Typed Up By Landon Statis / ProAlt Networks

DEC VT-100 Compatible Cursor Command Sequences

Cursor Positioning Sequences

Name Sequence Default Description —- ——– ——- ———————————————–

CUU ESC[PnA 1 Cursor Up Sequence: moves the cursor up Pn

                           lines at same column.  Cursor stops at the top

CUD ESC[PnB 1 Cursor Down Sequence: moves the cursor down Pn

                           lines at same column.  Cursor stops at the bottom

CUF ESC[PnC 1 Cursor Forward Sequence: moves the cursor right

                           Pn columns in the current line.  The cursor stops
                           at the right margin.

CUB ESC[PnD 1 Cursor Backward Sequence: moves the cursor left

                           Pn columns in the current line.  The cursor stops
                           at the left margin.

CUP ESC[Pl;PcH Pl=1,Pc=1 Cursor Position: moves the cursor to line Pl,

                           column Pc.  If either the default values or 0 are
                           selected for Pl or Pc, the cursor moves to the
                           first line or the first column.
                           The numbering of lines and the ability to move
                           the cursor beyond the margins depends on the
                           origin mode selection.

HVP ESC[Pl;Pcf Pl=1,Pc=1 Horizontal And Vertical Position: this sequence

                           operates the same as the cursor position sequence

IND ESCD None Index: mov/es the cirsor down one line in the

                           same column.  If the cursor is at the bottom
                           margin a scroll up is performed unless the screen
                           lock mode is set.  In this case, the index
                           sequence is ignored.

RI ESCM 1 Reverse Index: moves the cursor up one line in

                           the same column.  If the cursor is at the top
                           margin, a scroll down is performed unless the
                           screen lock mode is set.  In this case, the
                           reverse index sequence is ingnored.

NEL ESCE None Next Line: moves the cirsor down to the first

                           column on the next line.  If the cursor is at the
                           bottom margin, a scroll up is performed unless
                           the screen lock mode ius set.  In this case, the
                           cursor is moved to the first column on the bottom
                           line and the scroll up is not performed.

SC ESC7 None Save Cursor: saves the current cursor position,

                           graphics rendition (screen attributes) and
                           character set selection.

RC ESC8 None Restore cursor: restores the previously saved

                           cursor position, graphics rendition, and
                           set selection.  If none were saved, the cursor
                           moves to the origin.

Erasing Sequences

Name Sequence Default Description —- ——– ——- ———————————————–