Uh-huh.  Hmmmm.  Okay.	Thanks.  <Click.>
Okay, since you're here, I'll tell you another one for free:  Apple's about to

announce the McDLT – a hybrid McIntosh with a cool-touch screen and even hotter capes that'll – <suddenly a loud buzzer staccatoes; a low, wailing siren starts to doppler toward you>

OMIGOSH!  <Boffo heads pall-mall toward the now-closing steel doors> Let's get

outa here!

<Panting, chugging, you run desperately behind Boffo, avoiding few of the

dangling cobwebs that never seem to touch Boffo, you finally run smack-dab into his back, nearly knocking him over. A cool envelope of unconsciousness enfolds you…>

<A flickering light, far away>
Wake up!  C'mon, buddy, wake UP!  <Boffo's ragtag visage slowly comes into

focus> Tour's over! Time for you to move along! See ya' next time, okay?

/home/ · Last modified: 1999/08/01 17:15 by

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